105 results found.

SVS-Vistek exo174MGE
CASK100 SVS-Vistek exo174MGE
1920 x 1200 IMX174 GigE Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo249MGE
CASK101 SVS-Vistek exo249MGE
1920 x 1200 IMX249 GigE Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo265MGE
CASK102 SVS-Vistek exo265MGE
2048 x 1536 IMX265 GigE Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo4000MGE
CASK103 SVS-Vistek exo4000MGE
2048 x 2048 CMV4000 GigE Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo250MGE
CASK104 SVS-Vistek exo250MGE
2448 x 2048 IMX250 GigE Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo264MGE
CASK105 SVS-Vistek exo264MGE
2448 x 2048 IMX264 GigE Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo267MGE
CASK107 SVS-Vistek exo267MGE
4096 x 2160 IMX267 GigE Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo304MGE
CASK108 SVS-Vistek exo304MGE
4096 x 3000 IMX304 GigE Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo183MGE
CASK109 SVS-Vistek exo183MGE
5496 x 3672 IMX183 GigE Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo174CGE
CASK200 SVS-Vistek exo174CGE
1920 x 1200 IMX174 GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo249CGE
CASK201 SVS-Vistek exo249CGE
1920 x 1200 IMX249 GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo265CGE
CASK202 SVS-Vistek exo265CGE
2048 x 1536 IMX265 GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo4000CGE
CASK203 SVS-Vistek exo4000CGE
2048 x 2048 CMV4000 GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo250CGE
CASK204 SVS-Vistek exo250CGE
2448 x 2048 IMX250 GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo264CGE
CASK205 SVS-Vistek exo264CGE
2448 x 2048 IMX264 GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo267CGE
CASK207 SVS-Vistek exo267CGE
4096 x 2160 IMX267 GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo304CGE
CASK208 SVS-Vistek exo304CGE
4096 x 3000 IMX304 GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo183CGE
CASK209 SVS-Vistek exo183CGE
5496 x 3672 IMX183 GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo174MU3
CASK150 SVS-Vistek exo174MU3
1920 x 1200 IMX174 USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo249MU3
CASK151 SVS-Vistek exo249MU3
1920 x 1200 IMX249 USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo252MU3
CASK152 SVS-Vistek exo252MU3
2048 x 1536 IMX252 USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo265MU3
CASK153 SVS-Vistek exo265MU3
2048 x 1536 IMX265 USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo4000MU3
CASK154 SVS-Vistek exo4000MU3
2048 x 2048 CMV4000 USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo250MU3
CASK155 SVS-Vistek exo250MU3
2448 x 2048 IMX250 USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo264MU3
CASK156 SVS-Vistek exo264MU3
2448 x 2048 IMX264 USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo255MU3
CASK159 SVS-Vistek exo255MU3
4096 x 2160 IMX255 USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo267MU3
CASK160 SVS-Vistek exo267MU3
4096 x 2160 IMX267 USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo253MU3
CASK163 SVS-Vistek exo253MU3
4096 x 3000 IMX253 USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo304MU3
CASK164 SVS-Vistek exo304MU3
4096 x 3000 IMX304 USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo694MU3
CASK158 SVS-Vistek exo694MU3
2752 x 2200 ICX694 USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo814MU3
CASK161 SVS-Vistek exo814MU3
3360 x 2200 ICX814 USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo174CU3
CASK250 SVS-Vistek exo174CU3
1920 x 1200 IMX174 USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo249CU3
CASK251 SVS-Vistek exo249CU3
1920 x 1200 IMX249 USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo252CU3
CASK252 SVS-Vistek exo252CU3
2048 x 1536 IMX252 USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo265CU3
CASK253 SVS-Vistek exo265CU3
2048 x 1536 IMX265 USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo4000CU3
CASK254 SVS-Vistek exo4000CU3
2048 x 2048 CMV4000 USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo250CU3
CASK255 SVS-Vistek exo250CU3
2448 x 2048 IMX250 USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo264CU3
CASK256 SVS-Vistek exo264CU3
2448 x 2048 IMX264 USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo694CU3
CASK258 SVS-Vistek exo694CU3
2752 x 2200 ICX694 USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo255CU3
CASK259 SVS-Vistek exo255CU3
4096 x 2160 IMX255 USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo267CU3
CASK260 SVS-Vistek exo267CU3
4096 x 2160 IMX267 USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo814CU3
CASK261 SVS-Vistek exo814CU3
3360 x 2200 ICX814 USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo253CU3
CASK263 SVS-Vistek exo253CU3
4096 x 3000 IMX253 USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo304CU3
CASK264 SVS-Vistek exo304CU3
4096 x 3000 IMX304 USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo304CGETR "Tracer"
CASK460 SVS-Vistek exo304CGETR "Tracer"
4096 x 3000 IMX304 Color GigE MFT Camera

