pylon 8 Software Suite for Windows RELEASE NOTES Note: Patch versions of pylon for Windows OS are not released publicly. All changes made in patch versions are included in the following minor or major version of pylon. The version number scheme for pylon is as follows: x.y.z * First digit (x): Major version * Second digit (y): Minor version * Third digit (z): Patch version ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2024-12-03 VERSION: 8.0.2 (Windows) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ==================== * Data Processing = 3.0.1: Applications built with 3.0.x or earlier 3.x.x versions of the Data Processing are compatible. * pylon C SDK = 9.0.0: Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon C SDK are incompatible * pylon C++ SDK = 9.1.1: Applications built with 9.1.x or earlier 9.x.x versions of the pylon C++ SDK are compatible. * pylon .NET SDK = 1.2.0: Applications built with 1.2.x or earlier 1.x.x versions of the pylon .NET SDK are compatible. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ====================== * General: [313183] Added support for racer 2 line scan color cameras and the BiColor pixel format. * pylon Viewer: [297112] When modifying the profile line at its start or end, the current X and Y coordinates of this point are shown in a tooltip near the mouse pointer. * pylon Viewer: [301476] Added support for BiColor pixel formats in the status bar of the image display area. * pylon Viewer: [301474] Added support for BiColor pixel formats to the Histogram feature. * pylon Viewer: [301473] Added support for BiColor pixel formats to the Line Profile feature. * pylon Viewer: [297670] Improved positions of line profile axis ticks and labels. * GenTL/CXP: [315154] Added support for BiColor formats in GenTL. The formats are automatically converted to BGR packed or unpacked formats depending on the value of the 'OutputPackedFormats' feature in the Device XML * GenTL/CXP: [316516] More details can be logged for a running acquisition. Since some messages (like incoming frames) would be produced with the same frequency as the frame rate, a new log category `basler.GenTL.Acq` is now available to turn these messages on or off. The messages will be visible for the log level `NOTICE` or higher. * pylon C++ SDK: [312362] The CBaslerUniversalInstantCamera class has been updated. * pylon .NET SDK: [312362] The PLCamera class has been updated. CORRECTIONS =========== * pylon Viewer: [319153] Fixed several broken links. * pylon Viewer: [318731] Fixed an issue where sliders in the Features Pane showed an incorrect behavior when setting a value. * GigE: [313183] GigE Configurator now correctly configures interfaces of a multi port interface card which do not have a connection. * GigE: [316669] BlockID64 data is no longer cast to BlockID16 data by the driver. * Direct Show: [319213] The proper version of a linked dependency is now set. * vTools: [318406,319650] The Image Loading vTool can now load and save recipes in paths containing Unicode characters. RESTRICTIONS ============ * pylon Viewer: A new image throttle has been implemented in the pylon Viewer to improve overall stability and performance. This introduces a new restriction which affects the video recording feature of the pylon Viewer. Allowing only 250 images per second and camera in the imaging pipeline limits the ability to record every frame when exceeding this limit. * pylon Viewer: The Color Calibrator does not support all Basler color cameras. Due to a different camera feature set, Basler dart and boost V cameras are not supported. * pylon Viewer: Under certain circumstances, e.g., a very slow or busy computer, the Color Calibrator may not work if the camera has already been opened in the pylon Viewer. To prevent this, close the camera before using the Color Calibrator. * pylon Viewer: On computers with an Intel HD graphics card, it may be necessary to update the graphics driver to the current version. * pylon Viewer: Images grabbed by Stereo ace 2 cameras can't be displayed yet. * GenTL: Limited GenTL support for producers with GenTL version 1.4 and below. * GenTL/CXP: The compilation is done now with Visual Studio 2022, which makes the installation of the Visual Studio 2022 redistributables necessary in order to load the libraries * GenTL/CXP: The actual buffer size limit is 2 Gbit, which consequently imposes a restriction on the permissible values for Width and Height in the producer and result in that the maximum size of image is 2GB * GenTL/CXP: The fps limit is from 50.000 fps to 90.000 depending on the number of buffers and image size. For more detailed approximate values, 10 buffers and a minimal image size of 48x1 give a limit of approximately 50,000 FPS, 50 buffers and a minimal image size of 48x1, a limit of about 90,000 FPS and 50 buffers and an image size of 8192x1 a limit of approximately 50,000 FPS. * GenTL/CXP: When camera parameters are changed during image acquisition, the change isn't reflected in the frame grabber. This is because the GenTL Producer retrieves the relevant parameters (width, height, image format, etc.) before starting the acquisition and synchronizes these with the frame grabber. * GenTL/CXP: According to the GenTL standard, the device ID should remain constant between two sessions. However, the GenTL device ID changes when the applet is changed. Therefore, the device ID can only be reused if the applet has the same name as the applet with which the device ID was generated. * GenTL/CXP: If a version of the Basler Framegrabber SDK is installed on your computer, you may experience incompatibility issues when using CoaXPress cameras and interface cards. Therefore, Basler advises against installing pylon in parallel to the Framegrabber SDK. * GenTL/CXP: When allocating buffers used for grabbing, the buffer address must be aligned to 8-byte increments. This is automatically the case, if you use heap memory. * GenTL/CXP: Grabbing with very high frame rates above 50000 fps using the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C is not supported. * GenTL/CXP: In rare cases, the camera is not found after booting the computer. Power-cycle the camera to resolve this. * GenTL/CXP: When the DeviceUserID of a camera is changed, a restart of the GenTL Producer is required for the change to be reflected via the GenTL API. When using a GUI to interact with the camera via GenTL (i.e., the pylon Viewer), a restart of that application is required for the change to become visible. * GenTL/CXP: During an applet change, the cameras attached to an interface card are still displayed in the devices list even though they are not accessible anymore. An attempt to open a camera in this state leads to an error message. * GenTL/CXP: The GenTL BUFFER_INFO_FRAME_ID, which can be queried via DSGetBufferInfo, doesn't contain the source tag from the CXP image header. Instead, it contains a counter for all frames that have been delivered to the computer. * GenTL/CXP: If images are lost on the interface card due to a buffer overflow, e.g., when the user application doesn't (re)queue buffers fast enough to deliver the images, the images lost are indicated by the next delivered buffer. The lost images are marked as INCOMPLETE, their file size will be 0, and the custom error code BUFFER_INFO_BASLER_XAPI_ERROR_CODE is set to 42. Additionally, one lost frame is added to the stream info. Note that exactly one lost frame is added regardless of how many frames were lost due to the overflow. * GenTL/CXP: The Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C/2C/4C and imaWorx CXP-12 Quad acquisition cards require a host interface with PCIe Gen 3 x8 (Direct Memory Access) or better. Using slower host interfaces may reduce the camera's acquisition frame rate and cause image loss. * pylon C SDK: The pylon C API doesn't provide convenient functions to use GenDC and the Basler blaze 3D camera yet. * pylon C and C.NET SDK: For using the GenTL Consumer (e.g., with CoaXPress), additional functionality was added to pylon C to be able to start and stop streaming explicitly. This functionality has not been documented in the pylon C programmer's guide yet. Please refer to the pylon C++ programmer's guide (see chapter "Migrating from Previous Versions - Changes in the IStreamGrabber API") or the pylonC OverlappedGrab programming sample. * pylon C++ SDK: When building samples using CMake, you may run into a path length limitation of the operating system. You may get build errors stating the paths exceed the maximum path length of 260 characters. This may happen if the absolute path of your CMake build directory exceeds 80 characters. The build directory is the current working directory or the directory specified by the '-B' option when you call cmake. If you experience this error, use a build directory with a shorter path not exceeding 80 characters, i.e., directly in your user profile C:\Users\\Samples. You can enable long paths on Windows 10, Version 1607, and later. See the Microsoft documentation for more information. * pylon C++ SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * pylon C++ SDK: Some ace 2 cameras may use a Boolean parameter instead of the usual enumeration for event notifications. The following code snippets can be used to work around this issue. For C++ you can use: CBooleanParameter(camera.GetNodeMap(), "EventNotification").TrySetValue(true); in addition to: camera.EventNotification.TrySetValue(EventNotification_On); * pylon C++ SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * GigE: In case the error message "Failed to allocate resources." has been reported, Basler recommends using the pylon GigE Configurator tool to optimize the IP configuration of NICs and cameras. * GigE: Multiple IP configurations on a single network interface are not fully supported by the IP Configurator tool. * GigE: For optimum use of Basler's ace 2 5GigE and 1GigE cameras, Basler recommends using dual-channel DDR4-3600 RAM or better. Using slower RAM may cause buffer underruns and image loss. In addition, Basler recommends using the pylon GigE Configurator tool to optimize the complete setup. * USB: The Power Management used by the Intel USB host must be turned off since Basler U3V devices may get desynchronized. If this is the case the Basler U3V devices may be not available after booting the system in some cases. Disable LPM packages on the USB3 bus with the following steps 1. Enable advanced settings by executing the following command powercfg -attributes 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 d4e98f31-5ffe- 4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009 -ATTRIB_HIDE 2. Change the LPM settings in the power options - Open the Power Options in the control panel. - Click "Change plan settings" for the selected power plan. - Click "Change advanced power settings". - In the "Power Options" dialog on the "Advanced settings" tab, select "USB settings". - Set "USB 3 Link Power Management" to "Off". * MP4: MP4 video recording requires the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 to be installed in order to work. The pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 is available for download on the Basler website. * MP4: Recording of video files with cameras with resolutions of 20 MP or higher may fail, if the Quality parameter is set to 80 % or more. As a workaround, set the Quality parameter to a lower value. * MP4: The Recording feature doesn't support the Compression Beyond feature in ace 2 Pro cameras. When recording is started and the Compression Beyond feature is enabled, the pylon Viewer first disables the Compression Beyond feature in the camera and then starts recording. * 3D: Using Basler blaze 3D cameras requires the pylon Supplementary Package for blaze to be installed. The pylon Supplementary Package for blaze is available for download on the Basler website. * Direct Show: CoaXPress cameras are not supported with DirectShow driver. * pylon .NET SDK: Updating to this version of the .NET API requires you to update your .NET project files to reference the new assembly. This is required due to the VB2015 compatibility fix (interface class Basler.Pylon.IParameterListEnum was changed to ref class Basler.Pylon.ParameterListEnum). * pylon .NET SDK: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2024-10-25 VERSION: 8.0.1 (Windows) ################################################################################ NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ====================== * GenTL/CXP: [311175] Restructured existing log messages for compliance with the pylon event logging (PEL) framework. * GenTL/CXP: [300706] Added new logging library with enitity IDs to log messages, introduced more along with the modification of the existing ones * pylon Viewer: [316331] Improved pylon Viewer startup time. * pylon Viewer: [316268] Updated several icons in different areas of the pylon Viewer, e.g., Workbench and Camera API Generator. * Workbench: [316268] The recipe will now be forced to stop if execution isn't finished within 5 seconds after clicking the Stop button in the Workbench toolbar. * vTools: [316650] If an input ROI has been specified, the coordinates of the output regions (Semantic and Instance Segmentation) and bounding boxes (Object Detection and Instance Segmentation) refer to the original input image. In the previous version, the coordinates were given in relation to the ROI. * vTools: [316181] Added resources for vTool use cases that show you how to perform certain machine vision tasks, e.g., expiry date checks. The resources include recipes, sample images, and basic documentation. * vTools: [314581] Added new vTools: Data Synchronizer, Image Cropper, Image Stitcher, Image Transformer, and Region Combiner. CORRECTIONS =========== * GenTL/CXP: [300801] Fixed issue of contents of mfs file being empty * GenTL/CXP: [303262] Ensured that the HAP files Device xmls include only the process relevant to the current GenTL device, filtering out all others. * GenTL/CXP: [315763] Removed caching from HAP XMLs as the register dependencies are not exported by the HAP file. * GenTL/CXP: [303265] Prepended process identifiers to device names when multiple DMA acquisition channels per VA process exist, ensuring clear association of DMAs within the same process. * GenTL/CXP: [234116] Added functionality for FG-SDK to run and load applets from paths with non-latin characters * GenTL/CXP: [300663] Added support for imaFlex Penta framegrabber * GenTL/CXP: [316313] Before fixing this issue, many log messages contained redundant information. This has been fixed. Now, additional information (tags) is placed in trace level messages behind the actual message text. * pylon Viewer: [315618] The Data Privacy option in the Help menu now has the correct icon. * pylon Viewer: [315593] Corrected the sample code generated for vTool enumeration parameters in the Feature Documentation. * pylon AI Agent: [316192] Fixed display issues at certain resolutions and scaling settings. * vTools: [313333] The Image Loading vTool can now load recipes with unicode- paths. RESTRICTIONS ============ * pylon Viewer: A new image throttle has been implemented in the pylon Viewer to improve overall stability and performance. This introduces a new restriction which affects the video recording feature of the pylon Viewer. Allowing only 250 images per second and camera in the imaging pipeline limits the ability to record every frame when exceeding this limit. * pylon Viewer: The Color Calibrator does not support all Basler color cameras. Due to a different camera feature set, Basler dart and boost V cameras are not supported. * pylon Viewer: Under certain circumstances, e.g., a very slow or busy computer, the Color Calibrator may not work if the camera has already been opened in the pylon Viewer. To prevent this, close the camera before using the Color Calibrator. * pylon Viewer: On computers with an Intel HD graphics card, it may be necessary to update the graphics driver to the current version. * Workbench: Using multiple pin data views actively displaying data in the Workbench may cause an increase of the CPU load and degradation of the overall performance. Basler recommends using fewer pin data views whenever possible. * Workbench: The Statistics feature of the Workbench measures the execution times of vTools. The times measured in the Statistics feature may vary depending on the configuration of your system and the overall CPU load. This is so, because CPUs may run with different frequencies depending on the current load (e.g., due to dynamic frequency scaling). * CXP IC: For line scan applets, ranges of line period and line exposure aren't handled properly. The maximum values may be lower than expected. * pylon C SDK: The pylon C API doesn't provide convenient functions to use GenDC and the Basler blaze 3D camera yet. * pylon C SDK: For using the GenTL Consumer (e.g., with CoaXPress), additional functionality was added to pylon C to be able to start and stop streaming explicitly. This functionality has not been documented in the pylon C programmer's guide yet. Please refer to the pylon C++ programmer's guide (see chapter "Migrating from Previous Versions - Changes in the IStreamGrabber API") or the pylonC OverlappedGrab programming sample. * pylon C++ SDK: When building samples using CMake, you may run into a path length limitation of the operating system. You may get build errors stating the paths exceed the maximum path length of 260 characters. This may happen if the absolute path of your CMake build directory exceeds 80 characters. The build directory is the current working directory or the directory specified by the '-B' option when you call cmake. If you experience this error, use a build directory with a shorter path not exceeding 80 characters, i.e., directly in your user profile C:\Users\\Samples. You can enable long paths on Windows 10, Version 1607, and later. See the Microsoft documentation for more information. * pylon C++ SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * pylon C++ SDK: Some ace 2 cameras may use a Boolean parameter instead of the usual enumeration for event notifications. The following code snippets can be used to work around this issue. For C++ you can use: CBooleanParameter(camera.GetNodeMap(), "EventNotification").TrySetValue(true); in addition to: camera.EventNotification.TrySetValue(EventNotification_On); * GigE: In case the error message "Failed to allocate resources." has been reported, Basler recommends using the pylon GigE Configurator tool to optimize the IP configuration of NICs and cameras. * GigE: Multiple IP configurations on a single network interface are not fully supported by the IP Configurator tool. * pylon C++ SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * GigE: For optimum use of Basler's ace 2 5GigE and 1GigE cameras, Basler recommends using dual-channel DDR4-3600 RAM or better. Using slower RAM may cause buffer underruns and image loss. In addition, Basler recommends using the pylon GigE Configurator tool to optimize the complete setup. * GenTL: Limited GenTL support for producers with GenTL version 1.4 and below. * USB: The Power Management used by the Intel USB host must be turned off since Basler U3V devices may get desynchronized. If this is the case the Basler U3V devices may be not available after booting the system in some cases. Disable LPM packages on the USB3 bus with the following steps 1. Enable advanced settings by executing the following command powercfg -attributes 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 d4e98f31-5ffe- 4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009 -ATTRIB_HIDE 2. Change the LPM settings in the power options - Open the Power Options in the control panel. - Click "Change plan settings" for the selected power plan. - Click "Change advanced power settings". - In the "Power Options" dialog on the "Advanced settings" tab, select "USB settings". - Set "USB 3 Link Power Management" to "Off". * MP4: MP4 video recording requires the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 to be installed in order to work. The pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 is available for download on the Basler website. * MP4: Recording of video files with cameras with resolutions of 20 MP or higher may fail, if the Quality parameter is set to 80 % or more. As a workaround, set the Quality parameter to a lower value. * MP4: The Recording feature doesn't support the Compression Beyond feature in ace 2 Pro cameras. When recording is started and the Compression Beyond feature is enabled, the pylon Viewer first disables the Compression Beyond feature in the camera and then starts recording. * 3D: Using Basler blaze 3D cameras requires the pylon Supplementary Package for blaze to be installed. The pylon Supplementary Package for blaze is available for download on the Basler website. * Direct Show: CoaXPress cameras are not supported with DirectShow driver. * Twain: CoaXPress cameras are not supported with Twain driver. * pylon AI Agent: With certain resolutions and scaling settings, buttons may not be visible. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2024-09-24 VERSION: 8.0.0 (Windows) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ==================== * Data Processing = 3.0.1: Applications built with 3.0.x or earlier 3.x.x versions of the Data Processing are compatible. * pylon C SDK = 9.0.0: Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon C SDK are incompatible * pylon C++ SDK = 9.0.0: Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon C++ SDK are incompatible * pylon .NET SDK = 1.2.0: Applications built with 1.2.x or earlier versions of the pylon .NET SDK are compatible. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ====================== * General: [311182] Following Semantic Versioning 2.0, the pylon SDK library names now only state the major version number and not the minor version number anymore. * pylon AI Agent: [286592] The pylon AI Agent is used to deploy models to AI vTools. You can choose between deploying models via the pylon AI Platform or from storage. Models can be deployed on local or remote computers. * vTools: [286272, 286412, 285715, 285681] The following vTools have been added: - Object Detection - Classification - Semantic Segmentation - Instance Segmentation * pylon Viewer: [314565] Added pylon Event Logger as external tool in Tools menu. * pylon Viewer: [311582] The Automatic Image Adjustment feature is now available on dart M cameras. * pylon Viewer: [313572] Panes can now be closed via a context menu. * pylon Viewer: [308989] Added AI topics to the New Features and Learn More dialogs. * pylon Viewer: [305588] The Line Profile can now be reset to its initial position via the context menu of the image window. * pylon Viewer: [297026] Added a context menu to the Line Profile pane. * Workbench: [308021] The pin data view applies "Zoom to Fit" for the first image displayed. * Workbench: [308968] The "Zoom to Fit" feature in pin data views now scales seamlessly. * Workbench: [308991] On the Licensing tab of the Welcome dialog, added links for AI vTools. In the Workbench menu, an entry for the pylon AI agent has been added. * CXP IC: [298766] Added BoardStatus section with features providing information about the board status. * CXP IC: [298766] Added Errors section with features providing information about errors. * CXP IC: [298766] Added CameraStatus event to provide information about missing frames lost in transmission to the frame grabber. * CXP IC: [298766] Renamed CorrectedErrorCount to CameraCorrectedErrorCount. * CXP IC: [298766] Renamed UncorrectedErrorCount to CameraUncorrectedErrorCount. * CXP IC: [306774] Solved communication issue to Opto-Coupled Trigger 5 boards. * CXP IC: [220218] Fixed incorrect values in status operators which caused issues with CXP status and port status. * CXP IC: [303278] CustomSignalEvent0 and CustomSignalEvent1 now allow using FrontGPI2 and FrontGPI3 as source. * Data Processing: [289432] Improved performance by optimizing the internal handling of data types. * Data Processing: [274754] CRegion::GetBuffer() behavior has been changed to implement copy-on-write. * Data Processing: [300937] Added sample demonstrating how to receive chunks and events from the Camera vTool. * pylon C SDK: [298881] There is now a separate CMake finder (pylonC) for the pylon C interface. pylon C content has been removed from the existing pylon CMake finder. * pylon C++ SDK: [296692] Added sample demonstrating the use of the shading correction feature of racer 2 line scan cameras. * pylon C++ SDK: [314002] The CBaslerUniversalInstantCamera class has been updated. * pylon C++ SDK: [303027] The GrabResult object now has an additional member, and CPylonDataComponent was extended to support multipart data components. * pylon C++ SDK: [298881] pylon C content has been removed from the pylon CMake finder. There is now a separate CMake finder for pylon C. * pylon C++ SDK: [304030] Added new log4cpp logappender to support the new Basler logging system ELT. * pylon C++ SDK: [303896,303897] Improved logging to support the pylon Event Logger, especially with regard to GenTL and CXP. * vTools: [307646] Added more calibration plate sizes: 800 mm, 1200 mm, 1600 mm, and 2400 mm * vTools: [309025] Added the option to save absolute paths to image source folders in the Image Loading vTool. * vTools: [285172] In the Camera vTool, output pins can be added to output camera chunk data. * vTools: [285171] In the Camera vTool, output pins can be added to output camera event data. * vTools: [275698] The Image Loading vTool now supports using relative paths to image source folders in recipes. CORRECTIONS =========== * pylon Viewer: [285047] When the Color Calibrator fails to successfully complete the second step, the Continuous Shot check box remains checked. * pylon Viewer: [312899] Fixed Histogram panning when using color images. * pylon Viewer: [312817] Fixed alignment of the Y axis label in the Line Profile pane. * pylon Viewer: [308356] Increased the wait time to rediscover a camera after performing a firmware update. * pylon Viewer: [290732] Improved error message when exceeding limits using Static Defect Pixel Correction. * pylon Viewer: [307521] Line scan cameras will now use the correct acquisition mode when using the single shot feature. * pylon Viewer: [304190] Fixed an issue which caused overlapping of the text and buttons in the title of image window tabs. * Workbench: [291903] Fixed an issue which caused input pins of vTools being added falsely as data source of pin data views. * Workbench: [312967] Fixed an issue which caused an error when loading recipes without vTools. * Workbench: [311609] Fixed an issue that may have been causing the pylon Viewer to crash when closing it while there is a Camera vTool with allocated * Workbench: [299047] Fixed some display issues regarding the pin data view, including the RGB info and the full-screen mode after a recipe has been stopped. * Workbench: [307585] Fixed an issue that could cause the text in the pin data view to be displayed incorrectly. * CXP: [304411] - 'Fixed: Before fixing this issue, applet event timestamps weren't correct. They were divided by 2. This has been fixed. Now, the applet event timestamps have the correct values. * Data Processing: [312880] Fixed an issue that prevented the renaming of input and output terminal pins when the names of pins that were created later started with the name of the first pin. * Data Processing: [309051] Changed nested namespace definition in GenericOutputObserver.h to match other header files. * Camera Link: [307793] Added missing, which contains a required XML file, to pylon runtime. * GigE: [314339] Fix for out of encoded data error when using Compression Beyond when using the Socket Driver. This is also fixed for pylon GEV Driver Version * Twain: [308082] Fixed a hang on load in the TWAIN driver. * vTools: [314717, 314714, 314713, 314707, 314716, 314724, 314710, 314709] Updated error handling for vTools that use Transformation Data. * vTools: [314724] Get help in the vTools-documentation for OCR-vTool opens the correct documentation-page. * vTools: [305245] In the Calibration Basic/Pro vTools, the graphical display of the image coordinates is correct if the operating system's screen- scaling feature is enabled. * vTools: [303977] Fixed dialog text for rotation angle in the Template Matching Basic vTool. * vTools: [311250] Removed obsolete node map entry and updated vTool documentation for the Document Cropper vTool. * vTools: [301657] Improved support for manual machine calibration in the Calibration Basic and Pro vTools. * vTools: [305510] Updated dialog appearance of the Template Matching Basic vTool. * vTools: [306903] In the Gray value Transformer Starter vTool, parameter names have been updated. RESTRICTIONS ============ * pylon Viewer: A new image throttle has been implemented in the pylon Viewer to improve overall stability and performance. This introduces a new restriction which affects the video recording feature of the pylon Viewer. Allowing only 250 images per second and camera in the imaging pipeline limits the ability to record every frame when exceeding this limit. * pylon Viewer: The Color Calibrator does not support all Basler color cameras. Due to a different camera feature set, Basler dart and boost V cameras are not supported. * pylon Viewer: Under certain circumstances, e.g., a very slow or busy computer, the Color Calibrator may not work if the camera has already been opened in the pylon Viewer. To prevent this, close the camera before using the Color Calibrator. * pylon Viewer: On computers with an Intel HD graphics card, it may be necessary to update the graphics driver to the current version. * Workbench: Using multiple pin data views actively displaying data in the Workbench may cause an increase of the CPU load and degradation of the overall performance. Basler recommends using fewer pin data views whenever possible. * Workbench: The Statistics feature of the Workbench measures the execution times of vTools. The times measured in the Statistics feature may vary depending on the configuration of your system and the overall CPU load. This is so, because CPUs may run with different frequencies depending on the current load (e.g., due to dynamic frequency scaling). * CXP IC: For line scan applets, ranges of line period and line exposure aren't handled properly. The maximum values may be lower than expected. * pylon C SDK: The pylon C API doesn't provide convenient functions to use GenDC and the Basler blaze 3D camera yet. * pylon C SDK: For using the GenTL Consumer (e.g., with CoaXPress), additional functionality was added to pylon C to be able to start and stop streaming explicitly. This functionality has not been documented in the pylon C programmer's guide yet. Please refer to the pylon C++ programmer's guide (see chapter "Migrating from Previous Versions - Changes in the IStreamGrabber API") or the pylonC OverlappedGrab programming sample. * pylon C++ SDK: When building samples using CMake, you may run into a path length limitation of the operating system. You may get build errors stating the paths exceed the maximum path length of 260 characters. This may happen if the absolute path of your CMake build directory exceeds 80 characters. The build directory is the current working directory or the directory specified by the '-B' option when you call cmake. If you experience this error, use a build directory with a shorter path not exceeding 80 characters, i.e., directly in your user profile C:\Users\\Samples. You can enable long paths on Windows 10, Version 1607, and later. See the Microsoft documentation for more information. * pylon C++ SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * pylon C++ SDK: Some ace 2 cameras may use a Boolean parameter instead of the usual enumeration for event notifications. The following code snippets can be used to work around this issue. For C++ you can use: CBooleanParameter(camera.GetNodeMap(), "EventNotification").TrySetValue(true); in addition to: camera.EventNotification.TrySetValue(EventNotification_On); * GigE: In case the error message "Failed to allocate resources." has been reported, Basler recommends using the pylon GigE Configurator tool to optimize the IP configuration of NICs and cameras. * GigE: Multiple IP configurations on a single network interface are not fully supported by the IP Configurator tool. * pylon C++ SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * GigE: For optimum use of Basler's ace 2 5GigE and 1GigE cameras, Basler recommends using dual-channel DDR4-3600 RAM or better. Using slower RAM may cause buffer underruns and image loss. In addition, Basler recommends using the pylon GigE Configurator tool to optimize the complete setup. * GenTL: Limited GenTL support for producers with GenTL version 1.4 and below. * USB: The Power Management used by the Intel USB host must be turned off since Basler U3V devices may get desynchronized. If this is the case the Basler U3V devices may be not available after booting the system in some cases. Disable LPM packages on the USB3 bus with the following steps 1. Enable advanced settings by executing the following command powercfg -attributes 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 d4e98f31-5ffe- 4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009 -ATTRIB_HIDE 2. Change the LPM settings in the power options - Open the Power Options in the control panel. - Click "Change plan settings" for the selected power plan. - Click "Change advanced power settings". - In the "Power Options" dialog on the "Advanced settings" tab, select "USB settings". - Set "USB 3 Link Power Management" to "Off". * MP4: MP4 video recording requires the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 to be installed in order to work. The pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 is available for download on the Basler website. * MP4: Recording of video files with cameras with resolutions of 20 MP or higher may fail, if the Quality parameter is set to 80 % or more. As a workaround, set the Quality parameter to a lower value. * MP4: The Recording feature doesn't support the Compression Beyond feature in ace 2 Pro cameras. When recording is started and the Compression Beyond feature is enabled, the pylon Viewer first disables the Compression Beyond feature in the camera and then starts recording. * 3D: Using Basler blaze 3D cameras requires the pylon Supplementary Package for blaze to be installed. The pylon Supplementary Package for blaze is available for download on the Basler website. * Direct Show: CoaXPress cameras are not supported with DirectShow driver. * Twain: CoaXPress cameras are not supported with Twain driver. * pylon AI Agent: With certain resolutions and scaling settings, buttons may not be visible. