Image shows a Sony IMX267LQR


Sony IMX267LQR

4112 x 2176 1/1 Color CMOS

This item is displayed for reference only, and is not for sale.
8.9 MP Pregius sensor
3.45 µm high-sensitivity pixels
34 frames/second
Global shutter
17:9 aspect ratio

Built on Sony Pregius technology, this sensor offers excellent image quality.


Sensor Resolution: 4096 (h) x 2160 (v) pixels
Pixel Size: 3.45 µm
Sensor Size: 15.98 mm (1")
Sensor Active Area: 14.1312 (h) x 7.4520 (v) mm
Technology: CMOS Color Progressive Scan

Cameras that include this sensor:

CASK260 4096 x 2160 IMX267 USB3 Color Camera
CABR290 4096 x 2160 Color CMOS GigE Camera
CABR243 4096 x 2160 Color CMOS USB3 Camera
CASK207 4096 x 2160 IMX267 GigE Color Camera
CAZA1202 4096 x 2160 Color GigE Camera