SVS-Vistek exo183CGETR "Tracer"
CASK461 SVS-Vistek exo183CGETR "Tracer"
5496 x 3672 IMX183 Color GigE MFT Camera

SVS-Vistek exo273MGE
CASK110 SVS-Vistek exo273MGE
1440 x 1080 IMX273 GigE Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo273CGE
CASK210 SVS-Vistek exo273CGE
1440 x 1080 IMX273 GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo250ZU3
CASK195 SVS-Vistek exo250ZU3
2448 x 2048 IMX250MZR USB3 Polarization Camera

SVS-Vistek exo183MU3
CASK165 SVS-Vistek exo183MU3
5496 x 3672 IMX183 USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo183CU3
CASK265 SVS-Vistek exo183CU3
5496 x 3672 IMX183 USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo990MGE
CASK3001 SVS-Vistek exo990MGE
SWIR camera, 1280 x 1024, 94 FPS, GigE

SVS-Vistek exo250ZGE
CASK190 SVS-Vistek exo250ZGE
2448 x 2048 IMX250MZR GigE Polarization Camera

SVS-Vistek exo253ZGE
CASK191 SVS-Vistek exo253ZGE
4096 x 3000 IMX253MZR GigE Polarization Camera

SVS-Vistek exo547MGE
CASK111 SVS-Vistek exo547MGE
2448 x 2048 IMX547 GigE Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo547CGE
CASK211 SVS-Vistek exo547CGE
2448 x 2048 IMX273 GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo428MGE
CASK112 SVS-Vistek exo428MGE
3208 x 2200 IMX428 GigE Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo428MU3
CASK157 SVS-Vistek exo428MU3
3208 x 2200 IMX428 USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo428CGE
CASK212 SVS-Vistek exo428CGE
3208 x 2200 IMX428 GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo428CU3
CASK257 SVS-Vistek exo428CU3
3208 x 2200 IMX428 USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo546MGE
CASK113 SVS-Vistek exo546MGE
2840 x 2840 IMX546 GigE Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo546CGE
CASK213 SVS-Vistek exo546CGE
2840 x 2840 IMX546 GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo545MGE
CASK114 SVS-Vistek exo545MGE
4096 x 3000 IMX545 GigE Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo545CGE
CASK214 SVS-Vistek exo545CGE
4096 x 3000 IMX545 GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo540MGE
CASK115 SVS-Vistek exo540MGE
5320 x 4600 IMX540 GigE Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo540CGE
CASK215 SVS-Vistek exo540CGE
5320 x 4600 IMX540 GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo540MU3
CASK166 SVS-Vistek exo540MU3
5320 x 4600 IMX540 USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo540CU3
CASK266 SVS-Vistek exo540CU3
5320 x 4600 IMX540 USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo542MGE
CASK116 SVS-Vistek exo542MGE
5320 x 3032 IMX542 GigE Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo542CGE
CASK216 SVS-Vistek exo542CGE
5320 x 3032 IMX542 GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo542MU3
CASK167 SVS-Vistek exo542MU3
5320 x 3032 IMX542 USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo542CU3
CASK267 SVS-Vistek exo542CU3
5320 x 3032 IMX542 USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo541MGE
CASK117 SVS-Vistek exo541MGE
4504 x 4504 IMX541 GigE Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo541CGE
CASK217 SVS-Vistek exo541CGE
4504 x 4504 IMX541 GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo541MU3
CASK168 SVS-Vistek exo541MU3
4504 x 4504 IMX541 USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo541CU3
CASK268 SVS-Vistek exo541CU3
4504 x 4504 IMX541 USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo991MGE
CASK3000 SVS-Vistek exo991MGE
SWIR camera, 640 x 512, 260 FPS, GigE