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2024-05-21 VERSION: 7.5.0 (Windows 10/11 64-bit) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ==================== * pylon C++ SDK = 8.0.0: Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon C++ SDK are incompatible. * pylon C SDK = 8.0.0: Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon C SDK are incompatible. * pylon .NET SDK = 1.2.0: Applications built with 1.2.x or earlier versions of the pylon .NET SDK are compatible. * Data Processing SDK = 2.0.0: Applications built with earlier versions of the Data Processing SDK are incompatible. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ====================== * General: The versioning scheme of some pylon modules, e.g., C++ SDK, has been changed and has been decoupled from the pylon release version. * CXP: Added support for Basler racer 2 L CoaXPress line scan cameras. These cameras are for use with the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 2C/4C or imaWorx CXP-12 Quad acquisition cards, which require a host interface with PCIe Gen 3x8 (Direct Memory Access) or better. * CXP: Added support for Basler ace 2 V CoaXPress cameras. These cameras are for use with the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C/2C/4C or imaWorx CXP-12 Quad acquisition cards, which require a host interface with PCIe Gen 3x8 (Direct Memory Access) or better. * GigE: Added support for Basler dart M GigE Vision cameras. * GenTL/CXP: New line scan applets (version for Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C/2C/4C and imaWorx CXP-12 Quad have been added. * GenTL/CXP: The applets for Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 2C/4C and imaWorx CXP-12 Quad with static version S1.0 have been updated to version 2.3.7. * GenTL/CXP: The applet for Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C with static version S1.2 has been updated to version 5.3.7. * CXP/GenTL: [269821] The CXP GenTL Producer, ProducerCXP.cti, has been updated to version 1.0.2. * GenTL/CXP: [269821] The CXP driver has been updated to version 2.3.0. * CXP: The CoaXPress trigger packets have been updated to CoaXPress version 2.1. * CXP: Some missing features for CXP 2.0 have been implemented. * CXP: [292767] Added an alternative handler for IOCTL_QUEUE_BUFFER that is called when a transfer length has been provided. * CXP: Added firmware files to upgrade Interface Card 1C to Static 1.2 P0. * GigE: [300043] The PylonGigEConfigurator now sets the interrupt moderation rate of NICs to 'High' by default. This has shown to deliver a better performance and a lower CPU load in some cases. * pylon Viewer: [290156] The pylon Line Profile tool has been added in the Window menu of the pylon Viewer. This GUI tool displays the brightness along a freely placeable line in the image window. * pylon Viewer: [295575] When using Single Shot with line scan cameras with a CoaXPress frame grabber that supports the height feature, the pylon Viewer will use the continuous acquisition mode, resulting in the acquisition of an image with the specified height instead of a single line. * pylon Viewer: [290499] The Color Calibrator now supports Basler ace 2 GigE Vision and USB3 Vision and boost R CoaXPress color cameras. * pylon Viewer: [275057] The docking framework used in the pylon Viewer has been replaced. This results in a new look and feel and docking behaviour. * pylon Viewer: [303875] The New Features tab in the 'Welcome to pylon' dialog has been updated. * pylon Viewer: [289871] The pylon Viewer GUI tools have been updated to Qt 6.5.3. * vTools: [277423] The new OCR Basic vTool has been added. * vTools: [284872] Calibration plates in custom sizes can now be ordered from Basler and used in the Calibration Basic/Pro vTools. * vTools: [297867] In vTool dialogs with image display, the pixel coordinates of the current mouse pointer position are shown below the image. * vTools: [282974] Improved Template Matching Basic with angle limitation and wait indicator. * vTools: [290464] vTools Starter: Improved recognition times for code reader vTools. * Workbench: [275056] The design of the vTools pane has been updated. vTools are now grouped by use cases and can be added as favorites. A search feature makes it easier to find the vTool you are looking for. * Workbench: [275052] Results in the pin data view can now be matched to the corresponding region in the image. If there are several results from the same output pin, you can click´ "Show related Region" next to a result to highlight the corresponding region. * Data Processing: [275724] Added a generic output observer that collects recipe outputs in a queue. * Data Processing: [275631] Removed type names from the Data Processing SDK interface and replaced them with EVariantDataType and EVariantContainerType. * Data Processing: [282500] The acquisition mode can now be set for Camera and Image Loading vTools when starting a recipe (see EAcquisitionMode for more details). * Data Processing: [282501] Allowed using callables as observers in Data Processing SDK. * Data Processing: [302347] Added a sample showing how to handle region data. * Data Processing: [299393] Added a sample demonstrating how to use the OCR Basic vTool. * Data Processing: [301327] Improved the documentation of ellipse and rectangle data types regarding rotation. * Data Processing: [300915] Simplified Barcode and Composite Data Types samples. * Data Processing: [299163] Added information about the pylon Viewer Recipe Code Generator to documentation and samples. Added overview diagram to programmer's guide. * BPD: The offline BPD has been updated. CORRECTIONS =========== * GigE: [292109] An EmitResend is skipped for empty lists. This reduces the system load. (Version * GigE: [287757] Timeouts for read or write requests are no longer ignored. * GenTL/USB: [305224] A GenTL Producer (USB) issue with with packed pixel formats on ace 2 cameras has been fixed. * GenTL/GigE: [305224] A GenTL Producer (GEV) issue with with packed pixel formats on ace 2 cameras has been fixed. * pylon C++ SDK: [302425] A potential memory leak of the CPylonDataComponent has been fixed. * pylon C++ SDK: [284623] Changed the "pylonutilitypcl" library from loading at start-up to on demand at runtime. * CXP: The maximum image width for mirroring has been improved. * CXP: The FG_SYSTEMMONITOR_USED_CXP_CONNECTIONS did not show correct values before. This has been fixed. * CXP: An incorrect default for FG_LINETRIGGERINSRC and FG_SHAFTENCODERINSRC has been fixed. * CXP: [285576] When WaitForFrame returns, buffers are always fully accessible by the application in all acquisition modes. This fixes issues when re-queuing a buffer very quickly. * CXP: Fixed an issue which caused wrong setting for FG_DIGIO_INPUT when configuring a GPIO. * GenTL/CXP: [274400] Fixed the length of CXP_BOOTREG_MANUFACTURE_INFO. Fixed unset Camera Link config value. Fixed discovery for cameras that start with 1.25 GB/s. * GenTL/CXP: [291818] Fixed the Fg_unregisterApcHandler(), which has always been waiting for a timeout. * GenTL/CXP: [271134] The range verification when reading values from the camera via GenAPI has been disabled to avoid caching issues. * GenTL/CXP: [230948] A potential race condition have been fixed where a remote device could have been considered as discovered before the internal discovery has ended. * GenTL/CXP: [270982] Changed the version of *.cti files. * pylon Viewer: [295574] Improved the overall stability and performance when images are acquired at high frame rates. * pylon Viewer: [303499] Fixed a potential crash when opening a camera while a CXP device was connected to the system. * pylon Viewer: [300040] Fixed a potentially incorrect handling of camera grabbing state in Static Defect Pixel Correction plugin when switching cameras. * pylon Viewer: [290499] Improved the way the Color Calibrator accesses cameras to support more camera models. * pylon Viewer: [292677] Fixed an issue where images with height or width greater than 32767 would not be displayed. * pylon Viewer: [303720] The behavior of the pylon Welcome dialog has been improved. Now, it only stays on top application-wide rather than system-wide. * pylon Viewer: [292316] Fixed potential crash after stopping a recording with large images. * pylon Viewer: [289709] Fixed an issue where moving the mouse in an empty image window would display invalid coordinates in the status bar. * pylon Viewer: [287963] Fixed an issue where the Welcome dialog was not on top. * pylon Viewer: [305588] Fixed an issue where the correct BPD topic wasn't opened when clicking the "Get help" link in the flat-field correction wizard. * pylon Viewer: [305815] Fixed an issue that caused tooltips to be incorrectly displayed in some rare cases. * Firmware Updater: [285018] Fixed an issue where cameras could not be rediscovered after reset. * vTools: [302805, 284218] Calibration Basic/Pro: Cosmetic improvements of the GUI. * vTools: [297120] Fixed zoom focus in vTools with image editors. * vTools: [303232, 283992] Fixed limit handling and readability in Image Enhancer Basic GUI. * vTools: [303585] Fixed a typo in the feature documentation of the Gray Value Transformer vTool. * vTools: [289438] Improved error message for Template Matching Basic and Image Morphology Basic if the format of the training image differed from runtime data. * vTools: [292333] Updated vTool documentation for Template Matching Basic. * vTools: [295169] In the settings dialog of the Camera vTool it's not possible anymore to change the selected camera while the recipe is running. * vTools: [298850, 298846, 298792] Added missing icons in the settings dialog of the Image Loading vTool. * vTools: [298735] Fixed crash during refresh of the available camera devices in the Camera vTool settings dialog. * vTools: [290452] The type of output error for Gray Value Transformer Starter was changed from RegionArray to Image (pin type is Image). * vTools: [PYVTO-535] Updates for Image Sharpening Starter vTool documentation and fixes for inaccuracies in vTool settings: A maximum mask size has been introduced, the maximum sharpening filter value is 25, and the maximum unsharp mask value is 101. The default factor for the sharpening filter is set to 9. * vTools: [PYVTO-537] Fixed inaccuracies in Image Sharpening Starter settings: An error now appears in the pin data view if the mask size entered is greater than the maximum size. * vTools: [PYVTO-550] Fixed inaccuracies in Image Sharpening Starter settings: When changing the mask height and width in the settings dialog, the parameter values in the API are updated accordingly. * vTools: [283821] Fixed some layout issues in the Template Matching Starter dialog. * Workbench: [304765] Fixed an issue that prevented scrolling in the Statistics tab of the Recipe Management pane. * Workbench: [303281] Fixed an issue that could prevent recipes from being saved and loaded correctly when the user interface language was set to Japanese. * Workbench: [306122] Changed the Sales inquiry URL in the vTool Licensing window for easier evaluation license access. RESTRICTIONS ============ * GigE Vision: [259058] For optimum use of Basler's ace 2 5GigE and 1GigE cameras, Basler recommends using dual-channel DDR4-3600 RAM or better. Using slower RAM may cause buffer underruns and image loss. In addition, Basler recommends using the pylon GigE Configurator tool to optimize the complete setup. * GigE: [259100] In case the error message "Failed to allocate ressources." has been reported, Basler recommends using the pylon GigE Configurator tool to optimize the IP configuration of NICs and cameras. * GenTL/GigE: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support action commands. * GenTL/GigE: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support multicast configurations. * GigE Vision: Multiple IP configurations on a single network interface are not fully supported by the IP Configurator tool. * GigE Vision: Assigning a static IP address to a camera that is not in the same subnet as the network adapter may make the camera unreachable. To prevent this, set the rp_filter (reverse path filter) to 2 ("loose mode") on the camera's network interface. For more information, see the Assigning an IP Address to a Camera topic in the Basler Product Documentation. * CXP IC: The Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C/2C/4C and imaWorx CXP-12 Quad acquisition cards require a host interface with PCIe Gen 3 x8 (Direct Memory Access) or better. Using slower host interfaces may reduce the camera's acquisition frame rate and cause image loss. * CXP IC: For line scan applets, ranges of line period and line exposure are not handled properly. The maximum values may be lower than expected. * CXP IC: For line scan applets with image mirroring enabled (VantagePont = TopRight or BottomRight), the actual maximum image width may be smaller than documented and depends on the applet and pixel format used. However, all applets support the maximum camera width of the Basler racer 2 L cameras (r2L8192-200cm). Contact Basler if a larger image width is required. * CXP IC: When the CXP link speed is changed frequently on one port, it may happen that the speed change doesn't have any effect anymore. In that case, the error messages "Failed to set bitrate of uplink transceivers" and "Failed to set bitrate of downlink transceivers" are logged. Since the camera discovery probes the unconnected ports and therefore changes their link speed, this issue may occur when an application frequently tries to discover new cameras on unconnected ports. * GenTL/CXP: The actual buffer size limit is 2 GB, which consequently imposes a restriction on the permissible values for Width and Height in the producer and results in that the maximum size of image is 2 GB. * GenTL/CXP: The fps limit is between 50000 and 90000 fps depending on the number of buffers and image size. Examples for approximate values: 10 buffers and a minimum image size of 48x1 give a limit of approximately 50000 fps. 50 buffers and a minimum image size of 48x1 give a limit of about 90000 fps. 50 buffers and an image size of 8192x1 give a limit of approximately 50000 fps. * GenTL/CXP: When camera parameters are changed during image acquisition, the change isn't reflected in the frame grabber. This is because the GenTL Producer retrieves the relevant parameters (width, height, image format, etc.) before starting the acquisition and synchronizes these with the frame grabber. * GenTL/CXP: According to the GenTL standard, the device ID should remain constant between two sessions. However, the GenTL device ID changes when the applet is changed. Therefore, the device ID can only be reused if the applet has the same name as the applet with which the device ID was generated. * CXP: If images are lost on the interface card due to a buffer overflow, e.g., when the user application doesn't (re)queue buffers fast enough to deliver the images, the images lost are indicated by the next delivered buffer. The lost images are marked as INCOMPLETE, their file size will be 0, and the custom error code BUFFER_INFO_BASLER_XAPI_ERROR_CODE is set to 42. Additionally, one lost frame is added to the stream info. Note that exactly one lost frame is added regardless of how many frames were lost due to the overflow. * CXP: The GenTL BUFFER_INFO_FRAME_ID, which can be queried via DSGetBufferInfo, doesn't contain the source tag from the CXP image header. Instead, it contains a counter for all frames that have been delivered to the computer. * CXP: During an applet change, the cameras attached to an interface card are still displayed in the devices list even though they are not accessible anymore. An attempt to open a camera in this state leads to an error message. * CXP: When the DeviceUserID of a camera is changed, a restart of the GenTL Producer is required for the change to be reflected via the GenTL API. When using a GUI to interact with the camera via GenTL (i.e., the pylon Viewer), a restart of that application is required for the change to become visible. * CXP: In rare cases, the camera is not found after booting the computer. Power-cycle the camera to resolve this. * CXP: When changing the PCIe slot used by the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C in a computer, the computer must be in shutdown state. Problems may occur if the computer is in hibernation state, where the state of the OS has been persisted to disk. * CXP: When allocating buffers used for grabbing, the buffer address must be aligned to 8-byte increments. This is automatically the case if you use heap memory. * CXP: Under rare circumstances, when the CXP link speed is changed frequently on one port, at some point a speed change has no effect anymore. To work around that, either reload the applet by loading a different applet and then loading the original one again or set the value of the SISO_FORCE_RELOAD_APPLET environment variable to 'yes'. * CXP: If a version of the Basler Framegrabber SDK is installed on your computer, you may experience incompatibility issues when using CoaXPress cameras and interface cards. Therefore, Basler advises against installing pylon in parallel to the Framegrabber SDK. * USB: The Power Management used by the Intel USB host must be turned off since Basler U3V devices may get desynchronized. If this is the case the Basler U3V devices may be not available after booting the system in some cases. Disable LPM packages on the USB3 bus with the following steps: 1. Enable advanced settings by executing the following command: powercfg -attributes 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 d4e98f31-5ffe- 4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009 -ATTRIB_HIDE 2. Change the LPM settings in the power options: - Open the Power Options in the control panel. - Click "Change plan settings" for the selected power plan. - Click "Change advanced power settings". - In the "Power Options" dialog on the "Advanced settings" tab, select "USB settings". - Set "USB 3 Link Power Management" to "Off". * GenTL: Limited GenTL support for producers with GenTL version 1.4 and below. * 3D: Using Basler blaze 3D cameras requires the pylon Supplementary Package for blaze to be installed. The pylon Supplementary Package for blaze is available for download on the Basler website. * Camera Link: The pylon Viewer may fail to enumerate Camera Link cameras when connected to some Camera Link frame grabbers. To avoid that, run the pylon CL Configurator tool from \Applications\x64\bin instead. The pylon APIs are not affected by that issue. * pylon Viewer: A new image throttle has been implemented in the pylon Viewer to improve overall stability and performance. This introduces a new restriction which affects the video recording feature of the pylon Viewer. Allowing only 250 images per second and camera in the imaging pipeline limits the ability to record every frame when exceeding this limit. * pylon Viewer: The Color Calibrator does not support all Basler color cameras. Due to a different camera feature set, Basler dart and boost V cameras are not supported. * pylon Viewer: Under certain circumstances, e.g., a very slow or busy computer, the Color Calibrator may not work if the camera has already been opened in the pylon Viewer. To prevent this, close the camera before using the Color Calibrator. * pylon Viewer: On computers with an Intel HD graphics card, it may be necessary to update the graphics driver to the current version. * Workbench: Using multiple pin data views actively displaying data in the Workbench may cause an increase of the CPU load and degradation of the overall performance. Basler recommends using fewer pin data views whenever possible. * Workbench: The Statistics feature of the Workbench measures the execution times of vTools. The times measured by the Statistics feature may vary depending on the configuration of your system and the overall CPU load. This is so because CPUs may run with different frequencies depending on the current load (e.g., due to dynamic frequency scaling). * Workbench: Pixel values in the pin data view will not be updated if no new images are acquired. * Workbench: When switching to full screen in a pin data view, the screen will remain black when no new images are acquired. * Workbench: When loading recipes containing multiple pin data views, the limit of 16 pin data views will be reached early, even if there are fewer than 16 pin data views present. Restarting the pylon Viewer may solve this issue. * Workbench: The context menu in the Workbench may be too small to show all vTools when it is opened near the edges of the Workbench. * Workbench: The pin data view may not show RGB values in the status bar when recipe is not running. * Workbench: The pin data view may not allow cleaning up deleted pins. * Setup: If a repair installation is performed, some files may be deleted. In this case, Basler recommends uninstalling and reinstalling pylon. * pylon C++ SDK: When building samples using CMake, you may run into a path length limitation of the operating system. You may get build errors stating the paths exceed the maximum path length of 260 characters. This may happen if the absolute path of your CMake build directory exceeds 80 characters. The build directory is the current working directory or the directory specified by the '-B' option when you call cmake. If you experience this error, use a build directory with a shorter path not exceeding 80 characters, i.e., directly in your user profile C:\Users\\Samples. You can enable long paths on Windows 10, Version 1607, and later. See the Microsoft documentation for more information. * pylon C++ SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * pylon C++ SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * pylon C SDK: The pylon C API doesn't provide convenient functions to use GenDC and the Basler blaze 3D camera yet. * pylon C SDK: For using the GenTL Consumer (e.g., with CoaXPress), additional functionality was added to pylon C to be able to start and stop streaming explicitly. This functionality has not been documented in the pylon C programmer's guide yet. Please refer to the pylon C++ programmer's guide (see chapter "Migrating from Previous Versions - Changes in the IStreamGrabber API") or the pylonC OverlappedGrab programming sample. * pylon .NET SDK: Updating to this version of the .NET API requires you to update your .NET project files to reference the new assembly. This is required due to the VB2015 compatibility fix (interface class Basler.Pylon.IParameterListEnum was changed to ref class Basler.Pylon.ParameterListEnum). * pylon .NET SDK: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debuggers. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * SDK: Some ace 2 cameras may use a Boolean parameter instead of the usual enumeration for event notifications. The following code snippets can be used to work around this issue. For C++ you can use: CBooleanParameter(camera.GetNodeMap(), "EventNotification").TrySetValue(true); in addition to: camera.EventNotification.TrySetValue(EventNotification_On); For C# you can use: Parameters[(BooleanName)"EventNotification"].TrySetValue(true); in addition to: Parameters[PLCamera.EventNotification].TrySetValue(PLCamera.EventNotification.On); For VB the syntax is: camera.Parameters(CType("EventNotification ", BooleanName)).TrySetValue(true); * Direct Show: CoaXPress cameras are not supported with the DirectShow and Twain drivers. * MP4: MP4 video recording requires the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 to be installed. The pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 is available for download on the Basler website. * MP4: Recording of video files with cameras with resolutions of 20 MP or higher may fail, if the Quality parameter is set to 80 % or more. As a workaround, set the Quality parameter to a lower value. * MP4: [139274] The Recording feature doesn't support the Compression Beyond feature in ace 2 Pro cameras. When recording is started and the Compression Beyond feature is enabled, pylon first disables the Compression Beyond feature in the camera and then starts recording. * MP4: If the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 was already installed with a pylon 5.x.x installation and pylon 6.x.x is installed afterwards, the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 has to be uninstalled and installed again. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960, and 1280 x 1024 may not work. In that case, adjust the image height or width slightly. - Basler recommends using the Windows Media Player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC Media Player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC Media Player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC Media Player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. * BPD: The Basler Product Documentation (BPD) requires advanced JavaScript support. Open the Basler Product Documentation in a modern browser, e.g., Firefox 44 (or higher) or Chrome 49 (or higher). * General: If you run the GUI applications using the built-in Administrator account on Windows 10, some Help/Support features may not work due to security restrictions. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2023-09-26 VERSION: 7.4.0 (Windows 10/11 64-bit) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ==================== * pylon C++ API = 7.4.0: Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon C++ API are incompatible. * pylon C API = 7.4.0: Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon C API are incompatible. * pylon.NET API = 1.2.0: Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon .NET API are compatible. * pylon Data Processing API = 1.3.0: Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon Data Processing API are incompatible. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ====================== * CXP: [269821] Added support for Basler boost V CoaXPress cameras with GSPRINT sensors. These cameras are for use with the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 4C or imaWorx CXP-12 Quad acquisition cards, which require a host interface with PCIe Gen 3 x8 (Direct Memory Access) or better. * CXP/GenTL: [269821] The CXP GenTL Producer, ProducerCXP.cti, has been updated to version 5.11.1. * CXP: [269823] The applet for Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C with static version S1.2 has been updated to version 5.2.7. * CXP: [269823] The applets for Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 2C, 4C, and imaWorx CXP-12 Quad with static version S1.0 have been updated to version 2.2.7. The TapGeometry, SensorGeometry, ImageSelector, and WhiteBalance parameters are supported now. * CXP: [269821] The CXP driver has been updated to version 2.2.0. * CXP/GenTL: [273804] Added DeviceTapGeometry capability negotiation between a CXP camera and an applet. * CXP/GenTL: [248643] Added the Compatibility Status category that provides information about the status of interfaces and devices: - Interface Driver Version - Interface Producer Version - Interface PCIe Status - Interface Power Supply Status - Device Pixelformat Status - Device Automatic ROI Control Status - Device Tap Geometry Status * GigE Vision: [283882] The pylonGigEConfigurator tool has been updated to configure any 5G/10G network adapters. * GigE Vision: [279190] The PylonGigEConfigurator tool has been extended to enable Receive Side Scaling (RSS) on supported network adapters. The RSS feature enables the efficient distribution of network receive processing across multiple CPUs in multiprocessor systems. Basler recommends using the PylonGigEConfigurator for all ace 2 1GigE and 5GigE cameras. * SDK/.NET: [268070] Added a new BufferHandlingMode feature to Pylon::CInstantCamera and to Basler.Pylon.Camera. It may be set either to "Pool" (default mode) to use a pool of preallocated buffers for grabbing or to "Stream" to let pylon allocate new buffers on demand. * pylon Viewer: [274876] The Recipe Code Generator has been added. This tool allows you to quickly and easily generate C++ code examples from a recipe. You can access this feature from the Workbench menu or toolbar. * pylon Viewer: [275068] The Flat-Field Correction feature for boost V CoaXPress cameras has been added. * pylon Viewer: [12789] The Color Calibrator has been unlocked for all Basler color cameras that support the Color Transformation feature, e.g., Basler ace and ace 2 GigE Vision and USB3 Vision cameras. * vTools: The following vTools have been added: - Calibration Pro - Image Smoothing Starter - Image Morphology Starter - Gray Value Transformer Starter - Image Combiner Starter - Image Sharpening Starter - Document Cropper - Aztec Code Reader Basic - Aztec Code Reader Pro - PDF417 Code Reader Basic - PDF417 Code Reader Pro - Image Sharpening Basic - Image Enhancer Basic * vTools: [433,435] Template Matching Starter: The Template Matching Starter vTool now offers support for rotated templates. Recipes created with previous versions of the Template Matching Starter vTool are incompatible. * vTools: [1156, 1080, 12374] Calibration Basic: Improved table visualization and GUI. * vTools: [6992] Barcode Reader Pro: Improved GUI Design. * vTools: [5321] Improved scaling for 4K displays. * vTools: [11381] Region Feature Extraction: Supports inverse transformation with InverseTf now. * vTools: [12150] ROI Creator: ROI settings in nodemap adapt to size of image loaded. * vTools: [277410] QR Code Reader Basic/Pro and Data Matrix Code Reader Basic/Pro allow selection of data code types now, e.g., GS1 and Micro QR codes. * vTools: [277409] Image editors support TIFF format now. * vTools: [436] Template Matching Starter: Improved GUI for marking rectangular templates. * vTools: [275701] The Camera vTool provides a settings dialog to make camera selection easier. * vTools: [283754] Added recipe templates to show how to use the PDF417 and Aztec Code readers. * vTools: [6512] vTools now provide additional information about node maps for display in the Features - All pane. * Data Processing: [275636] Simplifed C++ SDK for working with the Point, Line, Rectangle, Circle, and Ellipse data types. * Data Processing: [275634] Added C++ SDK access to the Transformation Data data type. * Data Processing: [275633] Added C++ SDK access to the Region data type. * Data Processing: [275635] Simplified the access to arrays of values. * Data Processing: [281192] Added CVariant::SetError() method for testing purposes. * SDK/CXP: [271889] The "Utility_FFC" C++ sample has been added to demonstrate the use of the Flat-Field Correction feature of Basler boost V CoaXPress cameras. * SDK: [273873] Added a new internal 3PCL feature. * SDK: [279165] The CBaslerUniversalInstantCamera class has been updated. * General: [283722] The New Features dialog has been updated. * BPD: Updated the offline Basler Product Documentation. CORRECTIONS =========== * CXP/GenTL: [271134] The range verification when reading values from the camera via GenAPI has been disabled to avoid caching issues. * CXP/GenTL: [230948] A potential raise condition have been fixed where a remote device could have been considered as discovered before the internal discovery has ended. * GenTL: [270982] Fixed the version of *.cti files. * GenTL: [270713] The GetAccessMode function returns the current version of a GenTL producer now. * SDK: [270082] The toolbar of the GUI_MFC sample is now DPI-aware. * vTools: [12538] Measurements Basic, Line/Circle/Ellipse/Rectangle Measurements Pro: Inverse transformation is always applied when connected. * vTools: [282714] Image Morphology: Parameter values changed in the Features pane are now immediately visible when reopening the vTool’s settings dialog. * vTools: [9422] Camera vTool: The device handling support for transport layers and interfaces has been improved. * vTools: [282714] Image Morphology Basic: Fixed data handling in the node map. * vTools: [164] Template Matching Starter: The Positions_px and Positions_m output pins now output the center point of a match. * vTools: [285511] Template Matching Basic: Improved performance for large template images. * pylon Viewer: [280331] Fixed an issue that caused a saved BMP image to be distorted if the width was not a multiple of 4. * pylon Viewer: [278762] Fixed an issue that caused the displayed image to be distorted if the width was not a multiple of 4. * pylon Viewer: Fixed spelling mistakes in the pylon GigE Configurator. * pylon Viewer: [282994] The zoom feature of the Histogram pane works for color images now. * pylon Viewer: [284222] An issue that caused incomplete loading of recipes with zero output Pin Data Views in the Workbench has been fixed. * Data Processing: [275700] Fixed an issue in the Camera vTool sample when working with ace 2 cameras. * Data Processing: [282343] Improved the behavior when evaluation licenses time out. * Camera Emulation: [271091] Fixed an issue where the configured frame rate was not always met. * BPD: [269812] Fixed some missing links in the PylonC API documentation. * BPD: [269415] Added information about supported file types for the CImagePersistence::Load() and the CImagePersistence::Save() functions. RESTRICTIONS ============ * GigE Vision: [259058] For optimum use of Basler's ace 2 5GigE and 1GigE cameras, Basler recommends using dual-channel DDR4-3600 RAM or better. Using slower RAM may cause buffer underruns and image loss. In addition, Basler recommends using the pylon GigE Configurator tool to optimize the complete setup. * GigE: [259100] In case the error message "Failed to allocate ressources." has been reported, Basler recommends using the pylon GigE Configurator tool to optimize the IP configuration of NICs and cameras. * CXP: The Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C/2C/4C and imaWorx CXP-12 Quad acquisition cards require a host interface with PCIe Gen 3 x8 (Direct Memory Access) or