SVS-Vistek exo264ZGE
CASK192 SVS-Vistek exo264ZGE
2448 x 2048 IMX264MZR GigE Polarization Camera

SVS-Vistek exo253ZU3
CASK196 SVS-Vistek exo253ZU3
4096 x 3000 IMX253MZR USB3 Polarization Camera

SVS-Vistek exo264ZU3
CASK197 SVS-Vistek exo264ZU3
2448 x 2048 IMX264MZR USB3 Polarization Camera

SVS-Vistek exo342MGE
CASK119 SVS-Vistek exo342MGE
6464 x 4852 IMX342 GigE Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo342MU3
CASK169 SVS-Vistek exo342MU3
6464 x 4852 IMX342 USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo342CGE
CASK219 SVS-Vistek exo342CGE
6464 x 4852 IMX342 GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo342CU3
CASK269 SVS-Vistek exo342CU3
6464 x 4852 IMX342 USB3 Color Camera

CASK914 SVS-Vistek
M42 to M42 Adapter for Zeiss Lenses

CASK915 SVS-Vistek
M42 to F-mount Adapter

SVS-Vistek exo387CGETR "Tracer"
CASK462 SVS-Vistek exo387CGETR "Tracer"
5456 x 3076 IMX387 Color GigE MFT Camera

SVS-Vistek exo367CGETR "Tracer"
CASK463 SVS-Vistek exo367CGETR "Tracer"
4416 x 4428 IMX367 Color GigE MFT Camera

SVS-Vistek exo304MGETR "Tracer"
CASK360 SVS-Vistek exo304MGETR "Tracer"
4096 x 3000 IMX304 Monochrome GigE MFT Camera

SVS-Vistek exo183MGETR "Tracer"
CASK361 SVS-Vistek exo183MGETR "Tracer"
5496 x 3672 IMX183 Monochrome GigE MFT Camera

SVS-Vistek exo387MGETR "Tracer"
CASK362 SVS-Vistek exo387MGETR "Tracer"
5456 x 3076 IMX387 Monochrome GigE MFT Camera

SVS-Vistek exo367MGETR "Tracer"
CASK363 SVS-Vistek exo367MGETR "Tracer"
4416 x 4428 IMX367 Monochrome GigE MFT Camera

SVS-Vistek exo387MGE
CASK120 SVS-Vistek exo387MGE
5456 x 3076 IMX387 GigE Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo990MU3
CASK3011 SVS-Vistek exo990MU3
SWIR camera, 1280 x 1024, 94 FPS, USB3

SVS-Vistek exo367CGE
CASK220 SVS-Vistek exo367CGE
4416 x 4428 IMX367LQA GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo387CGE
CASK221 SVS-Vistek exo387CGE
5456 x 3076 IMX387LQA GigE Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo367MU3
CASK170 SVS-Vistek exo367MU3
4416 x 4428 IMX367LLA USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo387MU3
CASK171 SVS-Vistek exo387MU3
5456 x 3076 IMX387LLA USB3 Mono Camera

SVS-Vistek exo367MU3TR "Tracer"
CASK364 SVS-Vistek exo367MU3TR "Tracer"
4416 x 4428 IMX367LLA Mono USB3 MFT Camera

SVS-Vistek exo387MU3TR "Tracer"
CASK365 SVS-Vistek exo387MU3TR "Tracer"
5456 x 3076 IMX387LLA Mono USB3 MFT Camera

SVS-Vistek exo367CU3
CASK270 SVS-Vistek exo367CU3
4416 x 4428 IMX367LQA USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo367CU3TR "Tracer"
CASK468 SVS-Vistek exo367CU3TR "Tracer"
4416 x 4428 IMX367LQA Color USB3 MFT Camera

SVS-Vistek exo387MU3
CASK271 SVS-Vistek exo387MU3
5456 x 3076 IMX387LQA USB3 Color Camera

SVS-Vistek exo387CU3TR "Tracer"
CASK469 SVS-Vistek exo387CU3TR "Tracer"
5456 x 3076 IMX387LQA Color USB3 MFT Camera

SVS-Vistek exo367MGE
CASK118 SVS-Vistek exo367MGE
4416 x 4428 IMX367 GigE Mono Camera