better. Using slower host interfaces may reduce the camera's asquisition frame rate and cause image loss. * SDK: When building samples using CMake, you may run into a path length limitation of the operating system. You may get build errors stating the paths exceed the maximum path length of 260 characters. This may happen if the absolute path of your CMake build directory exceeds 80 characters. The build directory is the current working directory or the directory specified by the '-B' option when you call cmake. If you experience this error, use a build directoy with a shorter path not exceeding 80 characters, i.e., directly in your user profile: C:\Users\\Samples. You can enable long paths on Windows 10, Version 1607, and later. See the Microsoft documentation for more information. * Workbench: Using multiple pin data views actively displaying data in the Workbench may cause an increase of the CPU load and degradation of the overall performance. Basler recommends using fewer pin data views whenever possible. * Workbench: The Statistics feature of the Workbench measures the execution times of vTools. The times measured in the Statistics feature may vary depending on the configuration of your system and the overall CPU load. This is so, because CPUs may run with different frequencies depending on the current load (e.g., due to dynamic frequency scaling). Therefore, the times measured may vary depending on the configuration of your system and the overall CPU load. * CXP: When camera parameters are changed during image acquisition, the change is not reflected in the interface card. * CXP: If images are lost on the interface card due to a buffer overflow, e.g., when the user application doesn't (re)queue buffers fast enough to deliver the images, the images lost are indicated by the next delivered buffer. The lost images are marked as INCOMPLETE, their file size will be 0, and the custom error code BUFFER_INFO_BASLER_XAPI_ERROR_CODE is set to 42. Additionally, one lost frame is added to the stream info. Note that exactly one lost frame is added regardless of how many frames were lost due to the overflow. * CXP: The GenTL device ID changes when an applet is changed. Therefore, the device ID that was queried with one applet can be used with a different board and a different applet only if the applet has the same name as the original one with which the device ID was generated. * CXP: The GenTL BUFFER_INFO_FRAME_ID, which can be queried via DSGetBufferInfo, doesn't contain the source tag from the CXP image header. Instead, it contains a counter for all frames that have been delivered to the computer. * CXP: During an applet change, the cameras attached to an interface card are still displayed in the devices list even though they are not accessible anymore. An attempt to open a camera in this state leads to an error message. * CXP: When the DeviceUserID of a camera is changed, a restart of the GenTL Producer is required for the change to be reflected via the GenTL API. When using a GUI to interact with the camera via GenTL (i.e., the pylon Viewer), a restart of that application is required for the change to become visible. * CXP: Under rare circumstances, when the CXP link speed is changed frequently on one port, at some point a speed change has no effect anymore. To work around that, either reload the applet by loading a different applet and then loading the original one again or set the value of the SISO_FORCE_RELOAD_APPLET environment variable to 'yes'. * CXP: When changing the PCIe slot used by the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C in a computer, the computer must be in shutdown state. Problems may occur if the computer is in hibernation state, where the state of the OS has been persisted to disk. * CXP: In rare cases, the camera is not found after booting the computer. Power-cycle the camera to resolve this. * CXP: Grabbing with very high frame rates above 50000 fps using the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C is not supported. * CXP: When allocating buffers used for grabbing, the buffer address must be aligned to 8-byte increments on 64-bit operating systems. This is automatically the case if you use heap memory. * CXP: If a version of the Basler Framegrabber SDK is installed on your computer, you may experience incompatibility issues when using CoaXPress cameras and interface cards. Therefore, Basler advises against installing pylon in parallel to the Framegrabber SDK. * Camera Link: The pylon Viewer may fail to enumerate Camera Link cameras when connected to some Camera Link frame grabbers. To avoid that, run the pylon CL Configurator tool from \Applications\x64\bin instead. The pylon APIs are not affected by that issue. * 3D: To use Basler blaze 3D cameras requires the pylon Supplementary Package for blaze to be installed. The pylon Supplementary Package for blaze is available for download on the Basler website. * SDK: Some ace 2 cameras may use a Boolean parameter instead of the usual enumeration for event notifications. The following code snippets can be used to work around this issue. For C++ you can use: CBooleanParameter(camera.GetNodeMap(), "EventNotification").TrySetValue(true); in addition to: camera.EventNotification.TrySetValue(EventNotification_On); For C# you can use: Parameters[(BooleanName)"EventNotification"].TrySetValue(true); in addition to: Parameters[PLCamera.EventNotification].TrySetValue(PLCamera.EventNotification.On); For VB the syntax is: camera.Parameters(CType("EventNotification ", BooleanName)) .TrySetValue(true); * pylon C: The pylon C API doesn't provide convenient functions to use GenDC and the Basler blaze 3D camera yet. * pylon C: For using the GenTL Consumer (e.g., with CoaXPress), additional functionality was added to pylon C to be able to start and stop streaming explicitly. This functionality has not been documented in the pylon C programmer's guide yet. Please refer to the pylon C++ programmer's guide (see chapter "Migrating from Previous Versions - Changes in the IStreamGrabber API") or the pylonC OverlappedGrab programming sample. * pylon Viewer: On computers with an Intel HD graphics card, it may be necessary to update the graphics driver to the current version. * GenTL: [133711] Limited GenTL support for producers with GenTL version 1.4 and below. * MP4: Recording of video files with cameras with resolutions of 20 MP or more may fail if the Quality parameter is set to 80 % or more. To work around that, set the Quality parameter to a lower value. * MP4/AVI: [139274] The Recording feature doesn't support the Compression Beyond feature in ace 2 Pro cameras. When recording is started and the Compression Beyond feature is enabled, pylon will first disable the Compression Beyond feature in the camera and then start recording. * MP4: If the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 was already installed with a pylon 5.x.x installation and pylon 6.x.x is installed afterwards, the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 has to be uninstalled and installed again. * MP4: MP4 video recording requires the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 to be installed in order to work. The pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 is available for download on the Basler website. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960, and 1280 x 1024 may not work. In that case, adjust the image height or width slightly. - It is recommended to use the Windows Media Player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC Media Player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC Media Player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC Media Player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. * DirectShow and Twain: CoaXPress cameras are not supported with the DirectShow and Twain drivers. * USB: The Power Management used by the Intel USB host must be turned off since Basler U3V devices may get desynchronized. If this is the case the Basler U3V devices may be not available after booting the system in some cases. Disable LPM packages on the USB3 bus with the following steps: 1. Enable advanced settings by executing the following command: powercfg -attributes 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 d4e98f31-5ffe- 4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009 -ATTRIB_HIDE 2. Change the LPM settings in the power options: - Open the Power Options in the control panel. - Click "Change plan settings" for the selected power plan. - Click "Change advanced power settings". - In the "Power Options" dialog on the "Advanced settings" tab, select "USB settings". - Set "USB 3 Link Power Management" to "Off". * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support action commands. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support multicast configurations. * SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * pylon .NET: Updating to this version of the .NET API requires you to update your .NET project files to reference the new assembly. This is required due to the VB2015 compatibility fix (interface class Basler.Pylon.IParameterListEnum was changed to ref class Basler.Pylon.ParameterListEnum). * pylon .NET: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * General: If you run the GUI applications using the built-in Administrator account on Windows 10, some Help/Support features may not work due to security restrictions. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2023-04-26 VERSION: 7.3.0 (Windows 10/11 64-bit) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ==================== * pylon C++ API = 7.3.0: Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon C++ API are incompatible. * pylon C API = 7.3.0: Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon C API are incompatible. * pylon.NET API = 1.2.0: Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon .NET API are compatible. * pylon Data Processing API = 1.2.0: Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon Data Processing API are incompatible. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ====================== * CXP: [240824] Added support for Basler boost quad-channel CoaXPress cameras with GMAX sensors. These cameras are for use with the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 4C or imaWorx CXP-12 Quad acquisition cards, which require a host interface with PCIe Gen 3 x8 (Direct Memory Access) or better. * CXP/GenTL: [246795] The CXP GenTL Producer, ProducerCXP.cti, has been updated to version 5.11. It supports the EVENT_NUM_IN_QUEUE event info now. * CXP: [246795] The applet for Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C with static version S1.2 has been updated to version 5.0.5. * CXP: [246795] The applets for Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 2C, 4C, and imaWorx CXP-12 Quad with static version S1.0 have been updated to version 2.1.6. The internal applet structures have been updated for a better overflow and memory bandwidth handling. * vTools: The following licensable vTools have been added: - Barcode Reader Starter - Data Matrix Code Reader Starter - QR Code Reader Starter - Template Matching Starter - Image Alignment - ROI Creator - Image Smoothing Basic - Image Morphology Basic - Gray Value Transformer Basic - Image Combiner Basic - Line Measurements Pro - Circle Measurements Pro - Ellipse Measurements Pro - Rectangle Measurements Pro * vTools: The functionality of the following vTools has been extended. They now provide alignment transformation data (via the AlignmentTf output pin). This can be used for aligning images using the Image Alignment vTool: - Template Matching Basic - Geometric Pattern Matching Basic - Geometric Pattern Matching Pro * vTools: The following vTools accept inverse transformation data (via the InverseTf input pin) from the Image Alignment vTool to provide real world coordinates: - Measurements Basic - Line Measurements Pro - Circle Measurements Pro - Ellipse Measurements Pro - Rectangle Measurements Pro * vTools: The following vTools accept a region of interest (ROI) as input to restrict the image area processed: - Barcode Reader Starter - Data Matrix Code Reader Starter - QR Code Reader Starter - Template Matching Starter - Image Smoothing Basic - Image Morphology Basic - Gray Value Transformer Basic - Barcode Reader Basic - QR Code Reader Basic - Data Matrix Code Reader Basic - Absolute Thresholding Basic - Auto Thresholding Basic - Relative Thresholding Basic - Color Classifier Basic - Template Matching Basic - Geometric Pattern Matching Basic - Barcode Reader Pro - Data Matrix Code Reader Pro - QR Code Reader Pro - Geometric Pattern Matching Pro * vTools: [8589, 8945] For Region Selection, Absolute Thresholding Basic, and Relative Thresholding Basic, the behavior of range sliders and value handling has been improved. * vTools: [10341] For Region Morphology, mask sizes can only be entered in increments of x.0 and x.5. * vTools: [10325] For Region Morphology, the maximum possible mask size has been set to 1001. Also, only odd mask sizes are allowed now. * vTools: [9419] The free Image Loading vTool has been added. It enables loading of images from the hard drive. * vTools: [10430] Added support for multithreading in the Image Format Converter vTool. * vTools - Measurements Basic [11429]: Renamed the "Length" and "Width" parameters to "Width" and "Height" to be consistent with all other vTools. In case you have already programmed against these parameters, you will have to adapt your code accordingly. * vTools: [11605] New recipe templates have been added. * Data Processing: [9347] Added the CircleF, EllipseF, and LineF data types (as single values and arrays). * Data Processing: [8276] Added support for programmatically creating and modifying recipes via the CBuildersRecipe class in the Data Processing SDK. * pylon Viewer: [11410] The pylon Camera API Generator tool has been added in the Tools menu of the pylon Viewer. This GUI tool provides functionality to easily create specialized camera classes. * pylon Viewer: [9162] The pylon Viewer GUI tools have been updated to Qt 5.15.5. * pylon Viewer: [7509] The pylon Static Defect Pixel Correction tool has been localized into Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Languages can be switched via the Tools > Options menu. * pylon Viewer: [7249] Improved the overall performance of the pylon Viewer. * pylon Viewer: The New Features tab in the 'Welcome to pylon' dialog has been updated. * Workbench: [11411] Added zooming to the Workbench pane. You can use the zoom buttons and slider in the lower left corner of the Workbench or the mouse wheel + CTRL/CMD key. * Workbench: [10167] Increased the size of the context menu of the Workbench pane. * pylon: [236190, 267192, 264293] The CImageFormatConverter supports multithreding now. By default, the CImageFormatConverter uses four threads. Under certain circumstances, a further increase of the number of threads may be required. This may reduce the latency and improve the performance but may cause higher CPU load. Using the CImageFormatConverter with enabled multithreading is recommended when using Basler ace 2 5GigE and CoaXPress cameras. * SDK: [264292] The Utility_ImageFormatConverter SDK sample has been updated to demonstrate the use of multithreading with the CImageFormatConverter. * SDK: [256690] The following C++ SDK samples have been updated to support the new boost quad-channel CoaXPress cameras: - ParametrizeCamera_GenericParameterAccess - ParametrizeCamera_NativeParameterAccess - GUI_Sample - GUI_SampleMultiCam - ParametrizeCamera_LoadAndSave Note: Other SDK samples may not work due to the different camera feature sets. * SDK: [245850, 266733] The pylon SDK samples can be built with CMake now. Use the PylonFinder.cmake to do so. Basler recommends using Microsoft Visial Studio 2017 or above. When using Visual Studio 2015 or older, an additional installation of CMake is necessary. * SDK: [246793] The CBaslerUniversalInstantCamera class has been updated. * .NET: [262671] The following .NET SDK samples have been updated to support the new boost quad-channel CoaXPress cameras: - ParametrizeCamera - VBParametrizeCamera Note: Other SDK samples may not work due to the different camera feature sets. * Camera Emulation: [247315, 247316] The pylon Camera Emulation has been updated with multiple new parameters to better reflect the behavior of recent Basler cameras, e.g., ace 2 camera models. * BPD: [253752] The use of the Static Defect Pixel Correction camera feature when used via the pylon API has been documented. * BPD: Updated the offline Basler Product Documentation. CORRECTIONS =========== * vTools: Measurements Basic: - [8947] Fixed the output reset on input image error. - Fixed the output in world coordinates. * vTools: [9766] All vTools with image editors: The scrolling behavior has been improved. * vTools: [10676] Barcode Reader Pro: Spaces in the identifier of enum entries have been removed. * vTools: [8588] Calibration Basic: Fixed trigger of machine calibration in settings dialog. * Workbench: Fixed a bug which caused the pin data view to not show any data when only a subset of selected vTool pins provided valid data. * Data Processing: [11365] Fixed an issue when removing certain vTools. * pylon Viewer: Improved support for high-resolution displays. * CXP/GenTL: [265133] The GenTL CXP Producer has been improved to better support multithreaded applications. * CXP/GenTL: [246795] The behavior after a device removal has been improved. * CXP/GenTL: [246795] Fixed an issue with PoCXP not being able to be turned off. * CXP/GenTL: [246795] The vantage point is reset and set to unavailable while AutomaticROIControl is active. * CXP/GenTL: [246795] SensorHeight and SensorWidth are set to unavailable while AutomaticROIControl is active. * CXP/GenTL: [246795] Fixed an issue with FG_HEIGHT and FG_WIDTH not following the camera's SensorHeight and SensorWidth. * CXP/GenTL: [265890] The GenTL Consumer returns detailed information in case of image acquisition errors now. * GigE: [265902] The error message reported in case of image loss has been updated to account for buffer underrun, too. * GigE: [254544] The pylon GigEConfigurator may fail to configure jumbo frames on Intel 1GigE NICs when using manually installed Intel drivers on Windows 11. This has been fixed. Basler recommends using the default Microsoft driver instead. * SDK: [266608] An issue with PylonTerminate() after calling EnumerateDevices() has been fixed. * SDK: [267955] An issue with the Static Defect Pixel Correction feature has been fixed. * SDK: [255638] Minor general improvements have been made. * pylon C: [225060] Some spelling corrections in the pylon C SDK samples have been made. RESTRICTIONS ============ * GigE Vision: [259058] For optimum use of Basler's ace 2 5GigE and 1GigE cameras, Basler recommends using dual-channel DDR4-3600 RAM or better. Using slower RAM may cause buffer underruns and image loss. In addition, Basler recommends using the pylon GigE Configurator tool to optimize the complete setup. * GigE: [259100] In case the error message "Failed to allocate ressources." has been reported, Basler recommends using the pylon GigE Configurator tool to optimize the IP configuration of NICs and cameras. * CXP: The Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C/2C/4C and imaWorx CXP-12 Quad acquisition cards require a host interface with PCIe Gen 3 x8 (Direct Memory Access) or better. Using slower host interfaces may reduce the camera's asquisition frame rate and cause image loss. * SDK: When building samples using CMake, you may run into a path length limitation of the operating system. You may get build errors stating the paths exceed the maximum path length of 260 characters. This may happen if the absolute path of your CMake build directory exceeds 80 characters. The build directory is the current working directory or the directory specified by the '-B' option when you call cmake. If you experience this error, use a build directoy with a shorter path not exceeding 80 characters, i.e., directly in your user profile: C:\Users\\Samples. You can enable long paths on Windows 10, Version 1607, and later. See the Microsoft documentation for more information. * Workbench: Using multiple pin data views actively displaying data in the Workbench may cause an increase of the CPU load and degradation of the overall performance. Basler recommends using fewer pin data views whenever possible. * Workbench: The Statistics feature of the Workbench measures the execution times of vTools. The times measured in the Statistics feature may vary depending on the configuration of your system and the overall CPU load. This is so, because CPUs may run with different frequencies depending on the current load (e.g., due to dynamic frequency scaling). Therefore, the times measured may vary depending on the configuration of your system and the overall CPU load. * CXP: When camera parameters are changed during image acquisition, the change is not reflected in the interface card. * CXP: If images are lost on the interface card due to a buffer overflow, e.g., when the user application doesn't (re)queue buffers fast enough to deliver the images, the images lost are indicated by the next delivered buffer. The lost images are marked as INCOMPLETE, their file size will be 0, and the custom error code BUFFER_INFO_BASLER_XAPI_ERROR_CODE is set to 42. Additionally, one lost frame is added to the stream info. Note that exactly one lost frame is added regardless of how many frames were lost due to the overflow. * CXP: The GenTL device ID changes when an applet is changed. Therefore, the device ID that was queried with one applet can be used with a different board and a different applet only if the applet has the same name as the original one with which the device ID was generated. * CXP: The GenTL BUFFER_INFO_FRAME_ID, which can be queried via DSGetBufferInfo, doesn't contain the source tag from the CXP image header. Instead, it contains a counter for all frames that have been delivered to the computer. * CXP: During an applet change, the cameras attached to an interface card are still displayed in the devices list even though they are not accessible anymore. An attempt to open a camera in this state leads to an error message. * CXP: When the DeviceUserID of a camera is changed, a restart of the GenTL Producer is required for the change to be reflected via the GenTL API. When using a GUI to interact with the camera via GenTL (i.e., the pylon Viewer), a restart of that application is required for the change to become visible. * CXP: Under rare circumstances, when the CXP link speed is changed frequently on one port, at some point a speed change has no effect anymore. To work around that, either reload the applet by loading a different applet and then loading the original one again or set the value of the SISO_FORCE_RELOAD_APPLET environment variable to 'yes'. * CXP: When changing the PCIe slot used by the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C in a computer, the computer must be in shutdown state. Problems may occur if the computer is in hibernation state, where the state of the OS has been persisted to disk. * CXP: In rare cases, the camera is not found after booting the computer. Power-cycle the camera to resolve this. * CXP: Grabbing with very high frame rates above 50000 fps using the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C is not supported. * CXP: When allocating buffers used for grabbing, the buffer address must be aligned to 8-byte increments on 64-bit operating systems. This is automatically the case if you use heap memory. * CXP: If a version of the Basler Framegrabber SDK is installed on your computer, you may experience incompatibility issues when using CoaXPress cameras and interface cards. Therefore, Basler advises against installing pylon in parallel to the Framegrabber SDK. * Camera Link: The pylon Viewer may fail to enumerate Camera Link cameras when connected to some Camera Link frame grabbers. To avoid that, run the pylon CL Configurator tool from \Applications\x64\bin instead. The pylon APIs are not affected by that issue. * 3D: To use Basler blaze 3D cameras requires the pylon Supplementary Package for blaze to be installed. The pylon Supplementary Package for blaze is available for download on the Basler website. * SDK: Some ace 2 cameras may use a Boolean parameter instead of the usual enumeration for event notifications. The following code snippets can be used to work around this issue. For C++ you can use: CBooleanParameter(camera.GetNodeMap(), "EventNotification").TrySetValue(true); in addition to: camera.EventNotification.TrySetValue(EventNotification_On); For C# you can use: Parameters[(BooleanName)"EventNotification"].TrySetValue(true); in addition to: Parameters[PLCamera.EventNotification].TrySetValue(PLCamera.EventNotification.On); For VB the syntax is: camera.Parameters(CType("EventNotification ", BooleanName)) .TrySetValue(true); * pylon C: The pylon C API doesn't provide convenient functions to use GenDC and the Basler blaze 3D camera yet. * pylon C: For using the GenTL Consumer (e.g., with CoaXPress), additional functionality was added to pylon C to be able to start and stop streaming explicitly. This functionality has not been documented in the pylon C programmer's guide yet. Please refer to the pylon C++ programmer's guide (see chapter "Migrating from Previous Versions - Changes in the IStreamGrabber API") or the pylonC OverlappedGrab programming sample. * pylon Viewer: On computers with an Intel HD graphics card, it may be necessary to update the graphics driver to the current version. * GenTL: [133711] Limited GenTL support for producers with GenTL version 1.4 and below. * MP4: Recording of video files with cameras with resolutions of 20 MP or more may fail if the Quality parameter is set to 80 % or more. To work around that, set the Quality parameter to a lower value. * MP4/AVI: [139274] The Recording feature doesn't support the Compression Beyond feature in ace 2 Pro cameras. When recording is started and the Compression Beyond feature is enabled, pylon will first disable the Compression Beyond feature in the camera and then start recording. * MP4: If the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 was already installed with a pylon 5.x.x installation and pylon 6.x.x is installed afterwards, the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 has to be uninstalled and installed again. * MP4: MP4 video recording requires the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 to be installed in order to work. The pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 is available for download on the Basler website. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960, and 1280 x 1024 may not work. In that case, adjust the image height or width slightly. - It is recommended to use the Windows Media Player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC Media Player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC Media Player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC Media Player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. * DirectShow and Twain: CoaXPress cameras are not supported with the DirectShow and Twain drivers. * USB: The Power Management used by the Intel USB host must be turned off since Basler U3V devices may get desynchronized. If this is the case the Basler U3V devices may be not available after booting the system in some cases. Disable LPM packages on the USB3 bus with the following steps: 1. Enable advanced settings by executing the following command: powercfg -attributes 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 d4e98f31-5ffe- 4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009 -ATTRIB_HIDE 2. Change the LPM settings in the power options: - Open the Power Options in the control panel. - Click "Change plan settings" for the selected power plan. - Click "Change advanced power settings". - In the "Power Options" dialog on the "Advanced settings" tab, select "USB settings". - Set "USB 3 Link Power Management" to "Off". * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support action commands. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support multicast configurations. * SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * pylon .NET: Updating to this version of the .NET API requires you to update your .NET project files to reference the new assembly. This is required due to the VB2015 compatibility fix (interface class Basler.Pylon.IParameterListEnum was changed to ref class Basler.Pylon.ParameterListEnum). * pylon .NET: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * General: If you run the GUI applications using the built-in Administrator account on Windows 10, some Help/Support features may not work due to security restrictions. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2022-11-08 VERSION: 7.2.1 (Windows 10/11 64-bit) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ==================== * pylon C++ API=7.2.1 - Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon C++ API are incompatible. * pylon C API=7.2.1 - Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon C API are incompatible. * pylon.NET API=1.2.0 - Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon .NET API are compatible. * pylon Data Processing API=1.1.1 - Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon Data Processing API are incompatible. CORRECTIONS =========== * GigE Vision: [255475] The GEV streaming library has been improved to better handle the retrieval of lost streaming packets. This could have caused an unexpected termination or the image acquisition to stop after massive resends. * GigE Vision: [255254] The GEV streaming library has been improved to retrieve the correct range of lost streaming packets. * Data Processing: [8901] The pylon Data Processing C++ SDK sample programs have been updated to reflect changes in the pylon Camera Emulation. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2022-10-18 VERSION: 7.2.0 (Windows 10/11 64-bit) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ==================== * pylon C++ API=7.2.0 - Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon C++ API are incompatible. * pylon C API=7.2.0 - Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon C API are incompatible. * pylon.NET API=1.2.0 - Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon .NET API are compatible. * pylon Data Processing API=1.1.1 - Applications built with earlier versions of the pylon Data Processing API are incompatible. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ====================== * vTools: The following licensable vTools have been added: - Barcode Reader Pro - Data Matrix Code Reader Pro - QR Code Reader Pro - Geometric Pattern Matching Basic - Template Matching Basic * vTools: The following licensable vTools have been renamed for convenience: - Calibration => Calibration Basic - Measurements => Measurements Basic - Barcode Reader => Barcode Reader Basic - Data Matrix Code Reader => Data Matrix Code Reader Basic - QR Code Reader => QR Code Reader Basic - Absolute Thresholding => Absolute Thresholding Basic - Auto Thresholding => Auto Thresholding Basic - Relative Thresholding => Relative Thresholding Basic - Color Classifier => Color Classifier Basic * vTools: [6677] Measurements Basic: The Enum Values of Transition have been renamed to "Dark to Light" and "Light to Dark". This leads to incompabilities with recipes created with pylon 7.1.0 or older that include the Measurements vTool and use this feature. * Workbench: [6493] The user interface has been localized into Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages. Languages can be switched from the Tools > Options menu. * pylon Viewer: [6140] The pylon Static Defect Pixel Correction tool has been added in the Camera menu of the pylon Viewer. This GUI tool provides a simplified interface to correct defect camera sensor pixels. * pylon Viewer: [7832] The link to the pylon SDK Samples Manual has been removed from the Help menu of the pylon Viewer. This manual is available in the Basler Product Documentation now. * pylon Viewer: [7831] The link to the pylon Deployment Guide has been removed from the Help menu of the pylon Viewer. This guide is available in the Basler Product Documentation now. * CXP: [247590] The applets for the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 2C, 4C, and imaWorx CXP-12 Quad frame grabber with static version S1.0 have been updated to version 2.0.5. * CXP: [247590] The applet for the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C with static version S1.2 has been updated to version 5.0.5. * CXP: [247590] All updated applets now support internal overflow handling and events. The FrameID now holds a 16 bit value generated from the camera instead of a counter generated in the applet. * CXP/GenTL: [247590] The CXP GenTL Producer, ProducerCXP.cti, has been updated to version 5.10.0. It now supports events with and without payload. * GenTL: [232982, 232983] The pylon GenTL Consumer supports events now. * GenTL: [246740] The pylon GenTL Consumer sets the correct grab result payload type when images with chunk data are received now. * Camera Emulation: [239196, 239198, 239199, 239200, 239201, 239203, 239204, 239207, 247311, 247312] The pylon Camera Emulation has been updated with multiple new parameters to better reflect the behavior of recent Basler cameras, e.g., ace 2 camera models. * BPD: [245921] The pylon Deployment Guide has been moved to the Basler Product Documentation. * BPD: [245922] The pylon SDK Samples Manual has been moved to the Basler Product Documentation. * BPD: [248413] The pylon GigE Configurator chapter has been expanded by the charter "Affected Network Parameters". * BPD: [246033] The "Migrating from Previous Versions" section of the pylon C++ Programmer's Guide has been updated. * BPD: Updated the offline Basler Product Documentation. CORRECTIONS =========== * vTools: [5777] Geometric Pattern Matching Pro: Fixed the application of transformation model. * vTools: [5543] Measurements: Fixed an issue with a slider. * vTools: [7316] Fixed an multi-threading issue in Camera vTool free resources implementation. * Workbench: [6180] Fixed an issue with context menu in License Dialog. * Workbench: [6134] Fixed an issue where vTool dialogs were not destroyed correctly. * Workbench: [3753] Fixed an issue with diplay of correct queue size. * Workbench: [4800] Fixed an isses in measurement pane using wrong path seperators. * Workbench: [5263] Fixed an display issue for connections after load of recipe. * Workbench: [3289] Improved displaying the documentation of vTools. * Data Processing: [6134] Fixed an issue where vTool dialogs were not destroyed correctly. * pylon Viewer: [6994] Update translations for pylon Viewer application. * pylon Viewer: [5898] Fixed an issue with generated documentation for IParameter nodes. * pylon Viewer: [4512] The scaling handling for pylon GigEConfigurator has been improved. * pylon Viewer: [6006] The feedback function for pylon Viewer has been improved. * CXP/GenTL: [247590] Fixed a potential issue, which might have appeared when closing the pylon Viewer while loading an applet. * CXP/GenTL: [247590] An applet change is not possible during image acquisition now. * CXP/GenTL: [247590] Changed the names of some parameters, e.g., TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight, in all imaWorx CXP-12 Quad frame grabber applets. * GigE Vision: [243746] The resend mechanism of the pylon GEV drivers has been optimized for handling of small images. * GigE Vision: [243739] The resend mechanism of the pylon GEV drivers has been optimized for specific use cases where a camera is used in a triggerred mode. * GigE Vision: [251256] The resend mechanism of the pylon GEV drivers has been optimized to efficiently use the available bandwidth. * GigE Vision: [251260] The resend mechanism of the pylon GEV drivers has been optimized to better recover ranges of lost stream packets. * GigE Vision: [251258] The Extended Status Code Capability is automatically enabled if a GigE camera supports it. * GigE Vision: [250680] The pylon GEV drivers now correctly support ExtendedBlockID with 64-bit length. * GigE Vision: [250657] The documentation for the GetBlockID function has been updated. * GigE Vision: [252989] An issue has been fixed where the image acquisition could have stopped after massive resends have occured. RESTRICTIONS ============ * SDK: When building the samples using CMake you may run into a path length limitation of the operating system. You may get build errors stating the paths exceed the maximum path length of 260 characters. This may happen if the absolute path of your CMake build directory exceeds 80 characters. The build directory is the current working directory or the directory specified by the option '-B' when you call cmake. If you experience this error, use a build directoy with a shorter path not exceeding 80 characters, i.e., directly in your user profile: C:\Users\\Samples. You can enable long paths on Windows 10, Version 1607, and later. See the Microsoft documentation for more information. * Workbench: Using multiple pin data views actively displaying data in the Workbench may cause an increase of the CPU load and degradation of the overall performance. Basler recommends using fewer pin data views whenever possible. * Workbench: The Workbench provides the Statistics feature. The Statistics feature measures the execution times of vTools. Note that CPUs may run with different frequencies depending on the current load (e.g., due to or dynamic frequency scaling). Therefore, the times measured may vary depending on the configuration of your system and the overall CPU load. * CXP: When camera parameters are changed during image acquisition, the change is not reflected in the interface card. * CXP: If images are lost on the interface card due to a buffer overflow, e.g., when the user application doesn't (re)queue buffers fast enough to deliver the images, this will be indicated by the next delivered buffer. This will be marked as INCOMPLETE, its fill size will be 0, and the custom error code BUFFER_INFO_BASLER_XAPI_ERROR_CODE is set to 42. Additionally, one lost frame will be added to the stream info. Note that exactly one lost frame will be added regardless of how many frames were lost due to the overflow. * CXP: The GenTL device ID changes when an applet is changed. Therefore, the device ID that was queried with one applet can be used with a different board and a different applet only if the applet has the same name as the original one with which the device ID was generated. * CXP: The GenTL BUFFER_INFO_FRAME_ID, which can be queried via DSGetBufferInfo, doesn't contain the source tag from the CXP image header. Instead, it contains a counter for all frames that have been delivered to the computer. * CXP: During an applet change, the cameras attached to an interface card are still displayed in the devices list even though they are not accessible anymore. An attempt to open a camera in this state leads to an error message. * CXP: When the DeviceUserID of a camera is changed, a restart of the GenTL Producer is required for the change to be reflected via the GenTL API. When using a GUI to interact with the camera via GenTL (i.e., the pylon Viewer), a restart of that application is required for the change to become visible. * CXP: Under rare circumstances, when the CXP link speed is changed frequently on one port, at some point a speed change has no effect anymore. To work around that, either reload the applet by loading a different applet and then loading the original one again or set the value of the SISO_FORCE_RELOAD_APPLET environment variable to 'yes'. * CXP: When changing the PCIe slot used by the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C in a computer, the computer must be in shutdown state. Problems may occur if the computer is in hibernation state, where the state of the OS has been persisted to disk. * CXP: In rare cases, the camera is not found after booting the computer. Power-cycle the camera to resolve this. * CXP: Grabbing with very high frame rates above 50000 fps using the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C is not supported. * CXP: When allocating buffers used for grabbing, the buffer address must be aligned to 8-byte increments on 64-bit operating systems. This is automatically the case if you use heap memory. * CXP: If a version of the Silicon Software Runtime is installed on your computer, you may experience incompatibility issues when using CoaXPress cameras and interface cards. Therefore, Basler advises against installing pylon in parallel to the Silicon Software Runtime. * Camera Link: The pylon Viewer may fail to enumerate Camera Link cameras when connected to some Camera Link frame grabbers. To avoid that, run the pylon CL Configurator tool from \Applications\x64\bin instead. The pylon APIs are not affected by that issue. * 3D: To use Basler blaze 3D cameras requires the pylon Supplementary Package for blaze to be installed. The pylon Supplementary Package for blaze is available for download on the Basler website. * SDK: Some ace 2 cameras may use a Boolean parameter instead of the usual enumeration for event notifications. The following code snippets can be used to work around this issue. For C++ you can use: CBooleanParameter(camera.GetNodeMap(), "EventNotification").TrySetValue(true); in addition to: camera.EventNotification.TrySetValue(EventNotification_On); For C# you can use: Parameters[(BooleanName)"EventNotification"].TrySetValue(true); in addition to: Parameters[PLCamera.EventNotification].TrySetValue(PLCamera.EventNotification.On); For VB the syntax is: camera.Parameters(CType("EventNotification ", BooleanName)) .TrySetValue(true); * pylon C: The pylon C API doesn't provide convenient functions to use GenDC and the Basler blaze 3D camera yet. * pylon C: For using the GenTL Consumer (e.g., with CoaXPress), additional functionality was added to pylon C to be able to start and stop streaming explicitly. This functionality has not been documented in the pylon C programmer's guide yet. Please refer to the pylon C++ programmer's guide (see chapter "Migrating from Previous Versions - Changes in the IStreamGrabber API") or the pylonC OverlappedGrab programming sample. * pylon Viewer: On computers with an Intel HD graphics card, it may be necessary to update the graphics driver to the current version. * GenTL: [133711] Limited GenTL support for producers with GenTL version 1.4 and below. * MP4: Recording of video files with cameras with resolutions of 20 MPor higher may fail if the Quality parameter is set to 80 % or more. To work around that, set the Quality parameter to a lower value. * MP4/AVI: [139274] The Recording feature doesn't support the Compression Beyond feature in ace 2 Pro cameras. When recording is started and the Compression Beyond feature is enabled, pylon will first disable the Compression Beyond feature in the camera and then start recording. * MP4: If the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 was already installed with a pylon 5.x.x installation and pylon 6.x.x is installed afterwards, the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 has to be uninstalled and installed again. * MP4: MP4 video recording requires the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 to be installed in order to work. The pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 is available for download on the Basler website. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960, and 1280 x 1024 may not work. In that case, adjust the image height or width slightly. - It is recommended to use the Windows Media Player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC Media Player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC Media Player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC Media Player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. * DirectShow and Twain: CoaXPress cameras are not supported with the DirectShow and Twain drivers. * USB: The Power Management used by the Intel USB host must be turned off since Basler U3V devices may get desynchronized. If this is the case the Basler U3V devices may be not available after booting the system in some cases. Disable LPM packages on the USB3 bus with the following steps: 1. Enable advanced settings by executing the following command: powercfg -attributes 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 d4e98f31-5ffe- 4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009 -ATTRIB_HIDE 2. Change the LPM settings in the power options: - Open the Power Options in the control panel. - Click "Change plan settings" for the selected power plan. - Click "Change advanced power settings". - In the "Power Options" dialog on the "Advanced settings" tab, select "USB settings". - Set "USB 3 Link Power Management" to "Off". * GigE Vision: The pylon performance driver will be replaced by the in-box Intel driver during an update of the Microsoft Windows operating system. This happens because Windows will reinstall all drivers and the in-box Intel driver will be regarded the best driver for Intel network adapters by the operating system. There are multiple ways to change this. Choose the one that suits you best. 1. Start the setup executable again and execute the repair function of the pylon setup. 2. In the Windows driver properties dialog of the network adapter connected to a camera, click the driver update button on the driver tab, select manual search on the computer, select to choose from a list of drivers installed on the computer and then select "Basler GigE Vision Adapter" as driver. Finally, click the continue button to complete. 3. Uninstall and then reinstall pylon. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support action commands. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support multicast configurations. * SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * pylon .NET: Updating to this version of the .NET API requires you to update your .NET project files to reference the new assembly. This is required due to the VB2015 compatibility fix (interface class Basler.Pylon.IParameterListEnum was changed to ref class Basler.Pylon.ParameterListEnum). * pylon .NET: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * General: If you run the GUI applications using the built-in Administrator account on Windows 10, some Help/Support features may not work due to security restrictions. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2022-07-19 VERSION: 7.1.0 (Windows 10/11 64-bit) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ==================== Applications built with earlier versions of pylon are incompatible with pylon 7.1.0. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ====================== * GigE Vision: [241034] New Basler ace 2 5GigE cameras are supported. * GigE Vision: [201685] A new pylon GEV filter driver has been added. This new filter driver supports all 1GigE, 5GigE, and 10GigE network adapters. Basler recommends using Basler network adapters for best performance and reliability. The GEV filter driver replaces the former pylon GEV performance driver. * GigE Vision: [201685] The pylon GEV socket driver has been updated. Use it whenever you can't use the pylon GEV filter driver. On Windows, Basler recommends to always use the pylon GEV filter driver. * GigE Vision: [201685] The new/updated pylon GEV drivers support the following new features: - GVSP Extended ID mode - GVCP Pending Acknowledge messages - Firewall traversal has been added to bypass the Windows firewall for GVSP packets. * GigE Vision: [201091] The PylonGigEConfigurator CLI tool has been added. The tool configures and optimizes the complete GigE setup for best usability and performance when used with Basler hardware components, e.g., network adapters and cameras. The following features are supported: - Optimization of network adapter performance parameters - Automatic or semi-automatic configuration of IP addresses of network adapters and cameras - Automatic optimization of the packet size of cameras - Automatic optimization of critical parameters of the operating system for real-time functionality and best performance The PylonGigEConfigurator tool ist located under \Runtime\x64. * GigE Vision: [201093] A new handling of the GEV heartbeat timeout has been implemented. In case an application has been started in debug mode and is terminated, the control channel is closed automatically. This allows you to use the GigE camera again immediately after restarting the application. * GigE Vision: [233331] The Marvell_AQtion_Win-64-bit_3.1.6 driver required for the Basler 10GigE 1-Port Interface Card has been added to the setup. It can be used whenever no internet connection is available. The driver is located under \Applications\x64\share\Tools\x64. Basler recommends downloading and using drivers from the Windows driver store whenever an internet connection is available. * pylon Viewer: [5568] The pylon GigE Configurator tool has been added in the Tools menu of the pylon Viewer. This GUI tool provides a simplified interface for the PylonGigEConfigurator command-line interface (CLI) tool. To benefit from the automatic configuration modes of the GUI tool, the pylon Viewer must be started with administrator/sudo rights. To use the full functionality of the tool, use the PylonGigEConfigurator CLI tool. * pylon Viewer: [5561] The Bandwidth Manager tool has been updated to support 5GigE and 10GigE network adapters and cameras. * pylon Viewer: [5657] The links to the C++, C, and .NET Programmer's Guides has been removed from the Help menu of the pylon Viewer. These programmer's guides are available in the Basler Product Documentation now. * SDK: [241729] The CBaslerUniversalInstantCamera class has been updated. * SDK: [230241] Added support for CMake 3.14 and before. * SDK: [230125] Added a C++ SDK sample for QT using multiple cameras. * Setup: [241731] The pylon Deployment Guide has been updated. * Setup: [241732] The pylon SDK Samples Manual has been updated. * Setup: [239761] The pylon README file has been updated. * Camera Emulation: [191663] The pylon Camera Emulation has been updated with multiple new parameters to better reflect the behavior of recent Basler cameras, e.g., ace 2 camera models. * BPD: Updated the offline Basler Product Documentation. DISCONTINUATION NOTICE ========================= * The pylon GEV performance driver is no longer supported. CORRECTIONS =========== * GenTL: [234066] Fixed an issue with the pylon GigE and USB GenTL producers when updating the device list with open camera devices. * GenTL: [232981] The pylon GenTL consumer has been improved when working with DeviceLostEvent. * SDK: [233262] Corrected a potential alignment issue when using PylonDataContainer and PylonDataComponent. * SDK: [238324] Corrected an issue with white level values when saving 8-bit images in DNG file format. * pylon.NET: [232583] Corrected an issue when attaching nodes to camera parameters. * pylon Viewer: [5656] The feature documentation for Event Grabber parameters now provides complete code snippets. * Setup: [5406] The GEV performance driver can be installed via the Custom profile only. Note that the GEV performance driver has been deprecated. Use the new GEV filter driver instead. RESTRICTIONS ============ * SDK: When building the samples using CMake you may run into a path length limitation of the operating system. You may get build errors stating the paths exceed the maximum path length of 260 characters. This may happen if the absolute path of your CMake build directory exceeds 80 characters. The build directory is the current working directory or the directory specified by the option '-B' when you call cmake. If you experience this error, use a build directoy with a shorter path not exceeding 80 characters, i.e., directly in your user profile: C:\Users\\Samples. You can enable long paths on Windows 10, Version 1607, and later. See the Microsoft documentation for more information. * Workbench: Using multiple pin data views actively displaying data in the Workbench may cause an increase of the CPU load and degradation of the overall performance. Basler recommends using fewer pin data views whenever possible. * Workbench: The Workbench provides the Statistics feature. The Statistics feature measures the execution times of vTools. Note that CPUs may run with different frequencies depending on the current load (e.g., due to or dynamic frequency scaling). Therefore, the times measured may vary depending on the configuration of your system and the overall CPU load. * CXP: When camera parameters are changed during image acquisition, the change is not reflected in the interface card. * CXP: If images are lost on the interface card due to a buffer overflow, e.g., when the user application doesn't (re)queue buffers fast enough to deliver the images, this will be indicated by the next delivered buffer. This will be marked as INCOMPLETE, its fill size will be 0, and the custom error code BUFFER_INFO_BASLER_XAPI_ERROR_CODE is set to 42. Additionally, one lost frame will be added to the stream info. Note that exactly one lost frame will be added regardless of how many frames were lost due to the overflow. * CXP: The GenTL device ID changes when an applet is changed. Therefore, the device ID that was queried with one applet can be used with a different board and a different applet only if the applet has the same name as the original one with which the device ID was generated. * CXP: The GenTL BUFFER_INFO_FRAME_ID, which can be queried via DSGetBufferInfo, doesn't contain the source tag from the CXP image header. Instead, it contains a counter for all frames that have been delivered to the computer. * CXP: During an applet change, the cameras attached to an interface card are still displayed in the devices list even though they are not accessible anymore. An attempt to open a camera in this state leads to an error message. * CXP: When the DeviceUserID of a camera is changed, a restart of the GenTL Producer is required for the change to be reflected via the GenTL API. When using a GUI to interact with the camera via GenTL (i.e., the pylon Viewer), a restart of that application is required for the change to become visible. * CXP: Under rare circumstances, when the CXP link speed is changed frequently on one port, at some point a speed change has no effect anymore. To work around that, either reload the applet by loading a different applet and then loading the original one again or set the value of the SISO_FORCE_RELOAD_APPLET environment variable to 'yes'. * CXP: When changing the PCIe slot used by the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C in a computer, the computer must be in shutdown state. Problems may occur if the computer is in hibernation state, where the state of the OS has been persisted to disk. * CXP: In rare cases, the camera is not found after booting the computer. Power-cycle the camera to resolve this. * CXP: Grabbing with very high frame rates above 50000 fps using the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C is not supported. * CXP: When allocating buffers used for grabbing, the buffer address must be aligned to 8-byte increments on 64-bit operating systems. This is automatically the case if you use heap memory. * CXP: If a version of the Silicon Software Runtime is installed on your computer, you may experience incompatibility issues when using CoaXPress cameras and interface cards. Therefore, Basler advises against installing pylon in parallel to the Silicon Software Runtime. * Camera Link: The pylon Viewer may fail to enumerate Camera Link cameras when connected to some Camera Link frame grabbers. To avoid that, run the pylon CL Configurator tool from \Applications\x64\bin instead. The pylon APIs are not affected by that issue. * 3D: To use Basler blaze 3D cameras requires the pylon Supplementary Package for blaze to be installed. The pylon Supplementary Package for blaze is available for download on the Basler website. * SDK: Some ace 2 cameras may use a Boolean parameter instead of the usual enumeration for event notifications. The following code snippets can be used to work around this issue. For C++ you can use: CBooleanParameter(camera.GetNodeMap(), "EventNotification").TrySetValue(true); in addition to: camera.EventNotification.TrySetValue(EventNotification_On); For C# you can use: Parameters[(BooleanName)"EventNotification"].TrySetValue(true); in addition to: Parameters[PLCamera.EventNotification].TrySetValue(PLCamera.EventNotification.On); For VB the syntax is: camera.Parameters(CType("EventNotification ", BooleanName)) .TrySetValue(true); * pylon C: The pylon C API doesn't provide convenient functions to use GenDC and the Basler blaze 3D camera yet. * pylon C: For using the GenTL Consumer (e.g., with CoaXPress), additional functionality was added to pylon C to be able to start and stop streaming explicitly. This functionality has not been documented in the pylon C programmer's guide yet. Please refer to the pylon C++ programmer's guide (see chapter "Migrating from Previous Versions - Changes in the IStreamGrabber API") or the pylonC OverlappedGrab programming sample. * pylon Viewer: On computers with an Intel HD graphics card, it may be necessary to update the graphics driver to the current version. * GenTL: [133711] Limited GenTL support for producers with GenTL version 1.4 and below. * MP4: Recording of video files with cameras with resolutions of 20 MPor higher may fail if the Quality parameter is set to 80 % or more. To work around that, set the Quality parameter to a lower value. * MP4/AVI: [139274] The Recording feature doesn't support the Compression Beyond feature in ace 2 Pro cameras. When recording is started and the Compression Beyond feature is enabled, pylon will first disable the Compression Beyond feature in the camera and then start recording. * MP4: If the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 was already installed with a pylon 5.x.x installation and pylon 6.x.x is installed afterwards, the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 has to be uninstalled and installed again. * MP4: MP4 video recording requires the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 to be installed in order to work. The pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 is available for download on the Basler website. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960, and 1280 x 1024 may not work. In that case, adjust the image height or width slightly. - It is recommended to use the Windows Media Player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC Media Player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC Media Player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC Media Player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. * DirectShow and Twain: CoaXPress cameras are not supported with the DirectShow and Twain drivers. * USB: The Power Management used by the Intel USB host must be turned off since Basler U3V devices may get desynchronized. If this is the case the Basler U3V devices may be not available after booting the system in some cases. Disable LPM packages on the USB3 bus with the following steps: 1. Enable advanced settings by executing the following command: powercfg -attributes 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 d4e98f31-5ffe- 4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009 -ATTRIB_HIDE 2. Change the LPM settings in the power options: - Open the Power Options in the control panel. - Click "Change plan settings" for the selected power plan. - Click "Change advanced power settings". - In the "Power Options" dialog on the "Advanced settings" tab, select "USB settings". - Set "USB 3 Link Power Management" to "Off". * GigE Vision: The pylon performance driver will be replaced by the in-box Intel driver during an update of the Microsoft Windows operating system. This happens because Windows will reinstall all drivers and the in-box Intel driver will be regarded the best driver for Intel network adapters by the operating system. There are multiple ways to change this. Choose the one that suits you best. 1. Start the setup executable again and execute the repair function of the pylon setup. 2. In the Windows driver properties dialog of the network adapter connected to a camera, click the driver update button on the driver tab, select manual search on the computer, select to choose from a list of drivers installed on the computer and then select "Basler GigE Vision Adapter" as driver. Finally, click the continue button to complete. 3. Uninstall and then reinstall pylon. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support action commands. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support multicast configurations. * SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * pylon .NET: Updating to this version of the .NET API requires you to update your .NET project files to reference the new assembly. This is required due to the VB2015 compatibility fix (interface class Basler.Pylon.IParameterListEnum was changed to ref class Basler.Pylon.ParameterListEnum). * pylon .NET: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * General: If you run the GUI applications using the built-in Administrator account on Windows 10, some Help/Support features may not work due to security restrictions. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2022-06-07 VERSION: 7.0.0 (Windows 10/11 64-bit) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ==================== Applications built with earlier versions of pylon are compatible with pylon 7.0.0. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ====================== * pylon: The pylon major version has been increased to reflect the addition of the pylon vTools. These are tools that add professional image processing capabilities to the pylon Camera Software Suite. * Workbench: The Workbench feature has been added to the pylon Viewer. The Workbench offers a graphical editor for creating machine vision, medical, and other applications. The Workbench can be accessed from the Workbench menu, the Window menu, or the Workbench button in the pylon Viewer toolbar. * Workbench: The Recipe Management pane has been added to accompany the Workbench. The Recipe Management pane offers the Properties, Statistics, and Optimization tabs that allow you to configure, measure and optimize pylon vTools and recipes. * Workbench: The vTools pane has been added to accompany the Workbench. The vTools pane lists all available vTools. * Workbench: The vTool Documentation pane has been added to accompany the Workbench. It offers information about the purpose of individual vTools and a brief overview of how to use them. * Workbench: Recipe templates have been added to demonstrate the use of typical image processing tasks/applications. The templates can be found under Development\Samples\pylonDataProcessing\RecipeTemplates. * Workbench: A new video introducing the pylon 7 Camera Software Suite has been added to the 'Welcome to pylon' dialog on the Learn More tab. * vTools: The following licensable vTools have been added: - Calibration - Measurements - Barcode Reader - Data Matrix Code Reader - QR Code Reader - Geometric Pattern Matching Pro - Absolute Thresholding - Auto Thresholding - Relative Thresholding - Color Classifier - Region Morphology - Region Selection - Region Feature Extraction * vTools: The following free vTools have been added: - Camera - Image Format Converter * vTools: The vTools Licensing tab has been added to the 'Welcome to pylon' dialog. The vTools Licensing tab provides an overview of your available licenses as well as information about the different license types (Demo, Evaluation, and Runtime license) and how to obtain them. * Data Processing: The pylon Data Processing C++ API has been added to enable the use of vTools. The Data Processing C++ API extends the existing C++ API for camera configuration and image acquistion. * Data Processing: SDK sample programs have been added to demonstrate the use of vTools. They can be found under \Development\Samples\pylonDataProcessing\C++. * Data Processing: The new Data Processing SDK sample programs require CMake version 3.12 or above. Basler recommends using Microsoft Visial Studio 2017 or above. When using Visual Studio 2015 or older, an additional installation of CMake is necessary. * Data Processing: A Programmer's Guide for the pylon Data Processing C++ API has been added. It can be accessed from the pylon Viewer's Help menu. * pylon: [2101, 3306, 3853] The 'pylon End User License Agreement' (EULA) has been updated. * pylon: [2101, 3306, 3853] The 'pylon_Third-Party_Licenses' document has been updated. * pylon Viewer: [2923] The New Features tab in the 'Welcome to pylon' dialog has been updated. * Setup: [2920] The CodeMeter Runtime v7.40a has been added. The CodeMeter Runtime must be installed in order to be able to use vTools. The CodeMeter control center can be used to check available vTool licenses. * Setup: [5019] The pylon Deployment Guide has been updated. * Setup: [5085] The pylon SDK Samples Manual has been updated. * MP4: [5162] The 'pylon End User License Agreement' (EULA) has been updated. * BPD: [4729] Updated the offline Basler Product Documentation. * BPD: [2922] New minimum and recommended system requirements for using the pylon Workbench and the vTools have been added. DISCONTINUATION NOTICE ========================= * Windows 8.1 64-bit is no longer supported. CORRECTIONS =========== * pylon Viewer: [3118] The handling of different font sizes has been improved. * pylon Viewer: [4512] The scaling handling has been improved. * pylon Viewer: [4014] An issue with GigE cameras when losing GEV discovery packets has been solved. * pylon: All GUI tools, e.g., pylon Viewer, pylon IP Configurator, etc., are not available as 32-bit versions any longer. RESTRICTIONS ============ * Workbench: Using multiple pin data views actively displaying data in the Workbench may cause an increase of the CPU load and degradation of the overall performance. Basler recommends using fewer pin data views whenever possible. * Workbench: The Workbench provides the Statistics feature. The Statistics feature measures the execution times of vTools. Note that CPUs may run with different frequencies depending on the current load (e.g., due to or dynamic frequency scaling). Therefore, the times measured may vary depending on the configuration of your system and the overall CPU load. * CXP: When camera parameters are changed during image acquisition, the change is not reflected in the interface card. * CXP: If images are lost on the interface card due to a buffer overflow, e.g., when the user application doesn't (re)queue buffers fast enough to deliver the images, this will be indicated by the next delivered buffer. This will be marked as INCOMPLETE, its fill size will be 0, and the custom error code BUFFER_INFO_BASLER_XAPI_ERROR_CODE is set to 42. Additionally, one lost frame will be added to the stream info. Note that exactly one lost frame will be added regardless of how many frames were lost due to the overflow. * CXP: The GenTL device ID changes when an applet is changed. Therefore, the device ID that was queried with one applet can be used with a different board and a different applet only if the applet has the same name as the original one with which the device ID was generated. * CXP: The GenTL BUFFER_INFO_FRAME_ID, which can be queried via DSGetBufferInfo, doesn't contain the source tag from the CXP image header. Instead, it contains a counter for all frames that have been delivered to the computer. * CXP: During an applet change, the cameras attached to an interface card are still displayed in the devices list even though they are not accessible anymore. An attempt to open a camera in this state leads to an error message. * CXP: When the DeviceUserID of a camera is changed, a restart of the GenTL Producer is required for the change to be reflected via the GenTL API. When using a GUI to interact with the camera via GenTL (i.e., the pylon Viewer), a restart of that application is required for the change to become visible. * CXP: Under rare circumstances, when the CXP link speed is changed frequently on one port, at some point a speed change has no effect anymore. To work around that, either reload the applet by loading a different applet and then loading the original one again, or set the value of the SISO_FORCE_RELOAD_APPLET environment variable to 'yes'. * CXP: When changing the PCIe slot used by the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C in a computer, the computer must be in shutdown state. Problems may occur if the computer is in hibernation state, where the state of the OS has been persisted to disk. * CXP: In rare cases, the camera is not found after booting the computer. Power-cycle the camera to resolve this. * CXP: Grabbing with very high frame rates above 50000 fps using the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C is not supported. * CXP: When allocating buffers used for grabbing, the buffer address must be aligned to 8-byte increments on 64-bit operating systems. This is automatically the case if you use heap memory. * CXP: If a version of the Silicon Software Runtime is installed on your computer, you may experience incompatibility issues when using CoaXPress cameras and interface cards. Therefore, Basler advises against installing pylon in parallel to Silicon Software Runtime. * Camera Link: The pylon Viewer may fail to enumerate Camera Link cameras when connected to some Camera Link frame grabbers. To avoid that, run the pylon CL Configurator tool from \Applications\x64\bin instead. The pylon APIs are not affected by that issue. * 3D: To use Basler blaze 3D cameras requires the pylon Supplementary Package for blaze to be installed. The pylon Supplementary Package for blaze will be available for download on the Basler website at a later stage. * SDK: Some ace 2 cameras may use a boolean parameter instead of the usual enumeration for event notifications. The following code snippets can be used to work around this issue. For C++ you can use: CBooleanParameter(camera.GetNodeMap(), "EventNotification").TrySetValue(true); in addition to: camera.EventNotification.TrySetValue(EventNotification_On); For C# you can use: Parameters[(BooleanName)"EventNotification"].TrySetValue(true); in addition to: Parameters[PLCamera.EventNotification].TrySetValue(PLCamera.EventNotification.On); For VB the syntax is: camera.Parameters(CType("EventNotification ", BooleanName)) .TrySetValue(true); * pylon C: The pylon C API doesn't provide convenient functions to use GenDC and the Basler blaze 3D camera yet. * pylon C: For using the GenTL Consumer (e.g., with CoaXPress), additional functionality was added to pylon C to be able to start and stop streaming explicitly. This functionality has not been documented in the pylon C programmer's guide yet. Please refer to the pylon C++ programmer's guide (see chapter "Migrating from Previous Versions - Changes in the IStreamGrabber API") or the pylonC OverlappedGrab programming sample. * pylon Viewer: On computers with an Intel HD graphics card, it may be necessary to update the graphics driver to the current version. * GenTL: [133711] Limited GenTL support for producers with GenTL version 1.4 and below. * MP4: Recording of video files with cameras with 20 MPixel or higher resolution may fail if the Quality parameter is set to 80 % or more. To work around that, set the Quality parameter to a lower value. * MP4/AVI: [139274] The Recording feature doesn't support the Compression Beyond feature in ace 2 Pro cameras. When recording is started and the Compression Beyond feature is enabled, pylon will first disable the Compression Beyond feature in the camera and then start recording. * MP4: If the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 was already installed with a pylon 5.x.x installation and pylon 6.x.x is installed afterwards, the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 has to be uninstalled and installed again. * MP4: MP4 video recording requires the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 to be installed in order to work. The pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 is available for download on the Basler website. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960, and 1280 x 1024 may not work. In that case, adjust the image height or width slightly. - It is recommended to use the Windows Media Player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC Media Player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC Media Player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC Media Player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. * DirectShow and Twain: CoaXPress cameras are not supported with the DirectShow and Twain drivers. * USB: The Power Management used by the Intel USB host must be turned off since Basler U3V devices may get desynchronized. If this is the case the Basler U3V devices may be not available after booting the system in some cases. Disable LPM packages on the USB3 bus with the following steps: 1. Enable advanced settings by executing the following command: powercfg -attributes 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 d4e98f31-5ffe- 4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009 -ATTRIB_HIDE 2. Change the LPM settings in the power options: - Open the Power Options in the control panel. - Click "Change plan settings" for the selected power plan. - Click "Change advanced power settings". - In the "Power Options" dialog on the "Advanced settings" tab, select "USB settings". - Set "USB 3 Link Power Management" to "Off". * GigE Vision: The pylon performance driver will be replaced by the in-box Intel driver during an update of the Microsoft Windows operating system. This happens because Windows will reinstall all drivers and the in-box Intel driver will be regarded the best driver for Intel network adapters by the operating system. There are multiple ways to change this. Choose the one that suits you best. 1. Start the setup executable again and execute the repair function of the pylon setup. 2. In the Windows driver properties dialog of the network adapter connected to a camera, click the driver update button on the driver tab, select manual search on the computer, select to choose from a list of drivers installed on the computer and then select "Basler GigE Vision Adapter" as driver. Finally, click the continue button to complete. 3. Uninstall and then reinstall pylon. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support action commands. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support multicast configurations. * SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * pylon .NET: Updating to this version of the .NET API requires you to update your .NET project files to reference the new assembly. This is required due to the VB2015 compatibility fix (interface class Basler.Pylon.IParameterListEnum was changed to ref class Basler.Pylon.ParameterListEnum). * pylon .NET: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * General: If you run the GUI applications using the built-in Administrator account on Windows 10, some Help/Support features may not work due to security restrictions. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2021-11-09 VERSION: 6.3.0 (Windows 8.1/10/11 64-bit) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ==================== Applications built with earlier versions of pylon are incompatible with pylon 6.3.0. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ====================== * pylon: [221634] Windows 11 64-bit is now supported. * CXP: [199767] Added support for Basler boost dual-channel CoaXPress cameras with Sony IMX sensors. * CXP: [209477] Added support for Basler CXP-12 Interface Cards 2C and 4C. * CXP: [209477] Added support for Basler imaWorx CXP-12 Quad frame grabbers. * CXP: [183748] The CXP driver has been updated to version 2.0.0. * CXP: [183748] Added a new applet for the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C with firmware version 4.0.4 S1.2. Use the GrabberFirmwareUpdater tool to update the firmware of an CXP-12 Interface Card 1C, if necessary. * CXP/GenTL: [212138, 211972, 214966] The CXP GenTL Producer, ProducerCXP.cti, has been updated to version 5.9.1. * CXP/GenTL: [220171] A new buffer overflow handling has been implemented. In the event of buffer overflow, affected images will be reported as failed. * CXP: [212992] The GrabberFirmwareUpdater tool has been added. It allows you to update the firmware of CXP-12 Interface Cards and frame grabbers. For more information, refer to the GrabberFirmwareUpdater_Readme located in the same folder, e.g., \Runtime\x64\pylonCXP\bin. * CXP: [212993] The gpioTool has been added. It allows you to configure the physical properties of the trigger signals received or sent by a Basler interface card or a frame grabber. For more information, refer to the gpioTool_Readme located in the same folder, e.g., \Runtime\x64\pylonCXP\bin. * CXP/GenTL: The firmware version of CXP-12 Interface Cards can now be queried via the GenTL Producer. To do so, use the InterfaceFirmwareVersion parameter. * CXP/pylon Viewer: The pylon Viewer doesn't require a restart after changing an applet anymore. The name of the applet currently loaded is displayed correctly now. * GigE Vision: The GEV socket driver has been updated. It supports better resend mechanisms comparable to the GEV performance driver now. * GigE Vision: [197963] Firewall traversal has been added to bypass the Windows firewall for GVSP packets. * GigE Vision: [197829] No GVCP packet resend commands will be sent by pylon when the GVCP Capability register is not set on the device. * USB: [211260] Added the DeviceVersion parameter to the DeviceInfo parameters for USB cameras. * SDK: [220227] New parameters for Basler boost dual-channel CoaXPress cameras, CXP-12 Interface Cards 1C/2C/4C, and imaWorx CXP-12 Quad frame grabbers have been added to the CBaslerUniversalInstantCamera class. * PylonC: [197658] The Chunk.c SDK sample has been adapted to better demonstrate the use of camera chunk data with ace 2 cameras. * pylon Viewer: [215258] In the Tools menu, the CXP Tools option has been added. It provides direct access to the GrabberFirmwareUpdater and the gpioTool tools if CXP has been installed. * pylon Viewer: [195378] The New Features tab in the Welcome to pylon dialog has been updated with information about the Basler blaze 3D cameras. * pylon Viewer: [218627] The Show Tree View option has been added to the Features-All pane. When selected, the device features will be displayed in tree instead of flat view. DISCONTINUATION NOTICE ========================= * Basler dart BCON for LVDS cameras are no longer supported. Use previous versions of pylon if support for dart BCON for LVDS is required. CORRECTIONS =========== * GigE Vision: [203028] Fixed a potential issue where a device removal may not have been detected when disabling the network adapter the camera is connected to. * pylon.NET: [189841] Fixed compatibility issue with Windows 8.1. It was not possible to use the AviVideoWriter with default options. * pylon.NET: [221722] Some obsolete information has been removed from the .NET Programmer’s Guide. * pylon: [200514] Fixed an issue where an empty chunk caused an exception on USB cameras. * pylon: [211670] Installer rollbacks in case of minor problems during installation are now prevented. * GenTL: [205061] Fixed an issue in the ProducerGEV.cti where changes to the SocketBufferSize node had no effect. * GenTL: [212719] A correct value for BUFFER_INFO_DELIVERED_CHUNKPAYLOADSIZE (U3V/GigE) and _CHUNKLAYOUT (U3V only) is set now. * GenTL: [218622] The ProducerU3V.cti correctly returns NAMESPACE_PFNC_32BIT instead of UNKNOWN now. * SDK: [201343] Fixed an issue where CGrabResultData::GetImageSize() would return wrong value for the YCbCr420_8_YY_CbCr_Semiplanar pixel format. * SDK: [201060] Fixed an issue in Callback.h that may have caused a compiler error when using a GCC 11 compiler. * SDK: [203519] Fixed an issue with CPixelTypeMapper when using the YUV422_8_UYVY pixel format. * PylonC: [212325] The C Programmer’s Guide has been expanded to reflect the use of the PylonStreamGrabberStartStreamingIfMandatory() function, which is mandatory for image acquisition with CXP cameras. * pylon Viewer: [208844] The pylon Viewer will now return an error when an invalid parameter is set in the Features-All pane. * pylon Viewer: [209520] Fixed an issue where an assertion has been reported while using the Data32f pixel format in combination with the Histogram feature. * pylon Viewer: [201977, 192246] Improved multiple issues related to the product improvement program. RESTRICTIONS ============ * CXP: Windows 8.1 is not supported with the CXP driver version 2.0.0. * CXP: Under Windows 8.1 or newer with Fast Startup (also known as Hybrid Boot or Hybrid Shutdown) enabled, an interface card may not work after doing the following: 1. Shut down the system. 2. Change the hardware setup (e.g., insert or replace a frame grabber). 3. Restart the system. A normal PC restart solves these problems. Basler recommends disabling Fast Startup to avoid similar issues. * CXP: When camera parameters are changed during image acquisition, the change is not reflected in the interface card. * CXP: If images are lost on the interface card due to a buffer overflow, e.g., when the user application doesn't (re)queue buffers fast enough to deliver the images, this will be indicated by the next delivered buffer. This will be marked as INCOMPLETE, its fill size will be 0, and the custom error code BUFFER_INFO_BASLER_XAPI_ERROR_CODE is set to 42. Additionally, one lost frame will be added to the stream info. Note that exactly one lost frame will be added regardless of how many frames were lost due to the overflow. * CXP: The GenTL device ID changes when an applet is changed. Therefore, the device ID that was queried with one applet can be used with a different board and a different applet only if the applet has the same name as the original one with which the device ID was generated. * CXP: The GenTL BUFFER_INFO_FRAME_ID, which can be queried via DSGetBufferInfo, doesn't contain the source tag from the CXP image header. Instead, it contains a counter for all frames that have been delivered to the computer. * CXP: During an applet change, the cameras attached to an interface card are still displayed in the devices list even though they are not accessible anymore. An attempt to open a camera in this state leads to an error message. * CXP: When the DeviceUserID of a camera is changed, a restart of the GenTL Producer is required for the change to be reflected via the GenTL API. When using a GUI to interact with the camera via GenTL (i.e., the pylon Viewer), a restart of that application is required for the change to become visible. * CXP: Under rare circumstances, when the CXP link speed is changed frequently on one port, at some point a speed change has no effect anymore. To work around that, either reload the applet by loading a different applet and then loading the original one again, or set the value of the SISO_FORCE_RELOAD_APPLET environment variable to 'yes'. * CXP: When changing the PCIe slot used by the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C in a PC, the PC must be in shutdown state. Problems may occur if the PC is in hibernation state, where the state of the OS has been persisted to disk. * CXP: In rare cases, the camera is not found after booting the PC. Power-cycle the camera to resolve this. * CXP: Grabbing with very high frame rates above 50000 fps using the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C is not supported. * CXP: When allocating buffers used for grabbing, the buffer address must be aligned to 8-byte increments on 64-bit operating systems. This is automatically the case if you use heap memory. * CXP: If a version of the Silicon Software Runtime is installed on your PC, you may experience incompatibility issues when using CoaXPress cameras and interface cards. Therefore, Basler advises against installing pylon in parallel to Silicon Software Runtime. * Camera Link: The pylon Viewer may fail to enumerate Camera Link cameras when connected to some Camera Link frame grabbers. To avoid that, run the pylon CL Configurator tool from \Applications\x64\bin instead. The pylon APIs are not affected by that issue. * 3D: To use Basler blaze 3D cameras requires the pylon Supplementary Package for blaze to be installed. The pylon Supplementary Package for blaze will be available for download on the Basler website at a later stage. * SDK: Some ace 2 cameras may use a boolean parameter instead of the usual enumeration for event notifications. The following code snippets can be used to work around this issue. For C++ you can use: CBooleanParameter(camera.GetNodeMap(), "EventNotification").TrySetValue(true); in addition to: camera.EventNotification.TrySetValue(EventNotification_On); For C# you can use: Parameters[(BooleanName)"EventNotification"].TrySetValue(true); in addition to: Parameters[PLCamera.EventNotification].TrySetValue(PLCamera.EventNotification.On); For VB the syntax is: camera.Parameters(CType("EventNotification ", BooleanName)) .TrySetValue(true); * pylon C: The pylon C API doesn't provide convenient functions to use GenDC and the Basler blaze 3D camera yet. * pylon C: For using the GenTL Consumer (e.g., with CoaXPress), additional functionality was added to pylon C to be able to start and stop streaming explicitly. This functionality has not been documented in the pylon C programmer's guide yet. Please refer to the pylon C++ programmer's guide (see chapter "Migrating from Previous Versions - Changes in the IStreamGrabber API") or the pylonC OverlappedGrab programming sample. * pylon Viewer: On computers with an Intel HD graphics card, it may be necessary to update the graphics driver to the current version. * GenTL: [133711] Limited GenTL support for producers with GenTL version 1.4 and below. * MP4: Recording of video files with cameras with 20 MPixel or higher resolution may fail if the Quality parameter is set to 80 % or more. To work around that, set the Quality parameter to a lower value. * MP4/AVI: [139274] The Recording feature doesn't support the Compression Beyond feature in ace 2 Pro cameras. When recording is started and the Compression Beyond feature is enabled, pylon will first disable the Compression Beyond feature in the camera and then start recording. * MP4: If the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 was already installed with a pylon 5.x.x installation and pylon 6.x.x is installed afterwards, the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 has to be uninstalled and installed again. * MP4: MP4 video recording requires the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 to be installed in order to work. The pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 is available for download on the Basler website. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960, and 1280 x 1024 may not work. In that case, adjust the image height or width slightly. - It is recommended to use the Windows Media Player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC Media Player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC Media Player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC Media Player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. * DirectShow and Twain: CoaXPress cameras are not supported with the DirectShow and Twain drivers. * USB: The Power Management used by the Intel USB host must be turned off since Basler U3V devices may get desynchronized. If this is the case the Basler U3V devices may be not available after booting the system in some cases. Disable LPM packages on the USB3 bus with the following steps: 1. Enable advanced settings by executing the following command: powercfg -attributes 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 d4e98f31-5ffe- 4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009 -ATTRIB_HIDE 2. Change the LPM settings in the power options: - Open the Power Options in the control panel. - Click "Change plan settings" for the selected power plan. - Click "Change advanced power settings". - In the "Power Options" dialog on the "Advanced settings" tab, select "USB settings". - Set "USB 3 Link Power Management" to "Off". * GigE Vision: The pylon performance driver will be replaced by the in-box Intel driver during an update of the Microsoft Windows operating system. This happens because Windows will reinstall all drivers and the in-box Intel driver will be regarded the best driver for Intel network adapters by the operating system. There are multiple ways to change this. Choose the one that suits you best. 1. Start the setup executable again and execute the repair function of the pylon setup. 2. In the Windows driver properties dialog of the network adapter connected to a camera, click the driver update button on the driver tab, select manual search on the computer, select to choose from a list of drivers installed on the computer and then select "Basler GigE Vision Adapter" as driver. Finally, click the continue button to complete. 3. Uninstall and then reinstall pylon. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support action commands. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support multicast configurations. * SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * pylon .NET: Updating to this version of the .NET API requires you to update your .NET project files to reference the new assembly. This is required due to the VB2015 compatibility fix (interface class Basler.Pylon.IParameterListEnum was changed to ref class Basler.Pylon.ParameterListEnum). * pylon .NET: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * General: If you run the GUI applications using the built-in Administrator account on Windows 10, some Help/Support features may not work due to security restrictions. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2021-03-09 VERSION: 6.2.0 (Windows 8.1 64-bit, 10 64-bit) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ==================== Applications built with earlier versions of pylon are incompatible with pylon 6.2.0. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ====================== * CXP: [188628] Added support for Basler boost CoaXPress cameras with ON Semiconductor XGS sensors. * CXP: [188628] Added support for the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C with firmware version 3.3. * 3D: [177711] Added support for the GenICam Generic Data Container (GenDC) version 1.1.0. This will allow the use of Basler blaze 3D cameras with the pylon SDK in future. * 3D/SDK: [180153] Added support for GenDC to the pylon C++ API. * 3D/pylon.NET: [181712] Added support for GenDC to the pylon.NET API. * GigE Vision: [170862] The effect of the Auto Packet Size feature has been improved when used on ace 2 cameras. * CL: [182717] Removed the CL protocol log levels not supported by GenApi version 3.2. * SDK: [189665] New parameters for Basler ace 2, dart, and boost cameras have been added to the CBaslerUniversalInstantCamera class. * SDK: [151794] Added a new GUI_MultiCam sample. This sample illustrates the use of an MFC dialog application using two cameras with the pylon C++ API. * SDK: [185786] Added a new sample to demonstrate the use of the SerialCommunication feature (UART) available on ace 2 cameras. * SDK: [133769] Added decompression support to pylonC to decompress compressed images from ace 2 Pro cameras. * SDK: [133769] Added new ImageDecompressor sample for pylonC. * SDK: [159212] Added DNG to the CImagePersistence class to support saving Bayer pictures in DNG file format. * SDK: [181930] Added CPylonDataContainer and CPylonDataComponent classes to access multi-component grab results. * SDK: [185772] Added GenDC PayloadType to PylonC. * SDK: [159107] Added GenApiRegister family of functions to read and write IRegister-type GenICam nodes in pylonC. * SDK: [189825] Added support for the Data32f pixel type, i.e., PFNC data 32-bit floating point, to the pylon C++ API. * SDK: [189825] Added support for the Data32f pixel type, i.e., PFNC data 32-bit floating point, to the pylon C API. * SDK: [189971] A pylon image can return a previously attached user buffer to a C++ interface now. * SDK: [164988] Removed the deprecated pylonC.NET API. If you're developing for the .NET platform, use pylon.NET instead. * pylon.NET: [165177] Added new GUI_SampleMultiCam sample. This sample illustrates the use of a Windows Forms application using two cameras with the pylon C# API. * pylon.NET: [136789] Added ability to upload and download camera files, e.g., for camera user sets. * pylon.NET: [138041] Added PixelType conversion and helper extensions. * pylon.NET: [185784] Added ComputeBufferSize function to PixelTypeExtension. * pylon.NET: [189825] Added support for the Data32f pixel type, i.e., PFNC data 32-bit floating point. * pylon Viewer: [164903] The pylon Viewer GUI tools have been updated to QT 5.12.8. * pylon Viewer: [187442] The About dialog in the pylon Viewer displays the pylon release version now. * pylon Viewer: [173865] The Vignetting Correction feature has been adapted to support MED ace cameras with a new binning selector parameter value. * pylon Viewer: [183612] The Vignetting Correction feature has been adapted to support ace 2 and boost cameras with a new binning selector parameter value. * pylon Viewer: [183913] The exposure time slider in the Features pane has been adapted to display the exposure time range correctly when using Ultra Short mode on ace 2 cameras. * pylon Viewer: [183912] The Bandwidth Manager reports missed frames as errors for USB cameras. * pylon Viewer: [187441, 158011] The Feature Documentation pane offers C++ source code snippets for related Selector features now. * pylon Viewer: [181775] The naming format for recording sequences of still images has been changed. * pylon Viewer: [184587] Some common tasks in the Features pane have been updated. * pylon Viewer: [190159] The timing precision when recording video files has been improved. * General: [181771] The pylon End-User License Agreement has been updated. * General: [190547] The pylon End-User License Agreement for the pylon MPEG-4 Supplementary Package has been updated. * BPD: [190192] Updated the offline Basler Product Documentation to version 45. DISCONTINUATION NOTICE ========================= * Windows 7 is no longer supported. * Windows 8.1 32-bit is no longer supported. * Windows 10 32-bit is no longer supported. Use previous versions of pylon if 32-bit Windows support is required. * The pylon C.NET API has been discontinued. Please use the pylon.NET API instead. CORRECTIONS =========== * GenTL: [172316] Fixed an issue in the ProducerU3V.cti and ProducerGEV.cti producers, where EventGetData could return custom error code -10001 instead of GC_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL when the buffer passed was too small. * GenTL: [184792] The access mode of the InterfaceUpdateList has been changed to write-only now. * GigE Vision: [158474] Unicasts and directed broadcasts, of ActionCommands and ScheduledActionCommands, are only sent if the request subnet matches the subnet of the IP address. This will reduce unexpected delays if a gateway or routing is required. * GigE Vision: [165200] Improved the discovery of cameras with different IP configurations. * SDK: [187278] The trigger selector is reset to its original value after applying a configuration. * SDK: [190889] Fixed an issue where the image acquisition could stop when the program has run for a very long period. * SDK: [187294] Enumeration values are now displayed correctly in IntelliSense. * SDK: [179416] Device accessibility information has been added to the C++ programmer's guide. * SDK: [181927] The C++ programmer's guide has been corrected in regard to creating specific cameras in pylon. * SDK: [186772] Include guards have been added to ImageDecompressor.h. * pylon C: [156137, 175690] Fixed an issue caused when using the SimpleGrab sample in combination with a camera emulator. * pylon.NET: [185783] The documentation of the TrySetValue() enumeration parameter has been corrected. * pylon.NET: [185994] Missing documentation for PixelTypeExtension has been added. * pylon.NET: [185785] A device can be correctly disposed even after exceptions are caused when using the StreamGrabber. * pylon Viewer: [183914] The histogram calculation is only performed when the histogram pane is active now. * pylon Viewer: [187440, 176297] The Light Device Brightness slider in the Features pane has been adapted to display the brightness range correctly when using the Basler SLP Strobe Controller. * pylon Viewer: [182085] The position of GigE cameras in the Devices pane does not change anymore after enumeration. * pylon Viewer: [189875] The pylon Viewer can grab images after changing the IP address of the network adapter without having to close and reopen the pylon Viewer. The refresh button must be clicked before opening the camera if Auto-Scan is disabled. * pylon Viewer: [189905] Fixed an issue with the "Don't show this dialog again" option in the Bandwidth Manager. RESTRICTIONS ============ * 3D: To use Basler blaze 3D cameras requires the pylon Supplementary Package for blaze to be installed. The pylon Supplementary Package for blaze will be available for download on the Basler website at a later stage. * SDK: Some ace 2 cameras may use a boolean parameter instead of the usual enumeration for event notifications. The following code snippets can be used to work around this issue. For C++ you can use: CBooleanParameter(camera.GetNodeMap(), "EventNotification").TrySetValue(true); in addition to: camera.EventNotification.TrySetValue(EventNotification_On); For C# you can use: Parameters[(BooleanName)"EventNotification"].TrySetValue(true); in addition to: Parameters[PLCamera.EventNotification].TrySetValue(PLCamera.EventNotification.On); For VB the syntax is: camera.Parameters(CType("EventNotification ", BooleanName)) .TrySetValue(true); * pylon C: The pylon C API doesn't provide convenient functions to use GenDC and the Basler blaze 3D camera yet. * pylon Viewer: On computers with an Intel HD graphics card, it may be necessary to update the graphics driver to the current version. * GenTL: [133711] Limited GenTL support for producers with GenTL version 1.4 and below. * MP4: Recording of video files with cameras with 20 MPixel or higher resolution may fail if the Quality parameter is set to 80 % or more. To work around that, set the Quality parameter to a lower value. * MP4/AVI: [139274] The Recording feature doesn't support the Compression Beyond feature in ace 2 Pro cameras. When recording is started and the Compression Beyond feature is enabled, pylon will first disable the Compression Beyond feature in the camera and then start recording. * MP4: If the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 was already installed with a pylon 5.x.x installation and pylon 6.x.x is installed afterwards, the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 has to be uninstalled and installed again. * CXP: When changing the PCIe slot used by the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C in a PC, the PC must be in shutdown state. Problems may occur if the PC is in hibernation state, where the state of the OS has been persisted to disk. * CXP: In rare cases, the camera is not found after booting the PC. Power-cycle the camera to resolve this. * CXP: Grabbing with very high frame rates above 50000 fps using the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C is not supported. * CXP: When allocating buffers used for grabbing, the buffer address must be aligned to 4-byte increments on 32-bit operating systems and to 8-byte increments on 64-bit operating systems. This is automatically the case if you use heap memory. * CXP: If a version of the Silicon Software Runtime is installed on your PC, you may experience incompatibility issues when using CoaXPress cameras and interface cards. Therefore, Basler advises against installing pylon in parallel to Silicon Software Runtime. * pylon C: For using the GenTL Consumer (e.g., with CoaXPress), additional functionality was added to pylon C to be able to start and stop streaming explicitly. This functionality has not been documented in the pylon C programmer's guide yet. Please refer to the pylon C++ programmer's guide (see chapter "Migrating from Previous Versions - Changes in the IStreamGrabber API") or the pylonC OverlappedGrab programming sample. * DirectShow and Twain: CoaXPress cameras are not supported with the DirectShow and Twain drivers. * USB: The Power Management used by the Intel USB host must be turned off since Basler U3V devices may get desynchronized. If this is the case the Basler U3V devices may be not available after booting the system in some cases. Disable LPM packages on the USB3 bus with the following steps: 1. Enable advanced settings by executing the following command: powercfg -attributes 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 d4e98f31-5ffe- 4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009 -ATTRIB_HIDE 2. Change the LPM settings in the power options: - Open the Power Options in the control panel. - Click "Change plan settings" for the selected power plan. - Click "Change advanced power settings". - In the "Power Options" dialog on the "Advanced settings" tab, select "USB settings". - Set "USB 3 Link Power Management" to "Off". * GigE Vision: The pylon performance driver will be replaced by the in-box Intel driver during an update of the Microsoft Windows operating system. This happens because Windows will reinstall all drivers and the in-box Intel driver will be regarded the best driver for Intel network adapters by the operating system. There are multiple ways to change this. Choose the one that suits you best. 1. Start the setup executable again and execute the repair function of the pylon setup. 2. In the Windows driver properties dialog of the network adapter connected to a camera, click the driver update button on the driver tab, select manual search on the computer, select to choose from a list of drivers installed on the computer and then select "Basler GigE Vision Adapter" as driver. Finally, click the continue button to complete. 3. Uninstall and then reinstall pylon. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support action commands. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support multicast configurations. * SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * pylon .NET: Updating to this version of the .NET API requires you to update your .NET project files to reference the new assembly. This is required due to the VB2015 compatibility fix (interface class Basler.Pylon.IParameterListEnum was changed to ref class Basler.Pylon.ParameterListEnum). * pylon .NET: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * MP4: MP4 video recording requires the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 to be installed in order to work. The pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 is available for download on the Basler website. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960, and 1280 x 1024 may not work. In that case, adjust the image height or width slightly. - It is recommended to use the Windows Media Player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC Media Player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC Media Player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC Media Player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. * General: If you run the GUI applications using the built-in Administrator account on Windows 10, some Help/Support features may not work due to security restrictions. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2020-05-12 VERSION: 6.1.1 (Windows 7, 8.1, 10) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ========================= Applications built with pylon 6.1.0 are compatible with pylon 6.1.1. CORRECTIONS ========================= * CXP: [155848] The CPU load has been reduced significantly. * CXP: [152270] The status LEDs of the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C behave according to the CoaxPress 2.0 standard now. * CXP: [159510] The CXP driver has been optimized regarding Windows 10 compatibility. * CXP: [158241] Fixed an issue with memory leaks. * CXP: [158248] Under rare circumstances, a race condition in the error handling may have caused an unexpected termination. RESTRICTIONS ========================= * pylon Viewer: On computers with an Intel HD graphics card, it may be necessary to update the graphics driver to the current version. * pylon C and pylon C.NET: The pylon C and pylon C.NET APIs don't support the Basler Compression Beyond feature yet. * GenTL: [133711] Limited GenTL support for producers with GenTL version 1.4 and below. * MP4: Recording of video files with cameras with 20 MPixel or higher resolution may fail if the Quality parameter is set to 80 % or more. To work around that, set the Quality parameter to a lower value. * MP4/AVI: [139274] The Recording feature doesn't support the Compression Beyond feature in ace 2 Pro cameras. When recording is started and the Compression Beyond feature is enabled, pylon will first disable the Compression Beyond feature in the camera and then start recording. * MP4: If the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 was already installed with a pylon 5.x.x installation and pylon 6.x.x is installed afterwards, the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 has to be uninstalled and installed again. * CXP: When changing the PCIe slot used by the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C in a PC, the PC must be in shutdown state. Problems may occur if the PC is in hibernation state, where the state of the OS has been persisted to disk. * CXP: When installing the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C under Windows 7, the Windows update KB4474419 must be installed. * CXP: In rare cases, the camera is not found after booting the PC. Power-cycle the camera to resolve this. * CXP: Grabbing with very high frame rates above 50000 fps using the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C is not supported. * CXP: When allocating buffers used for grabbing, the buffer address must be aligned to 4-byte increments on 32-bit operating systems and to 8-byte increments on 64-bit operating systems. This is automatically the case if you use heap memory. * CXP: If a version of the Silicon Software Runtime is installed on your PC, you may experience incompatibility issues when using CoaXPress cameras and interface cards. Therefore, Basler advises against installing pylon in parallel to Silicon Software Runtime. * pylon C and pylon C.NET: For using the GenTL Consumer (e.g., with CoaXPress), additional functionality was added to pylon C and pylon C.NET to be able to start and stop streaming explicitly. This functionality has not been documented in the pylon C and pylon C.NET programmer's guides yet. Please refer to the pylon C++ programmer's guide (see chapter "Migrating from Previous Versions - Changes in the IStreamGrabber API") or the pylonC/pylonC.NET OverlappedGrab programming sample. * DirectShow and Twain: CoaXPress cameras are not supported with the DirectShow and Twain drivers. * USB: The Power Management used by the Intel USB host must be turned off since Basler U3V devices may get desynchronized. If this is the case the Basler U3V devices may be not available after booting the system in some cases. Disable LPM packages on the USB3 bus with the following steps: 1. Enable advanced settings by executing the following command: powercfg -attributes 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 d4e98f31-5ffe-4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009 -ATTRIB_HIDE 2. Change the LPM settings in the power options: - Open the Power Options in the control panel. - Click "Change plan settings" for the selected power plan. - Click "Change advanced power settings". - In the "Power Options" dialog on the "Advanced settings" tab, select "USB settings". - Set "USB 3 Link Power Management" to "Off". * GigE Vision: The pylon performance driver will be replaced by the in-box Intel driver during an update of the Microsoft Windows operating system. This happens because Windows will reinstall all drivers and the in-box Intel driver will be regarded the best driver for Intel network adapters by the operating system. There are multiple ways to change this. Choose the one that suits you best. 1. Start the setup executable again and execute the repair function of the pylon setup. 2. In the Windows driver properties dialog of the network adapter connected to a camera, click the driver update button on the driver tab, select manual search on the computer, select to choose from a list of drivers installed on the computer and then select "Basler GigE Vision Adapter" as driver. Finally, click the continue button to complete. 3. Uninstall and then reinstall pylon. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support action commands. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support multicast configurations. * SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * pylon .NET: Updating to this version of the .NET API requires you to update your .NET project files to reference the new assembly. This is required due to the VB2015 compatibility fix (interface class Basler.Pylon.IParameterListEnum was changed to ref class Basler.Pylon.ParameterListEnum). * pylon .NET: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * MP4: MP4 video recording requires the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 to be installed in order to work. The pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 is available for download on the Basler website. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960, and 1280 x 1024 may not work. In that case, adjust the image height or width slightly. - It is recommended to use the Windows Media Player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC Media Player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC Media Player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC Media Player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. * General: If you run the GUI applications using the built-in Administrator account on Windows 10, some Help/Support features may not work due to security restrictions. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2020-03-11 VERSION: 6.1.0 (Windows 7, 8.1, 10) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ========================= Applications built with earlier versions of pylon are incompatible with pylon 6.1.0. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ========================= * CXP: [147817] Added support for Basler boost CoaXPress cameras with series status. Please note that design-in cameras are not supported by pylon 6.1.0. For more information, please contact the Basler technical support. * CXP: [146345] Added support for the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C with firmware version 3.0 S1.1 P1 or newer. Any Basler CXP-12 interface cards with older firmware versions are not supported by pylon 6.1.0. Please contact the Basler technical support for further information and assistance. * CXP: [146345] Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C supports tagged packets as specified in the CoaXPress Version 2.0 standard. * CXP: [146345] The Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C now supports both grayscale and color pixel formats. Bayer pattern images can be converted to RGB images by the interface card. At default settings, YCbCr422_8, grayscale, and RGB images are transferred to the computer's RAM without any changes. See the camera's stream grabber parameters for more information. * CXP: [146345] The Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C now supports configuring of signals passing the GPIO bank. The new command line tool 'gpioTool', which is part of the pylon 6.1.0 installation, allows the user to configure the interface card accordingly. * CXP: [146345] The pylon CoaXPress driver has been updated to version 1.4.1. * CXP: [113461] The Firmware Updater now supports CoaXPress cameras, too. * CXP/SDK: [146345] The names of some parameters, parameter categories, and enumeration values required for configuring the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C have been changed to match the GenICam GenTL and pylon naming conventions. * GenTL: [146345] The GenTL producer for the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C now provides buffer queueing as specified in the GenICam GenTL standard. The buffer announcement has been separated from buffer queueing. After announcement, the buffers need to be queued before they can be used. * GenTL: [127826] Added support for image decompression for Basler ace 2 Pro GigE Vision and USB3 Vision cameras that support the Compression Beyond feature. The pylon GigE Vision and USB3 Vision GenTL producers will now automatically decompress the image data before transferring it to any 3rd party GenTL consumers. * SDK: [136913] Added support for image decompression for Basler ace 2 Pro GigE Vision and USB3 Vision cameras that support the Compression Beyond feature. * SDK: [113466] Added device removal support to the pylon GenTL consumer transport layer, e.g., for use with CoaXPress cameras. * SDK: [139226] Added the Utility_IpConfig sample, which illustrates how to configure the IP address of GigE cameras. In addition, this sample can be used to automatically and programmatically configure multiple GigE Vision cameras. As the sample accepts command line arguments, it can be directly executed, e.g., from a batch script file. * SDK: [127827] Added the Utility_ImageDecompressor sample, which illustrates how to enable the compression feature in Basler ace 2 Pro cameras and how to decompress the images using the CImageDecompressor class. * SDK: [113466] The Device Removal Handling for CoaXPress cameras is supported now. * SDK: [143319] Added the CInstantInterface class to handle interfaces, e.g., the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card. * SDK: [143319] Added the Utility_InstantInterface SDK sample for working with the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card. * SDK: [144475] New parameters for Basler ace 2 Pro camera and the Basler SLP Controller have been added to the CBaslerUniversalInstantCamera class. * SDK/USB3: [149732] A new stream grabber statistic parameter called “Statistic_Out_Of_Memory_Error_Count” has been added. It provides information about insufficient memory on the host. * SDK: [136974] Added GetBufferSize() function to GrabResultData and GrabResult to query the actual size of the grab result buffer. * SDK: [136974] Added additional enumeration entries with correct GrabStatus_ prefix to EGrabStatus to conform with the naming scheme of enumerations. Old entries can still be used for backwards compatibility. * SDK: [136974] Deprecated old pylon 2.x GrabStatus enumeration type. Use EGrabStatus instead. * SDK: [153468] Standard C library define-directives are only applied by the pylon/Platform.h header file if not already defined previously in a translation unit. * pylon.NET: [145017] The pylon Migration Mode is now available for pylon.NET. Set the 'PLCameraInstance.MigrationModeActive' parameter before opening the camera to use it. * pylon.NET: [127828] Added pylon support for image decompression for Basler ace 2 Pro cameras that support the Compression Beyond feature. * pylon.NET: [127830] Added the Utility_ImageDecompressor sample, which illustrates how to enable the compression feature in Basler ace 2 Pro cameras and how to decompress the images using the ImageDecompressor class. * pylon.NET: [96726] Added support for the Lookup Table and File Access (loading of user set or vignetting correction data) camera features by providing access to GenICam Register features via the new ArrayParameter parameter type. * pylon.NET: [136790] The ImageWindow now supports Show and Hide methods. Furthermore, you can get access to the handle of the image window. * pylon.NET: [136784] Added the Utility_IpConfig sample, which illustrates how to configure the IP address of GigE cameras. In addition, this sample can be used to automatically and programmatically configure multiple GigE Vision cameras. As the sample accepts command line arguments, it can be directly executed, e.g., from a batch script file. * pylon.NET: [136786] Added the EnumerateAllDevices() function to discover all GigE cameras independent of their IP configuration. * pylon.NET: [136787] Added the Utility_AnnouceRemoteDevice SDK sample, which illustrates how to discover and work with GigE Vision cameras that are behind a router. * pylon.NET: [144505] Added support for the OffsetX and OffsetY parameters to the pylon GrabResult. * pylon Viewer: [140269] The Features pane has been updated. By default, features are now presented on two feature tabs: Features - All and Features - Basic. The Features - All tab includes all features. It also allows, you to select from a list of Common Tasks which are intended to make easier camera evaluation easier. Use the Edit Feature Tabs button to create your own customized Feature tabs. Features - Basic provides direct access to basic features needed to set up cameras and start image acquisition quickly. * pylon Viewer: [139283] Added a new 'Welcome to pylon' dialog that contains the Data Privacy, New Features, and Learn More pages. * pylon Viewer: [137047] Added a new Data Privacy feature. This feature is part of the Basler product improvement program. * pylon Viewer: [144658] Added a new pylon introduction video. The video can be accessed in the 'Welcome to pylon' dialog on the Learn More page. To open the dialog, click Help > New features > Learn More. * pylon Viewer: [139275] Added statistics information in the status bar related the Compression Beyond feature of Basler ace 2 Pro cameras. * pylon Viewer: [151374] The pylon Viewer now also shows GigE Vision cameras with incorrect IP configuration. * pylon Viewer: [146345] All GenICam parameters of the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C now provide a tooltip and a description. * pylon Viewer: [149595] Changed the default layout of the pylon Viewer. The Message Log pane is now docked on the right side of the pylon Viewer main window. * pylon Viewer: [133892] Save/Load Features are now inactive during image acquisition. * pylon Viewer: [153055] The Polling option in the Features pane is disabled by default now. * pylon Viewer/Setup: [147473] Added an automatic Windows Firewall inbound rule for the pylon Viewer. This will prevent camera image data to be blocked by the Windows Firewall when using packet sizes of 1500 bytes or smaller. For more information, refer to the Basler Product Documentation (press F1 in the pylon Viewer). * Setup: [140115] The pylon SDK Samples Manual has been updated with information about new C++ and .NET SDK samples. * Setup: [134620] The pylon Deployment Guide has been updated to reflect changes in pylon 6.1.0. * BPD: [152178] Updated the Basler Product Documentation to version 32. DISCONTINUATION NOTICE ========================= Please note that the following changes are planned for the next release of pylon: * The support for the pylon C.NET API will be removed. MIGRATION NOTICE ========================= * With pylon 6.1.0, the following deprecated enumerations have been removed: Deprecated Use instead ---------------------------- PixelType EPixelType PixelColorFilter EPixelColorFilter AccessMode EDeviceAccessMode EOwnership ECleanup PayloadType EPayloadType GrabStatus EGrabStatus waitex_result_t EWaitExResult * In the GrabResult class, GetFrameNumber() has been deprecated. Use GetBlockID() instead. * In the InstantCamera class in the ECleanup enumeration, the Ownership_ExternalOwnership and Ownership_TakeOwnership members have been removed. Use Cleanup_None and Cleanup_Delete instead. * The BaslerCLSerDeviceClass device class has been removed. Use BaslerCameraLinkDeviceClass instead. * The IpCamDeviceClass device class has been removed. Use BaslerIpCamDeviceClass instead. * The IsValidRGB(EPixelType pixelType) helper function has been deprecated. Use the IsRGB and IsRGBA functions instead. However, this is no exact replacement. * The IsValidBGR(EPixelType pixelType) helper function has been deprecated. Use the IsBGR and IsBGRA functions instead. However, this is no exact replacement. * The PS_Undefined enumeration value has been deprecated. Instead, use the more secure BitPerPixel function which throws exceptions. * The PixelSize(EPixelType pixelType) helper function has been deprecated. Use the BitDepth and BitPerPixel functions instead. However, this is no exact replacement. * The following typedefs have been removed: Deprecated Use instead ---------------------------- char8_t int8_t uchar8_t uint8_t pcchar8_t const char * pchar8_t char * CORRECTIONS ========================= * CXP: [144475] Revised the CXP stream grabber and transport layer parameters. Extended the documentation of these parameters. * SDK: [138745] The pylon CXP transport layer will filter duplicate GenTL producers based on their vendor and model name. This will prevent duplicate CXP devices in the enumeration process. * SDK: [133483] Fixed getting the alternative integer representation of float parameters. * SDK: [133422] If the DeviceUserID of the camera is empty, an empty UserDefinedName entry will be added to the DeviceInfo object. * SDK: [132430] Added missing documentation for CTlFactory functions. * SDK: [133488] Fixed an issue with memory leaks and the handling of the PayloadSize when using CoaXPress devices. Improved the error reporting and logging. * SDK: [139672] PFS files can be loaded across all platforms now. * GenTL: [133711] Fixed and simplified the EventKill handling in the GenTL consumer (as described in GenTL version 1.4 and above). * GenTL: [135965] Improved the timing behavior when stopping streaming on CoaXPress cameras via GenTL. * GenTL: [137097] Fixed a GenICam-related caching problem. * GenTL: [143194] Fixed an issue where the USB3 and GigE producers could return an incorrect event ID on the DeviceLost event. * GenTL: [143087] Fixed an issue where the USB3 and GigE producers could return GC_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER when calling EventGetDataInfo when passing valid data. * GenTL: [138686] Fixed an issue where a CoaXPress device could not be enumerated because the GenTL producer didn't return a value for the optional DEVICE_INFO_USER_DEFINED_NAME value. * pylon C.NET: [133356] Fixed retrieval of PayloadSize in remaining programming samples for pylon C.NET. * pylon Viewer: [137721] Fixed an issue with the frame rate displayed in the status bar when the camera trigger mode was used. * pylon Viewer: [133931] Fixed an issue where frame rate displayed in the status bar of the pylon Viewer fluctuated. * pylon Viewer: [139735] Improved the behavior of the slider of the Exposure Time parameter. RESTRICTIONS ========================= * pylon Viewer: On computers with an Intel HD graphics card, it may be necessary to update the graphics driver to the current version. * pylon C and pylon C.NET: The pylon C and pylon C.NET APIs don't support the Basler Compression Beyond feature yet. * GenTL: [133711] Limited GenTL support for CXP producers with GenTL version 1.4 and below. * MP4: Recording of video files with cameras with 20 MPixel or higher resolution may fail if the Quality parameter is set to 80 % or more. To work around that, set the Quality parameter to a lower value. * MP4/AVI: [139274] The Recording feature doesn't support the Compression Beyond feature in ace 2 Pro cameras. When recording is started and the Compression Beyond feature is enabled, pylon will first disable the Compression Beyond feature in the camera and then start recording. * MP4: If the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 was already installed with a pylon 5.x.x installation and pylon 6.x.x is installed afterwards, the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 has to be uninstalled and installed again. * CXP: When changing the PCIe slot used by the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C in a PC, the PC must be in shutdown state. Problems may occur if the PC is in hibernation state, where the state of the OS has been persisted to disk. * CXP: When installing the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C under Windows 7, the Windows update KB4474419 must be installed. * CXP: In rare cases, the camera is not found after booting the PC. Power-cycle the camera to resolve this. * CXP: Grabbing with very high frame rates above 50000 fps using the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C is not supported. * CXP: When allocating buffers used for grabbing, the buffer address must be aligned to 4-byte increments on 32-bit operating systems and to 8-byte increments on 64-bit operating systems. This is automatically the case if you use heap memory. * CXP: If a version of the Silicon Software Runtime is installed on your PC, you may experience incompatibility issues when using CoaXPress cameras and interface cards. Therefore, Basler advises against installing pylon in parallel to Silicon Software Runtime. * pylon C and pylon C.NET: For using the GenTL Consumer (e.g., with CoaXPress), additional functionality was added to pylon C and pylon C.NET to be able to start and stop streaming explicitly. This functionality has not been documented in the pylon C and pylon C.NET programmer's guides yet. Please refer to the pylon C++ programmer's guide (see chapter "Migrating from Previous Versions - Changes in the IStreamGrabber API") or the pylonC/pylonC.NET OverlappedGrab programming sample. * DirectShow and Twain: CoaXPress cameras are not supported with the DirectShow and Twain drivers. * USB: The Power Management used by the Intel USB host must be turned off since Basler U3V devices may get desynchronized. If this is the case the Basler U3V devices may be not available after booting the system in some cases. Disable LPM packages on the USB3 bus with the following steps: 1. Enable advanced settings by executing the following command: powercfg -attributes 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 d4e98f31-5ffe-4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009 -ATTRIB_HIDE 2. Change the LPM settings in the power options: - Open the Power Options in the control panel. - Click "Change plan settings" for the selected power plan. - Click "Change advanced power settings". - In the "Power Options" dialog on the "Advanced settings" tab, select "USB settings". - Set "USB 3 Link Power Management" to "Off". * GigE Vision: The pylon performance driver will be replaced by the in-box Intel driver during an update of the Microsoft Windows operating system. This happens because Windows will reinstall all drivers and the in-box Intel driver will be regarded the best driver for Intel network adapters by the operating system. There are multiple ways to change this. Choose the one that suits you best. 1. Start the setup executable again and execute the repair function of the pylon setup. 2. In the Windows driver properties dialog of the network adapter connected to a camera, click the driver update button on the driver tab, select manual search on the computer, select to choose from a list of drivers installed on the computer and then select "Basler GigE Vision Adapter" as driver. Finally, click the continue button to complete. 3. Uninstall and then reinstall pylon. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support action commands. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support multicast configurations. * SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * pylon .NET: Updating to this version of the .NET API requires you to update your .NET project files to reference the new assembly. This is required due to the VB2015 compatibility fix (interface class Basler.Pylon.IParameterListEnum was changed to ref class Basler.Pylon.ParameterListEnum). * pylon .NET: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * MP4: MP4 video recording requires the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 to be installed in order to work. The pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 is available for download on the Basler website. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960, and 1280 x 1024 may not work. In that case, adjust the image height or width slightly. - It is recommended to use the Windows Media Player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC Media Player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC Media Player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC Media Player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. * General: If you run the GUI applications using the built-in Administrator account on Windows 10, some Help/Support features may not work due to security restrictions. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2019-11-05 VERSION: 6.0.1 (Windows 7, 8.1, 10) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ========================= Applications built with pylon 6.0.0 are compatible with pylon 6.0.1. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ========================= * pylon Viewer: [134735] Added the Firmware Updater tool to the Tools menu. This enables you to update all Basler cameras that support the GenICam Firmware Update Standard Version 2018.06, e.g., Basler ace 2, Basler boost, Basler dart, Basler pulse. * pylon Viewer: [133876] After changing the device user ID of GigE cameras, the pylon Viewer now displays the new device user ID after refreshing the Devices tree. * pylon Viewer: [139161] The pylon Viewer returns additional information when loading of camera features has failed. * pylon Viewer: [139115] Added the shortcut CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+L for deleting the GenICam cache. The GenICam cache may need to be deleted when an error condition has been cached that prevents the proper operation of the pylon Viewer. * pylon Viewer: [139115] Added the shortcut CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F7 that works as a toggle for switching off/switching on the display of images in pylon Viewer. Image acquisition must be running when the shortcut is initially used (switching off image display). * pylon.NET: [134437] Official nuget packets for the pylon.NET API have been published on CORRECTIONS ========================= * pylon Viewer: [132353] Fixed an issue with the arrows of floating point sliders in the Features tree. * pylon Viewer: [133724, 136857] Fixed an issue with command buttons in the Feature tree. * pylon Viewer: [136527] Fixed an issue with saving of RAW images. * pylon Viewer: [136860] Fixed an issue with the Vignetting Correction feature. * pylon Viewer: [138682] Fixed an issue with file suffix and file type options when using the Load/Save features in Japanese language. * pylon Viewer: [139008] Fixed an issue with recording of still images in TIFF format. * pylon Viewer: [133385, 133427] Fixed an issue with recording of MP4 videos. * pylon Viewer: [137709] Fixed an issue with GigE Vision cameras when changing the pixel format resulted in unexpected termination. * Setup: [133855, 134899] Fixed an issue where the installation wasn't completed properly when a reboot was required. * Setup: [133978] When installing an upgrade, the installation path cannot be edited anymore. RESTRICTIONS ========================= * Firmware Updater: The Firmware Updater tool is available in English language only. * MP4: If the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 was already installed with a pylon 5.x.x installation and pylon 6.x.x is installed afterwards, the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 has to be uninstalled and installed again. * CXP: When changing the PCIe slot used by the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C in a PC, the PC must be in shutdown state. Problems may occur if the PC is in hibernation state, where the state of the OS has been persisted to disk. * CXP: When installing the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C under Windows 7, the Windows update KB4474419 must be installed. * CXP: In rare cases, the camera is not found after booting the PC. Power-cycle the camera to resolve this. * CXP: Grabbing with very high frame rates above 50000 fps using the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C is not supported. * CXP: When allocating buffers used for grabbing, the buffer address must be aligned to 4-byte increments on 32-bit operating systems and to 8-byte increments on 64-bit operating systems. This is automatically the case if you use heap memory. * CXP: If a version of the Silicon Software Runtime is installed on your PC, you may experience incompatibility issues when using CoaXPress cameras and interface cards. Therefore, Basler advises against installing pylon in parallel to Silicon Software Runtime. * pylon C and pylon C.NET: For using the GenTL Consumer (e.g., with CoaXPress), additional functionality was added to pylon C and pylon C.NET to be able to start and stop streaming explicitly. This functionality has not been documented in the pylon C and pylon C.NET programmer's guides yet. Please refer to the pylon C++ programmer's guide (see chapter "Migrating from Previous Versions - Changes in the IStreamGrabber API") or the pylonC/pylonC.NET OverlappedGrab programming sample. * DirectShow and Twain: CoaXPress cameras are not supported with the DirectShow and Twain drivers. * USB: The Power Management used by the Intel USB host must be turned off since Basler U3V devices may get desynchronized. If this is the case the Basler U3V devices may be not available after booting the system in some cases. Disable LPM packages on the USB3 bus with the following steps: 1. Enable advanced settings by executing the following command: powercfg -attributes 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 d4e98f31-5ffe-4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009 -ATTRIB_HIDE 2. Change the LPM settings in the power options: - Open the Power Options in the control panel. - Click "Change plan settings" for the selected power plan. - Click "Change advanced power settings". - In the "Power Options" dialog on the "Advanced settings" tab, select "USB settings". - Set "USB 3 Link Power Management" to "Off". * GigE Vision: The pylon performance driver will be replaced by the in-box Intel driver during an update of the Microsoft Windows operating system. This happens because Windows will reinstall all drivers and the in-box Intel driver will be regarded the best driver for Intel network adapters by the operating system. There are multiple ways to change this. Choose the one that suits you best. 1. Start the setup executable again and execute the repair function of the pylon setup. 2. In the Windows driver properties dialog of the network adapter connected to a camera, click the driver update button on the driver tab, select manual search on the computer, select to choose from a list of drivers installed on the computer and then select "Basler GigE Vision Adapter" as driver. Finally, click the continue button to complete. 3. Uninstall and then reinstall pylon. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support action commands. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support multicast configurations. * SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * pylon .NET: Updating to this version of the .NET API requires you to update your .NET project files to reference the new assembly. This is required due to the VB2015 compatibility fix (interface class Basler.Pylon.IParameterListEnum was changed to ref class Basler.Pylon.ParameterListEnum). * pylon .NET: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * MP4: MP4 video recording requires the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 to be installed in order to work. The pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 is available for download on the Basler website. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960, and 1280 x 1024 may not work. In that case, adjust the image height or width slightly. - It is recommended to use the Windows Media Player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC Media Player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC Media Player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC Media Player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. * General: If you run the GUI applications using the built-in Administrator account on Windows 10, some Help/Support features may not work due to security restrictions. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2019-08-20 VERSION: 6.0.0 (Windows 7, 8.1, 10) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ========================= Applications built with earlier versions of pylon are incompatible with pylon 6.0.0. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ========================= * CXP: [107895] Added support for CoaXPress 2.0. This enables you to use the new Basler boost cameras and the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C, which are based on this standard. * USB: [120488] Added support for Basler ace 2 USB 3.0 cameras. The Basler Windows driver for USB 3.0 cameras (11.3) requires that the system can decode sha2 signatures (Windows update KB4474419 must be installed). * GigE Vision: [126099] Added mapping of YCbCr422_8 pixel type to Pylon::PixelType_YUV422_YUYV_Packed in GigE Vision transport layer for ace 2 GigE cameras. * pylon Viewer: [108546] Changed the docking mechanism for dockable panes, e.g., Sharpness Indicator, Histogram, etc. * pylon Viewer: [66666] The slider control for the Exposure Time camera parameter now uses a logarithmic scale. * pylon Viewer: [120403] Camera event data, e.g., Exposure End Event, is displayed in the feature tree now. * pylon Viewer: [132170] An option to restore the window layout to default settings has been added in the Window menu. * pylon Viewer: [109495] Added the Show Cameras Only option in the Devices pane. When selected, all transport layers and interfaces are hidden and only camera devices are displayed. * pylon Viewer: [126270] The File Access feature now returns interactive feedback when uploading large amounts of user data, e.g., vignetting correction files. * pylon Viewer: [123228] The pylon Viewer has been optimized for monitors with 4k and higher resolution. * pylon Viewer: [129616] All icons in the toolbar, menus, panes, and tools have been updated. * pylon Viewer: [125571] The New Feature dialog has been updated to include the new CoaXPress 2.0 support. * pylon Viewer: [108521] Recording settings can now be found in the new Recording Settings pane that can be opened via the Window menu. * pylon Viewer: [121964] The User Level control in the Features pane has been removed. The Features pane now always shows all parameters of the selected camera. * pylon Viewer: [127346] The pylon Viewer (Monitor Mode) used for multicasting with GigE cameras has been removed. Instead, right-click the desired GigE camera in the Devices pane of the pylon Viewer and click Open Device... > Monitor Mode to run the pylon Viewer in Monitor Mode. * pylon Viewer: [123255] The Crosshair and Grid view options has been moved from the View menu to Tools > Options. * SDK: [108723] The pylon Migration Mode supports Basler ace 2 GigE cameras now. The migration mode allows you to easily adapt existing applications that were written for GigE cameras based on GenICam SFNC 1.x so that they work with GigE cameras based on SFNC 2.x as well, e.g., Basler ace 2 GigE cameras. * SDK: [116863] Added the concept of interfaces to transport layers. An interface is used to represent a frame grabber board, a network card, etc. This object type is currently used mainly by the pylon GenTL Consumer transport layer. This is currently used for CoaXPress. * SDK: [118212] Changed output path for samples from //bin/ to /bin/. * SDK: [113430] Added TLInfo, InterfaceID, and DeviceID to infos during enumeration for pylon C++, pylon C, pylon C .NET, and pylon .NET. * SDK: [121880] Buffers can be cleared (filled with 0) using the ClearBufferModeEnable parameter of the InstantCamera class. * SDK: [120870] Calling AcquisitionStart and AcquisitionStop in InstantCamera can be enabled or disabled using the AcquisitionStartStopExecutionEnable parameter of the InstantCamera classes. * SDK: [120589] Extended IStreamGrabber with IsStartAndStopStreamingMandatory(), StartStreamingIfMandatory(), and StopStreamingIfMandatory(). Calling the corresponding methods is mandatory for pylon C and pylon C .NET when using CoaXPress cameras. See the programmer's guides for more details. * SDK: [108713] pylon C++ and C Samples have been upgraded to use the Visual Studio 2010 project and solution format. * SDK: [131024] Added method to retrieve current payload size from Stream Grabber for pylon C and pylon C .NET. * pylon .NET: [103506] Added Buffer Factory to pylon.NET to enable the Stream Grabber classes to use memory provided by the application. * pylon .NET: [103506] Added documentation and sample that illustrate the new Buffer Factory for pylon .NET. * General: [108533] The PylonFirmwareUpdater tool has been moved from the Applications to the Runtime folder. * Setup: [96957] The mechanism for adding driver certificates has been improved. DISCONTINUATION NOTICE ========================= * IEEE1394: [108548] The support for FireWire IEEE1394 cameras has been removed. * SDK: [120489] All device-specific InstantCamera classes, e.g., CBaslerGigEInstantCamera, have been deprecated. Please consider using CBaslerUniversalInstantCamera instead. * SDK: [120489] All device-specific device info classes, e.g., CBaslerGigEDeviceInfo, have been deprecated. You can use CDeviceInfo instead. * SDK: [120489] All device-specific C++ samples have been removed. These samples are replaced by the Universal C++ samples. * SDK: [120489] All Low Level camera classes, e.g., BaslerGigECamera, have been deprecated. Please consider using CBaslerUniversalInstantCamera instead. * SDK: [120489] All legacy C++ samples have been removed. CORRECTIONS ========================= * GigE Vision: [96678] Fixed an issue where in rare cases the EnumerateDevices call could never return when grabbing images in parallel. * SDK: [113396] Fixed an issue where cameras not supporting the Exposure End event, e.g., dart and racer, caused an unhandled exception in the Grab_UsingExposureEndEvent sample. * SDK: [121881] Fixed an issue where the buffer size determined by reading the PayloadSize feature of the camera device and the stream grabber could be too high when using the instant camera in conjunction with a frame grabber. * SDK: [123966] Fixed an issue in video encoder bit rate calculation. * SDK: [126156] Fixed an issue that caused the C Programmer’s Guide for Windows to not contain all available functions. * SDK: [130914] Fixed an issue that caused the C.NET Programmer’s Guide to not show the available methods correctly. RESTRICTIONS ========================= * CXP: When changing the PCIe slot used by the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C in a PC, the PC must be in shutdown state. Problems may occur if the PC is in hibernation state, where the state of the OS has been persisted to disk. * CXP: When installing the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C under Windows 7, the Windows update KB4474419 must be installed. * CXP: In rare cases, the camera is not found after booting the PC. Power-cycle the camera to resolve this. * CXP: Grabbing with very high frame rates above 50000 fps using the Basler CXP-12 Interface Card 1C is not supported. * CXP: When allocating buffers used for grabbing, the buffer address must be aligned to 4-byte increments on 32-bit operating systems and to 8-byte increments on 64-bit operating systems. This is automatically the case if you use heap memory. * CXP: If a version of the Silicon Software Runtime is installed on your PC, you may experience incompatibility issues when using CoaXPress cameras and interface cards. Therefore, Basler advises against installing pylon in parallel to Silicon Software Runtime. * pylon C and pylon C.NET: For using the GenTL Consumer (e.g., with CoaXPress), additional functionality was added to pylon C and pylon C.NET to be able to start and stop streaming explicitly. This functionality has not been documented in the pylon C and pylon C.NET programmer's guides yet. Please refer to the pylon C++ programmer's guide (see chapter "Migrating from Previous Versions - Changes in the IStreamGrabber API") or the pylonC/pylonC.NET OverlappedGrab programming sample. * DirectShow and Twain: CoaXPress cameras are not supported with the DirectShow and Twain drivers. * USB: The Power Management used by the Intel USB host must be turned off since Basler U3V devices may get desynchronized. If this is the case the Basler U3V devices may be not available after booting the system in some cases. Disable LPM packages on the USB3 bus with the following steps: 1. Enable advanced settings by executing the following command: powercfg -attributes 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 d4e98f31-5ffe-4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009 -ATTRIB_HIDE 2. Change the LPM settings in the power options: - Open the Power Options in the control panel. - Click "Change plan settings" for the selected power plan. - Click "Change advanced power settings". - In the "Power Options" dialog on the "Advanced settings" tab, select "USB settings". - Set "USB 3 Link Power Management" to "Off". * GigE Vision: The pylon performance driver will be replaced by the in-box Intel driver during an update of the Microsoft Windows operating system. This happens because Windows will reinstall all drivers and the in-box Intel driver will be regarded the best driver for Intel network adapters by the operating system. There are multiple ways to change this. Choose the one that suits you best. 1. Start the setup executable again and execute the repair function of the pylon setup. 2. In the Windows driver properties dialog of the network adapter connected to a camera, click the driver update button on the driver tab, select manual search on the computer, select to choose from a list of drivers installed on the computer and then select "Basler GigE Vision Adapter" as driver. Finally, click the continue button to complete. 3. Uninstall and then reinstall pylon. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support action commands. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support multicast configurations. * SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * pylon .NET: Updating to this version of the .NET API requires you to update your .NET project files to reference the new assembly. This is required due to the VB2015 compatibility fix (interface class Basler.Pylon.IParameterListEnum was changed to ref class Basler.Pylon.ParameterListEnum). * pylon .NET: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * MP4 video recording requires the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 to be installed in order to work. The pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 is available for download on the Basler website. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960, and 1280 x 1024 may not work. In that case, adjust the image height or width slightly. - It is recommended to use the Windows Media Player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC Media Player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC Media Player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC Media Player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. * General: If you run the GUI applications using the built-in Administrator account on Windows 10, some Help/Support features may not work due to security restrictions. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2019-03-05 VERSION: 5.2.0 (Windows 7, 8.1, 10) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ========================= Applications built with earlier versions of pylon are incompatible with pylon 5.2.0. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ========================= * pylon Viewer: [85311] Added the Sharpness Indicator feature which makes focusing of lenses easier. * pylon Viewer: [70176] Added the Action Commands feature to facilitate the evaluation and integration of GigE Action Commands and Scheduled Action Commands. * pylon Viewer: [68123] Added the Vignetting Correction feature which can remove vignetting artifacts (loss of brightness at the edges of images). The Vignetting Correction feature is available on selected ace L and ace U camera models only. * pylon Viewer: [100601] Added an SDK samples manual. * pylon Viewer: [100548] Updated the automatic image adjustment icon. * SDK: [100038] Added CBaslerUniversalInstantCamera class, including support classes. This Universal Instant camera class provides users with a native parameter API that can be used for any interface. * SDK: [100038] Added new samples showing the use of CBaslerUniversalInstantCamera and changed existing samples to show the use of parameter classes. * SDK: [100038] Extended the C++ Programmer's Guide to include CBaslerUniversalInstantCamera and parameter classes. * SDK: [100038] Added parameter classes for simplifying access to GenApi parameters, e.g., CIntegerParameter. These can be used instead of GenApi::CXYZPtr classes. * SDK: [100038] Changed the existing configuration classes, e.g., CAcquireContinuousConfiguration, to use new parameter classes. * SDK: [100038] Access methods and keys of transport layer-specific device info classes have been merged into CDeviceInfo. * SDK: [102881] The image format converter now also supports the PixelType_YCbCr422_8_YY_CbCr_Semiplanar and PixelType_YCbCr420_8_YY_CbCr_Semiplanar input formats. * pylon.NET: [73488] Extended the pylon.NET Programmer's Guide. * pylon.NET: [77498] Official nuget packets for the pylon.NET API have been published on * pylon.NET: [91639] Added new pylon.NET programming samples: - Grab_MultiCast - Grab_Strategies - Grab_UsingExposureEndEvent - Grab_UsingSequencer - ParametrizeCamera_AutoFunctions - ParametrizeCamera_AutomaticImageAdjustment - ParametrizeCamera_Configurations - ParametrizeCamera_LookupTable - ParametrizeCamera_UserSets * pylon.NET: [91639] Added CanWaitForFrameTriggerReady property to camera class. * pylon.NET: [104042] Added CamEmu to PLCamera parameter list. Added PLCamEmuCamera parameter list. * CamEmu: [102456] CamEmu now also supports BayerGR8, BayerRG8, BayerGB8, and BayerBG8 pixel formats. DISCONTINUATION NOTICE ========================= Please note that the following changes are planned for the next release of pylon: * The support for FireWire IEEE1394 cameras will be removed completely. * All PixelFormatConverter header files will be removed. It is recommended to switch to the CImageFormatConverter class instead. * The header files of all low-level camera classes, e.g., BaslerGigECamera.h, will be removed. pylon will provide a header-only replacement that can be copied to the code base of the program using pylon. * All device-specific camera classes will be replaced by the Universal Instant camera class. The header files will stay in place and redirect to the Universal Instant camera class. * All Legacy C++ samples will be removed. * All device-specific C++ samples will be removed. These samples are replaced by the Universal C++ samples. * All currently deprecated functions and classes, e.g., in PixelType.h, will be removed. CORRECTIONS ========================= * Setup: [95950] The setup will not install DirectShow & Twain by default. You can install them by using the "Custom" profile. * Setup: [89262] Fixed uninstall issue in the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 in case of non-existent pylon installation. * pylon Viewer: [97454] The maximum display rate has been limited to 25 Hz. * pylon Viewer: [105607] Fixed issues when using the Color Calibrator tool on GigE cameras and cameras with auto functions enabled, e.g., ExposureAuto. In the second step, the image is now displayed in black and white to achieve better calibration results. * pylon Viewer: [96663] Replaced parentheses and spaces in file names with an underscore when recording a sequence of still images. * pylon Viewer: [89451] The default setting of the Histogram pane is now linear scale instead of logarithmic. * pylon Viewer: [88327] Now reporting correct operating system version when using the Submit Feedback option on Windows 8.1 and 10. * pylon Viewer: [91757] Fixed an issue where the pylon Viewer could become unresponsive when grabbing with high frame rates. * pylon Viewer: [88327] Fixed issues with file suffix and file type options when using the Load/Save features in Japanese language. * pylon Viewer: [88327] Fixed an issue with file suffix when using the Histogram feature in Japanese language. * pylon Viewer: [88327] The grid overlay can now be displayed in full-screen mode. * USB3: [105623] The USB3 driver signature has been updated. * USB3: [96739] Fixed an issue with the PylonFirmwareUpdater tool, which may have left a camera in the 'updater role' when using a USB hub. * USB Configurator: [91836] Fixed an issue when detecting USB 3.x devices. * SDK: [88327] Fixed color conversion for MP4 videos. * SDK: [88327] Fixed VideoWriter node map to not change the Quality setting if other features are changed. Quality is now the default compression option. * SDK: [96678] Fixed an issue where calling EnumerateDevices failed to discover cameras under circumstances. * SDK: [100534] Fixed a race condition that could lead to crashes when using PixelTypeConverter from multiple threads. * SDK: [103679] Fixed an issue where a CChunkParser could become invalid when UpdateBuffer was called before AttachBuffer. If you call UpdateBuffer without calling AttachBuffer first, an exception is thrown. * SDK: [100170] Minor corrections in the pylon C and the pylon .NET Programmer's Guides. * SDK: [106982] Fixed an issue that could cause an access violation when unloading PylonC.dll. * pylon.NET: [88327] The pylon.Net Utility_GrabVideo sample now also demonstrates setting the video quality. * pylon.NET: [97610, 102385] Fixed a memory leak in the pylon.Net VideoWriter class. * CamEmu: [105594] Fixed an issue where the PayloadSize has not been updated correctly. * BPD: [88433, 91101] Fixed issues when using the BPD offline version. RESTRICTIONS ========================= * Updating to this version of the .NET API requires you to update your .NET project files to reference the new assembly. This is required due to the VB2015 compatibility fix (interface class Basler.Pylon.IParameterListEnum was changed to ref class Basler.Pylon.ParameterListEnum). * To use the pylon Color Calibrator, you have to make sure that you have installed the latest DirectX redistributable for your system. * Under certain circumstances, e.g., a very slow or busy computer, the Color Calibrator may not work if the camera has already been opened in the pylon Viewer. To prevent this, close the camera before using the Color Calibrator. * MP4 video recording requires the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 to be installed in order to work. The pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 is available for download on the Basler website. * USB: The Power Management used by the Intel USB host must be turned off since Basler U3V devices may get desynchronized. If this is the case the Basler U3V devices may be not available after booting the system in some cases. Disable LPM packages on the USB3 bus with the following steps: 1. Enable advanced settings by executing the following command: powercfg -attributes 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 d4e98f31-5ffe-4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009 -ATTRIB_HIDE 2. Change the LPM settings in the power options: - Open the Power Options in the control panel. - Click "Change plan settings" for the selected power plan. - Click "Change advanced power settings". - In the "Power Options" dialog on the "Advanced settings" tab, select "USB settings". - Set "USB 3 Link Power Management" to "Off". * pylon Viewer: If the Polling option in the Features pane is enabled while displaying a continuous image stream, there may be a stutter noticeable in the image stream. Disable polling to avoid this effect. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support action commands. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support multicast configurations. * SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * pylon.NET: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * General: If you run the GUI applications using the built-in Administrator account on Windows 10, some Help/Support features may not work due to security restrictions. * Limited Firewire (IEEE1394) support under Windows 8 and higher: The pylon drivers for IEEE1394 have been tested successfully with the 64-bit versions of Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. However, as newer Windows versions (8 and higher) no longer explicitly support Firewire, Basler may decide to discontinue Firewire support under Windows 8 and higher completely in upcoming pylon releases. Basler strongly recommends NOT to use Firewire as a camera interface for applications running under Windows 8 or higher. There is no support for Firewire cameras on the 32-bit versions of Windows 8 and higher. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960, and 1280 x 1024 may not work. In that case, adjust the image height or width slightly. - It is recommended to use the Windows Media Player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC Media Player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC Media Player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC Media Player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. * GigE Vision: The pylon performance driver will be replaced by the in-box Intel driver during an update of the Microsoft Windows operating system. This happens because Windows will reinstall all drivers and the in-box Intel driver will be regarded the best driver for Intel network adapters by the operating system. There are multiple ways to change this. Choose the one that suits you best. 1. Start the setup executable again and execute the repair function of the pylon setup. 2. In the Windows driver properties dialog of the network adapter connected to a camera, click the driver update button on the driver tab, select manual search on the computer, select to choose from a list of drivers installed on the computer and then select "Basler GigE Vision Adapter" as driver. Finally, click the continue button to complete. 3. Uninstall and then reinstall pylon. * BPD: The Basler Product Documentation requires advanced JavaScript support. Please use a modern browser, e.g., Internet Explorer 11, Edge, or Firefox 44 (or higher). * BPD: When opening the offline version of the Basler Product Documentation in Internet Explorer 11, the camera model filter always shows the default camera, not the camera actually connected to the computer. You have to manually select your camera model to view content specific to your camera model. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2018-08-28 VERSION: 5.1.0 (Windows 7, 8.1, 10) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ========================= Applications built with earlier versions of pylon are incompatible with pylon 5.1.0. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ========================= * General: [83753] The GenICam GenApi, CLProtocol, and FirmwareUpdate libraries have been updated to GenICam Package Version 2018.06. * General: [71527] pylon and GenICam libraries are built with the Visual Studio 2017 compiler (toolset 141, vcredist 2017 v14.13.26020). * pylon Viewer: [71213] Added a color calibration tool that allows easy color configuration of Basler MED ace cameras (requires DirectX 11 or later on Windows 7). The Color Calibrator only becomes available in the pylon Viewer (Tools menu or context menu of the camera) when a Basler MED ace camera is connected. * pylon Viewer: [85569] Added a histogram pane. * pylon Viewer: [83752] A crosshair and grid can now be displayed in an image. * pylon Viewer: [72587] Added support for recording MP4 video files and improved the Recording Options dialog. * pylon Viewer: [77502] The user interface has been localized into Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Languages can be switched in the Tools menu. * pylon Viewer: [83112] Tooltips and descriptions in the Feature Documentation pane have been localized into German. * pylon Viewer: [72578, 83488] Added translations of tooltips and descriptions of Host Transport Layer, Stream Parameters, and Image Format Conversion features in the Feature Documentation pane. * pylon Viewer: [87509] Camera emulation support can be enabled via the Options dialog. * pylon Viewer: [71709] The New Feature dialog can now accommodate more than one new feature. * pylon Viewer: [81066] Added icons for Contact Basler Support and About pylon Viewer menu options. * pylon Viewer: [78685] The Submit Feedback option can now be accessed via the context menus of cameras and features. * pylon Viewer: [86851] Split the View menu into View and Window menus and rearranged the menu options accordingly. * GigE Vision: [77502] The user interface of the pylon IP Configurator has been localized into Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Languages can be switched in the Tools menu of the pylon Viewer tool. * USB3: [77502] The user interface of the pylon USB Configurator has been localized into Simplified Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Languages can be switched in the Tools menu of the pylon Viewer tool. * pylon.NET: [83499] Added Video Writer class for writing MP4 video files. Requires the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4, which is available for download on the Basler website. * pylon.NET: [77491] Added the Utility_GrabVideo sample, which demonstrates how to create and write MP4 video files. * pylonC.NET: [88332] Updated the assembly version to * SDK: [77491] Added Video Writer class for writing MP4 video files. Requires the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4, which is available for download on the Basler website. * SDK: [77491] Added the Utility_GrabVideo sample, which demonstrates how to create and write MP4 files. * SDK: [71571] Added the YUV420planar, YUV422planar, and YUV444planar as output pixel formats of image format converter. * SDK: [71535] Replaced std::bitset from AccessModeSet with an alternative implementation (DeviceAccessMode.h). * DirectShow [70967] Four source instances are available instead of one to enable multi-camera operation via DirectShow. * BPD: [83110] Updated the Basler Product Documentation to version 15. * SDK: [88328] Updated pylon.Net parameter lists and static API header files. CORRECTIONS ========================= * General: [83825] Removed xs3p DSTC License from pylon_Third-Party_Licenses.html. xs3p is not used by pylon. * General: [84100] Fixed an issue when logging environment variables. * General: [85613] Fixed an issue where Basler ace camera models with basic feature set did not work. * pylon Viewer: [73444] The pylon Viewer now displays chunk data also for USB cameras. * pylon Viewer: [73444] Changed visibility of the ChunkData parameter from Beginner to Guru. * pylon Viewer: [82191] The DeviceReset parameter is now available in Features tree. * USB3: [78905] Fixed hard-coding of vendor name. Now, the vendor name provided by the camera device is used. * USB3: [87558] Fixed a bug in the GenTL USB Producer that occurred when detaching a camera while streaming. * BCON: [83482] Fixed an issue that prevented reading registers smaller than 4 bytes. * pylon.NET: [57804] Fixed .NET API compatibility with VB2015 or later. This fix changes the assembly version to * SDK: [83418] Enabled finding transport layer in a pylon installation even if not in current path or not included in PATH variable. * SDK: [71536] Added explicit destructors in certain C++ API classes. * SDK: [87373] Fixed an issue in the GUI_MFC sample that caused an access violation on termination. * DirectShow: [85266] Basler dart cameras report correct maximum frame rate. * pylon.NET: [88328] Fixed an issue in IEnumParameter.GetAllValues that sometimes resulted in too few values being returned. RESTRICTIONS ========================= * Updating to this version of the .NET API requires you to update your .NET project files to reference the new assembly. This is required due to the VB2015 compatibility fix (interface class Basler.Pylon.IParameterListEnum was changed to ref class Basler.Pylon.ParameterListEnum). * To use the pylon Color Calibrator, you have to make sure that you have installed the latest DirectX redistributable for your system. * Under certain circumstances, e.g., a very slow or busy computer, the Color Calibrator may not work if the camera has already been opened in the pylon Viewer. To prevent this, close the camera before using the Color Calibrator. * MP4 video recording requires the pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 to be installed in order to work. The pylon Supplementary Package for MPEG-4 is available for download on the Basler website. * USB: The Power Management used by the Intel USB host must be turned off since Basler U3V devices may get desynchronized. If this is the case the Basler U3V devices may be not available after booting the system in some cases. Disable LPM packages on the USB3 bus with the following steps: 1. Enable advanced settings by executing the following command: powercfg -attributes 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 d4e98f31-5ffe-4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009 -ATTRIB_HIDE 2. Change the LPM settings in the power options: - Open the Power Options in the control panel. - Click "Change plan settings" for the selected power plan. - Click "Change advanced power settings". - In the "Power Options" dialog on the "Advanced settings" tab, select "USB settings". - Set "USB 3 Link Power Management" to "Off". * pylon Viewer: If the Polling option in the Features pane is enabled while displaying a continuous image stream, there may be a stutter noticeable in the image stream. Disable polling to avoid this effect. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support action commands. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support multicast configurations. * SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * pylon.NET: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * General: If you run the GUI applications using the built-in Administrator account on Windows 10, some Help/Support features may not work due to security restrictions. * Limited Firewire (IEEE1394) support under Windows 8 and higher: The pylon drivers for IEEE1394 have been tested successfully with the 64-bit versions of Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. However, as newer Windows versions (8 and higher) no longer explicitly support Firewire, Basler may decide to discontinue Firewire support under Windows 8 and higher completely in upcoming pylon releases. Basler strongly recommends NOT to use Firewire as a camera interface for applications running under Windows 8 or higher. There is no support for Firewire cameras on the 32-bit versions of Windows 8 and higher. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960, and 1280 x 1024 may not work. In that case, adjust the image height or width slightly. - It is recommended to use the Windows Media Player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC Media Player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC Media Player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC Media Player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. * GigE Vision: The pylon performance driver will be replaced by the in-box Intel driver during an update of the Microsoft Windows operating system. This happens because Windows will reinstall all drivers and the in-box Intel driver will be regarded the best driver for Intel network adapters by the operating system. There are multiple ways to change this. Choose the one that suits you best. 1. Start the setup executable again and execute the repair function of the pylon setup. 2. In the Windows driver properties dialog of the network adapter connected to a camera, click the driver update button on the driver tab, select manual search on the computer, select to choose from a list of drivers installed on the computer and then select "Basler GigE Vision Adapter" as driver. Finally, click the continue button to complete. 3. Uninstall and then reinstall pylon. * BPD: The Basler Product Documentation requires advanced JavaScript support. Please use a modern browser, e.g., Internet Explorer 11, Edge, or Firefox 44 (or higher). * BPD: When opening the offline version of the Basler Product Documentation in Internet Explorer 11, the camera model filter always shows the default camera, not the camera actually connected to the computer. You have to manually select your camera model to view content specific to your camera model. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2018-04-10 VERSION: 5.0.12 (Windows 7, 8.1, 10) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ========================= Applications built with pylon 5.0.x are compatible with pylon 5.0.12. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ========================= * BPD: The Basler Product Documentation (offline and online) can be accessed directly from tools of the pylon Camera Software Suite. * pylon Viewer: [70359] Tooltips and feature descriptions have been localized into multiple languages. Updated the layout of the Feature Documentation pane. * pylon Viewer: [64142] The pylon Viewer now displays chunk data provided by the camera. * pylon Viewer: [67994] The Bandwidth Manager will use 1500 as the lowest Packet Size parameter value. The Frame Transmission Delay parameter value has been optimized as well. * pylon Viewer: [66907] The user can pan the image window using the left mouse button and zoom into the image by pressing CTRL and using the mouse wheel. * pylon Viewer: [70341] The Basler Product documentation can be accessed from the pylon Camera Software Suite installation directory. * General: [70589] Added the legacy camera manuals. * General: [65039] Removed the desktop icons for the USB Configurator & IP Configurator tools. The tools can be accessed via the Start menu and the Tools menu in the pylon Viewer. * SDK: [64192] Added the GUI_Sample sample program, which demonstrates how to use pylon in a MFC Doc/View application. * SDK: [66609] The features of nodemaps provided by pylon objects can be made persistent. * SDK: [67658] Added the RAW format for saving images. * pylon.NET: [68225] Implemented the GigE action commands feature in the .NET API. * pylon.NET: [68229] Added the Grab_UsingActionCommand sample program, which demonstrates how to use the .NET API to issue action commands. * pylon.NET: [68118] Handling of camera events is now supported by the pylon .NET API. * pylon.NET: [68228] Added the Grab_CameraEvents sample program, which demonstrates how to use the .NET API with camera events. * pylon.NET: [63945] Feature persistence (loading and saving of camera parameters from and to files) is now supported by the new pylon .NET API. * pylon.NET: [68227] Added the ParametrizeCamera_LoadAndSave sample program, which demonstrates how to use the .NET API to load and save camera parameters. * pylon.NET: [68117] Added the AviVideoWriter class to create and write AVI files. * pylon.NET: [68117] Added the Utility_GrabAvi sample program, which demonstrates how to create and write AVI files. * CamEmu: [71079] The camera emulation stream grabber loads images from directories sorted by file name in ascending order. CORRECTIONS ========================= * General: [70591] Corrected release notes of pylon 5.0.11 regarding pylon .NET feature persistence [63945]. * Setup: [71057] Fixed an issue where installing the GEV performance driver caused a rollback. * pylon Viewer: [67649] Fixed an issue where the pylon Viewer returns a wrong count of search results. * pylon Viewer: [67625] Rearranged options in Tools and Camera menus. * GigE Vision: [68676] Fixed scheduled action commands not working in Windows 64 bit. * GigE Vision: [70152] On Windows 10 operating systems, the WHQL signed performance driver is used. * GigE Vision: [69822] Fixed an issue where under certain conditions the stream grabber used a wrong port number. This would eventually cause effects like devices being removed or streaming of other cameras being stopped. * GigE Vision: [70515] Fixed an issue where the stream grabber would crash when starting the grabbing failed. * SDK: [70066] Fixed an issue where IsMono() / IsColorImage() returned true for PixelType_Undefined. * SDK: [70363] Fixed the signature of the ConfigurationEventPrinter::OnGrabError method in the C++ sample code. * CamEmu: [70810] The behavior of the camera emulation devices and stream objects is equivalent to that of other transport layers. RESTRICTIONS ========================= * USB: The Power Management used by the Intel USB host must be turned off since Basler U3V devices may get desynchronized. If this is the case the Basler U3V devices may be not available after booting the system in some cases. Disable LPM packages on the USB3 bus with the following steps: 1. Enable advanced settings by executing the following command: powercfg -attributes 2a737441-1930-4402-8d77-b2bebba308a3 d4e98f31-5ffe-4ce1-be31-1b38b384c009 -ATTRIB_HIDE 2. Change the LPM settings in the power options: - Open the Power Options in the control panel. - Click "Change plan settings" for the selected power plan. - Click "Change advanced power settings". - In the "Power Options" dialog on the "Advanced settings" tab, select "USB settings". - Set "USB 3 Link Power Management" to "Off". * pylon Viewer: If the Polling option in the Features pane is enabled while displaying a continuous image stream, there may be a stutter noticeable in the image stream. Disable polling to avoid this effect. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support action commands. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support multicast configurations. * SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * pylon.NET: Some VB.NET API samples fail to compile on VB.NET 2015 when using implicit cast operators of the API. As a workaround, the following syntax can be used: ' Original sample using an enum parameter camera.Parameters(PLCamera.TriggerSelector).GetValue() ' Sample using an enum parameter with workaround camera.Parameters(EnumName.op_Implicit(PLCamera.TriggerSelector)).GetValue() * pylon.NET: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * General: If you run the GUI applications using the built-in Administrator account on Windows 10, some Help/Support features may not work due to security restrictions. * Limited Firewire (IEEE1394) support under Windows 8 and higher: The pylon drivers for IEEE1394 have been tested successfully with the 64-bit versions of Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. However, as newer Windows versions (8 and higher) no longer explicitly support Firewire, Basler may decide to discontinue Firewire support under Windows 8 and higher completely in upcoming pylon releases. Basler strongly recommends NOT to use Firewire as a camera interface for applications running under Windows 8 or higher. There is no support for Firewire cameras on the 32-bit versions of Windows 8 and higher. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960, and 1280 x 1024 may not work. In that case, adjust the image height or width slightly. - It is recommended to use the Windows Media Player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC Media Player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC Media Player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC Media Player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. * GigE Vision: The pylon performance driver will be replaced by the in-box Intel driver during an update of the Microsoft Windows operating system. This happens because Windows will reinstall all drivers and the in-box Intel driver will be regarded the best driver for Intel network adapters by the operating system. There are multiple ways to change this. Choose the one that suits you best. 1. Start the setup executable again and execute the repair function of the pylon setup. 2. In the Windows driver properties dialog of the network adapter connected to a camera, click the driver update button on the driver tab, select manual search on the computer, select to choose from a list of drivers installed on the computer and then select "Basler GigE Vision Adapter" as driver. Finally, click the continue button to complete. 3. Uninstall and then reinstall pylon. * BPD: The Basler Product Documentation requires advanced JavaScript support. Please use a modern browser, e.g., Internet Explorer 11, Edge or Firefox 44 (or higher). * BPD: When opening the offline version of the Basler Product Documentation in Internet Explorer 11, the camera model filter always shows the default camera, not the camera actually connected to the computer. You have to manually select your camera model to view content specific to your camera model. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2017-11-06 VERSION: 5.0.11 (Windows 7, 8.1, 10) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ========================= Applications built with pylon 5.0.0, 5.0.5, 5.0.9, or 5.0.10 are compatible with pylon 5.0.11. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ========================= * General: [31417] Added camera emulator to setup. See the programmer's guide on how to enable this. * General: [65744] Enabled jumbo frames for all applications in Performance Driver. * pylon Viewer: [64888] The Bandwidth Manager now supports GigE cameras. * pylon Viewer: [64822] Renamed "Transport Layer" to "Host Transport Layer". * pylon Viewer: [64819,64820,65008] Added links to pylon USB Configurator, pylon IP Configurator and pylon CL Configurator in the Tools menu. * pylon Viewer: [64818] Added links to C++ Programmer's Guide, C Programmer's Guide, C.NET Programmer's Guide, .NET Programmer's Guide and pylon Deployment Guide in the help menu. * pylon Viewer: [64783] The Basler logo is now displayed in the image display area. * pylon Viewer: [55223] Images can now be saved in raw image format. * pylon Viewer: [64563] Added full-screen mode and multi-screen support. * pylon USB Configurator: [64816] Changed file extension of log files to .log. * SDK: [65683] Minor API documentation improvements of CInstantCamera and Pylon.NET Camera classes. * SDK: [55223] pylon API now allows saving images in raw image format. * Setup: [66011] Updated to latest vcredist. * Setup: [65660] Licenses and release notes are always installed now. * pylon.NET: [63945] Feature persistence (loading and saving of camera parameters from and to files) is now supported by the new pylon .NET API. CORRECTIONS ========================= * GigE Vision: [66730] Fixed an issue where the GrabResult.GetErrorDescription() returned an empty string. * PylonCLSerTL: [66914] Fixed an issue where the TL allowed to deregister DeviceRemovalCallbacks after the device was closed and then opened again. * GenTL: [66676] Fixed an issue where the GEV Producer returned a wrong EventID in GCGetEventInfo when querying device events. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigEVision does now support the chunk mode. * GenTL: [65664] GEV producer returns GC_ERR_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE instead of GC_ERR_SUCCESS with default values. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigEVision and U3V displays statistical values in stream and host transport layer node. * GenTL: [66760] The GenTL producer now supports paths with Chinese characters. * GenTL: [66722] Corrected the returned value of available events in the USB event interface. * GenTL: [67088] Added ExtendedDeviceControl node to u3v and gev device file. * GenTL: [67091] Removed firmware version and family name in device information and corrected the manufacturer info. * GenTL: [67093] StreamStartedFrameCount is now incremented every time a new buffer is started. * GenTL: [67179] In case of the GigE Performance Driver, the value of the Receive Windows Size parameter is now limited by the value of the Maximum Number of Buffers parameter. RESTRICTIONS ========================= * pylon Viewer: If the Polling option in the Features pane is enabled while displaying a continuous image stream, there may be a stutter noticeable in the image stream. Disable polling to avoid this effect. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support action commands. * SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * pylon.NET: Some VB.NET API samples fail to compile on VB.NET 2015 when using implicit cast operators of the API. As a workaround, the following syntax can be used: ' Original sample using an enum parameter camera.Parameters(PLCamera.TriggerSelector).GetValue() ' Sample using an enum parameter with workaround camera.Parameters(EnumName.op_Implicit(PLCamera.TriggerSelector)).GetValue() * pylon.NET: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * pylon.NET: Writing of AVI files is currently not supported by the new pylon .NET API. You can work around this issue by using the AviWriter functions of the classic pylon C .NET API. * General: If you run the GUI applications using the built-in Administrator account on Windows 10, some Help/Support features may not work due to security restrictions. * GigE Vision: Multicast is currently not supported when using the socket driver. * USB3: Currently, pylon has been tested with Renesas and Intel Ivy Bridge USB3 host controllers. pylon may work with other controllers, but some functionalities may not work as expected. * USB3: For optimum performance, install the latest driver and firmware for your USB 3.0 host controller. * USB3: NEC USB 3.0 host controllers are not supported. * USB3: The USB Configurator may crash when pressing the refresh button immediately after having connected or disconnected USB devices. * Limited Firewire (IEEE1394) support under Windows 8 and higher: The pylon drivers for IEEE1394 have been tested successfully with the 64-bit versions of Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. However, as newer Windows versions (8 and higher) no longer explicitly support Firewire, Basler may decide to discontinue Firewire support under Windows 8 and higher completely in upcoming pylon releases. Basler strongly recommends NOT to use Firewire as a camera interface for applications running under Windows 8 or higher. There is no support for Firewire cameras on the 32-bit versions of Windows 8 and higher. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960, and 1280 x 1024 may not work. In that case, adjust the image height or width slightly. - It is recommended to use the Windows Media Player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC Media Player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC Media Player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC Media Player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2017-07-21 VERSION: 5.0.10 (Windows 7, 8.1, 10) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ========================= Applications built with pylon 5.0.0, 5.0.5, or 5.0.9 are compatible with pylon 5.0.10. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ========================= * GigE Vision and USB3 Vision: A GenTL producer is now available that allows using Basler cameras (GigE or USB 3.0) with applications supporting GenTL. The producer is compliant with GenTL 1.5. CORRECTIONS ========================= * General: [63606] Fixed a bug where pylon GUI tools tried to access the unavailable system drive D. * pylon Viewer: [63564] Fixed a bug in the feature tree where a feature was invisible. RESTRICTIONS ========================= * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support the chunk mode. The information reported, e. g., the image size, may be incorrect if the chunk mode is enabled. As a consequence, the image will not be displayed correctly. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support streaming using the socket driver implementation. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not support action commands. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for GigE Vision does not allow configuration of streaming parameters. * GenTL: The GenTL producer for USB Vision does not allow configuration of streaming parameters. * SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * pylon.NET: Some VB.NET API samples fail to compile on VB.NET 2015 when using implicit cast operators of the API. As a workaround, the following syntax can be used: ' Original sample using an enum parameter camera.Parameters(PLCamera.TriggerSelector).GetValue() ' Sample using an enum parameter with workaround camera.Parameters(EnumName.op_Implicit(PLCamera.TriggerSelector)).GetValue() * pylon.NET: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * pylon.NET: Writing of AVI files is currently not supported by the new pylon .NET API. You can work around this issue by using the AviWriter functions of the classic pylon C .NET API. * pylon.NET: Handling of camera events is currently not supported by the new pylon .NET API. * pylon.NET: Feature persistence (loading and saving of camera parameters from and to files) is currently not supported by the new pylon .NET API. * General: If you run the GUI applications using the built-in Administrator account on Windows 10, some Help/Support features may not work due to security restrictions. * GigE Vision: Multicast is currently not supported when using the socket driver. * USB3: Currently, pylon has been tested with Renesas and Intel Ivy Bridge USB3 host controllers. pylon may work with other controllers, but some functionalities may not work as expected. * USB3: For optimum performance, install the latest driver and firmware for your USB 3.0 host controller. * USB3: NEC USB 3.0 host controllers are not supported. * USB3: The USB Configurator may crash when pressing the refresh button immediately after having connected or disconnected USB devices. * Limited Firewire (IEEE1394) support under Windows 8 and higher: The pylon drivers for IEEE1394 have been tested successfully with the 64-bit versions of Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. However, as newer Windows versions (8 and higher) no longer explicitly support Firewire, Basler may decide to discontinue Firewire support under Windows 8 and higher completely in upcoming pylon releases. Basler strongly recommends NOT to use Firewire as a camera interface for applications running under Windows 8 or higher. There is no support for Firewire cameras on the 32-bit versions of Windows 8 and higher. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960, and 1280 x 1024 may not work. In that case, adjust the image height or width slightly. - It is recommended to use the Windows Media Player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC Media Player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC Media Player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC Media Player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2017-06-01 VERSION: 5.0.9 (Windows 7, 8.1, 10) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ========================= Applications built with pylon 5.0.0 or 5.0.5 are compatible with pylon 5.0.9. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ========================= * General: Update to GenICam V3.0.1 and GenICam Firmware Update Standard Version 0.5 (SVN revision 4513). * General: The pylon Viewer GUI Tools have been updated to QT 5.6 including small improvements of the layout. * General: Enumerated devices are now sorted by device type (USB first, then GigE, CameraLink, 1394) and serial number. * pylon Viewer: The pylon Viewer feature tree now offers a search function. * Setup: The pylon 5 Runtime (1394).exe, pylon 5 Runtime (GEV).exe, and pylon 5 Runtime (USB).exe setups are not available anymore. You can use the pylon 5 Runtime.exe command line interface options instead. * USB3: Changed the Grab_UsingSequencer sample because after turning on the sequencer when using newer camera models, the pixel format cannot be changed anymore. * USB3: Improved error message if opening the camera fails due to hardware problems. * pylon.NET: Fixed an internal issue regarding the encoding of non-ASCII strings. * pylonC: Added MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows) to the list of Windows OS compilers in GenApiCDefines.h. pylonC has not been tested with MinGW, though. * DirectShow: Improved the display name when selecting camera devices. * SDK: Added Extend option to the InconvertibleEdgeHandling parameter of the CImageFormatConverter class. With this option, rows and columns that cannot be converted are extrapolated for Bayer images. CORRECTIONS ==================== * pylon Viewer: Fixed an issue where the feature tree in the Bandwidth Manager was initially not expanded. * pylon Viewer: Removed the help button where no help is available. * pylon Viewer: Fixed an issue where the camera was stopped after recording. The stream state is restored now. * pylon Viewer: Fixed an issue where the feature tree was not refreshed correctly. * pylon Viewer: Fixed an issue where the replay frame rate was not calculated correctly. * Setup: Fixed an issue where the IP Configurator was not installed after an upgrade installation. * Setup: Fixed an issue where the setup could fail to install into the Program Files folder on Windows 64-bit versions. * GigE Vision: Fixed an issue where the IP address and the port in the IP configuration settings of the stream grabber were always zero initially. * GigE Vision: Fixed an issue where changing the heartbeat timeout did not work. * GigE Vision: Fixed an issue where errors were incorrectly classified, e.g., as information. Now, they are classified correctly as errors. * DirectShow: Fixed an issue that could cause the DirectShow source filter to not work under Windows 10 64-bit. * SDK: Fixed the format of lists in the CImageFormatConverter documentation. * SDK: Enabled building of pylon samples with MS Visual Studio 2017. * SDK: Fixed an issue in the Grab_UsingSequencer sample for cameras with the SequenceConfigurationMode feature. * pylon.NET: Fixed an issue in the sample solutions debug configuration. * pylon.NET: Fixed an issue where extension methods could not be used with VB.NET 2015. RESTRICTIONS ================== * SDK: Using Visual Studio 2017, you may get the MSB4211 warning. To remove the warning, specify the version of the Windows SDK in the Release and Debug project properties (Configuration Properties -> General -> Windows SDK Version). * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes can acquire images from a maximum of 21 cameras. * pylon.NET: Some VB.NET API samples fail to compile on VB.NET 2015 when using implicit cast operators of the API. As a workaround the following syntax can be used: ' Original sample using an enum parameter camera.Parameters(PLCamera.TriggerSelector).GetValue() ' Sample using an enum parameter with workaround camera.Parameters(EnumName.op_Implicit(PLCamera.TriggerSelector)).GetValue() * pylon.NET: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * pylon.NET: Writing of AVI files is currently not supported by the new pylon .NET API. You can work around this issue by using the AviWriter functions of the classic pylon C .NET API. * pylon.NET: Handling of camera events is currently not supported by the new pylon .NET API. * pylon.NET: Feature persistence (loading and saving of camera parameters from and to files) is currently not supported by the new pylon .NET API. * General: If you run the GUI applications using the built-in Administrator account on Windows 10, some Help/Support features may not work due to security restrictions. * GigE Vision: Multicast is currently not supported when using the socket driver. * USB3: Currently, pylon has been tested with Renesas and Intel Ivy Bridge USB3 host controllers. pylon may work with other controllers, but some functionalities may not work as expected. * USB3: For optimum performance, install the latest driver and firmware for your USB 3.0 host controller. * USB3: NEC USB 3.0 host controllers are not supported. * USB3: The USB Configurator may crash when pressing the refresh button immediately after having connected or disconnected USB devices. * Limited Firewire (IEEE1394) support under Windows 8 and higher: The pylon drivers for IEEE1394 have been tested successfully with the 64-bit versions of Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. However, as newer Windows versions (8 and higher) no longer explicitly support Firewire, Basler may decide to discontinue Firewire support under Windows 8 and higher completely in upcoming pylon releases. Basler strongly recommends NOT to use Firewire as a camera interface for applications running under Windows 8 or higher. There is no support for Firewire cameras on the 32-bit versions of Windows 8 and higher. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960, and 1280 x 1024 may not work. In that case, adjust the image height or width slightly. - It is recommended to use the Windows Media Player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC Media Player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC Media Player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC Media Player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2016-08-17 VERSION: 5.0.5 (Windows 7, 8.1, 10) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ========================= Applications built with pylon 5.0.0 are compatible with pylon 5.0.5. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ========================= * General: Windows 8.0 is no longer supported. * General: Updated to GenICam version 3.0.1 (SVN revision 3890). * General: Improved processing performance of the GenICam description file. Improved processing performance when creating devices. * General: New license agreement for this pylon release (see pylon License.rtf) * pylon Viewer: When saving an image during image capture, the display will be frozen until the image has been saved. * pylon Viewer: The device list will now display a "No camera interface has been installed" message in case there are no interfaces/TLs available. * Setup: In case of an installation error all log files are now combined into one big file. * Setup: Setup now displays a warning if it is started without administrative rights. * Setup: Setup will now add a shortcut to the Basler website where you can download 3rd party USB host controller drivers. * Setup: The 'allowdowngrade' command line switch has been removed. * GigE Vision: New GEV filter driver supports all Windows versions from Windows 7 up to Windows 10 in 32 bit and 64 bit. * GigE Vision: The GigE socket driver is now available on all platforms. * pylon.NET: New pylon.NET SDK. * Twain: New TWAIN data source for 64-bit applications. CORRECTIONS ==================== * pylon Viewer: Fixed an issue where the zoom feature did not work for some image sizes. * pylon Viewer: The zoom steps have been optimized. * pylon Viewer: From now on the "Set fixed playback speed" feature in the recording options will only be used when enabled. * pylon Viewer: Fixed an issue where the parameters of the pixel format converter could be modified without having any effect. * Setup: Fixed an issue where errors during setup could be ignored. * Setup: Fixed an issue where driver install/remove could fail when a user name contained spaces. * Setup: Fixed the location of the GeniCam cache folder. * Setup: Fixed an issue where msi packages from the pylon installer were not correctly added to the Windows package cache. * Setup: Fixed an issue where the filter driver couldn't be installed on systems where the maximum number of filter drivers had been exceeded. * Setup: Fixed an issue where the CLSERIALPATH environment variable was not set correctly. * Setup: Fixed several minor user interface issues. * USB3: Fixed an issue where a timeout occurred when the waiting time for an image or a camera event exceeded 10 minutes. * USB3: Fixed an issue in the USB Configurator where some newer ace models were mistakenly identified as USB2 devices. * SDK: pylon can now handle file names containing unicode characters. * SDK: Some entries in the Windows help index contained full paths instead of class names. * SDK: Corrected the documentation of the CInstantCamera::StartGrabbing method's maxImages parameter. * SDK: Corrected timeout message text that occurred when the 'GrabStrategy_UpcomingImage' grab strategy was used. * SDK: Fixed an issue where the parameters of the image format converter nodemap could be modified without having any effect. * SDK: Loading of additional pylon DLLs has been adjusted to simplify copy deployment. * SDK: Removed obsolete GENICAM_BUILD definition. GenICam will always try to link to the supplied release version. * SDK: Fixed an issue with VB sample build. * SDK: The VB6 TLB has been removed. * SDK: Fixed several minor issues. * GenICam: Fixed an issue that caused special characters to be escaped in XML output (issue 1583). * GenICam: The content of the node is accessible (issue 1582). * GenICam: Removed 'void _LoadXMLFromFile(Vendor, Model);' excess method declaration (issue 1584). * GenICam: Eliminated exception that occurred when running GenICam without logging or caching (issue 1579). * GenICam: Removed duplicate definition of GetGenICamRoot (issue 1580). * pylon.NET: Fixed a race condition in Basler.Pylon.Camera. * pylon.NET: Added load methods to Basler.Pylon.ImagePersistence. * pylon.NET: Basler.Pylon.ImagePersistence.Save() now throws an ArgumentNullException instead of NullReferenceException when you pass null arguments. * pylon.NET: Added a new overload to Basler.Pylon.ImageWindow.DisplayImage to allow passing raw buffers. * pylon.NET: Added raw device access. * pylon.NET: Fixed documentation links. * Twain: Fixed an issue where the Twain driver always switched the pixel type to Mono8 on USB3 cameras. RESTRICTIONS ================== * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes cannot acquire images from more than 21 cameras. * pylon.NET: Some VB.NET API samples fail to compile on VB.NET 2015 when using extension methods or implicit cast operators of the API. * pylon.NET: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * pylon.NET: Writing of AVI files is currently not supported by the new pylon .NET API. You can work around this issue by using the AviWriter functions of the classic pylon C .NET API. * pylon.NET: Handling of camera events is currently not supported by the new pylon .NET API. * pylon.NET: Feature persistence (loading and saving of camera parameters from and to files) is currently not supported by the new pylon .NET API. * General: If you run the GUI applications using the built-in Administrator account on Windows 10, some Help/Support features may not work due to security restrictions. * GigE Vision: Multicast is currently not supported when using the socket driver. * USB3: Currently, pylon has been tested with Renesas and Intel Ivy Bridge USB3 host controllers. pylon may work with other controllers, but some functionalities may not work as expected. * USB3: For optimum performance, install the latest driver and firmware for your USB 3.0 host controller. * USB3: NEC USB 3.0 host controllers are not supported. * USB3: The USB Configurator may crash when pressing the refresh button immediately after having attached or detached USB devices. * Limited Firewire (IEEE1394) support under Windows 8 and higher: The pylon drivers for IEEE1394 have been tested successfully with the 64-bit versions of Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. However, as newer Windows versions (8 and higher) no longer explicitly support Firewire, Basler may decide to discontinue Firewire support under Windows 8 and higher completely in upcoming pylon releases. Basler strongly recommends NOT to use Firewire as a camera interface for applications running under Windows 8 or higher. There is no support for Firewire cameras on the 32-bit versions of Windows 8 and higher. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640 x 480, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960, and 1280 x 1024 may not work. In that case, slightly adjust the image height or width. - It is recommended to use the Windows Media Player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC Media Player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC Media Player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC Media Player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2015-10-31 VERSION: 5.0.0 (Windows 7, 8.0, 8.1, 10) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ========================= Applications built with pylon 4.x.x are incompatible with pylon 5.0.0. Applications built with pylon 5.0.0 are incompatible with pylon 4.x.x. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ========================= !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ATTENTION! pylon 5 introduces breaking changes regarding the C++ API. Existing code must be reviewed and changed where necessary even if it compiles without errors. Basler strongly recommends reading the Migration topic in the pylon C++ API documentation that gets installed with pylon to find out the exact nature of the changes. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * pylon Software Suite: Windows 10 is now supported. * pylon Software Suite: Updated to the latest GenICam reference implementation v3.0, introducing big improvements in performance and reduced memory footprint. * pylon Software Suite: The config file registry is now optional and will not be installed anymore. It is possible to add a folder named ConfigFileRegistry in the Runtime directory for adding additional binding rule files if needed. The name of a binding rule file must start with the prefix "Rules". * Setup: pylon is deployed using a new, easier to use installer. * Setup: The folder layout of the installation has changed to simplify copy deployment. * Setup: The environment variables PYLON_ROOT, PYLONC_ROOT, PYLON_GENICAM_VERSION, and PYLON_GENICAM_ROOT are obsolete and no longer set by the Installer. PYLON_DEV_DIR can be used instead when developing applications that use pylon. The PATH environment variable is always extended by the installer. * SDK: pylon now supports copy deployment. Any copy deployed pylon DLLs must not be reachable via the PATH environment variable. * SDK: Deprecated C++ header files have been removed. * SDK: The deprecated AlertableWaitObject C++ class has been removed. * SDK: C\C++ DLL names have changed, project settings need to be adjusted. * SDK: C++ Exceptions are no longer derived from std::exception. * SDK: PylonInitialize() and PylonTerminate() C++ API functions are now reference counted. Each call to PylonInitialize() must be balanced by a call to PylonTerminate(). * SDK: The pylon Bootstrapper feature is obsolete and has been removed. * SDK: Added support for recent versions of Basler USB 3.0 and GigE cameras. * SDK: Added support for BayerGR10p, BayerGB10p, BayerRG10p, and BayerBG10p pixel formats. * SDK: CInstantCamera has been extended by the CanWaitForFrameTriggerReady() method for better support of dart and pulse camera models. * SDK: The C++ sample code has been improved for better support of dart and pulse camera models. * SDK: The pylon .NET controls preview has been removed. The new C#/VB.NET API preview is still available. * pylon Viewer: The Save Image dialog now remembers the selected image type. Additionally, the image name is preset to a unique default each time you save an image. * pylon Viewer: The maximum settable playback speed for AVI recording has been increased to 999. * USB3: Changed the default value for 'Maximum Transfer Size' for USB2 cameras to 64 kB. CORRECTIONS ==================== * pylon Viewer: Fixed an issue where stored AVI compression codec settings could not be applied if the 32-bit and the 64-bit version of the pylon Viewer had been used on the same machine. * pylon Viewer: Fixed an issue with the Recording feature where image intervals of more than 5 minutes did not work. * pylon Viewer: Fixed an issue where the pylon Viewer could crash when closing a camera. * IP Configurator: Fixed message text in Contact Support dialog. * USB Configurator: Fixed message text in Contact Support dialog. * USB3: Fixed an issue where accessing camera parameters could introduce lag to image streaming. * SDK: Fixed an issue that caused Visual Studio 2015 builds to fail because of the new C++11 user-defined literal operator that is now supported by Visual Studio 2015. * GigE: Fixed an issue that caused the enumeration of the cameras to fail when using a very large number of network adapters. RESTRICTIONS ================== * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes cannot acquire images from more than 21 cameras. * SDK: Some VB.NET API preview samples fail to compile on VB.NET 2015 when using extension methods. * pylon .NET APIs: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, enable the Managed Compatibility mode in the Visual Studio Debugger options. * USB3: Currently, pylon has been tested with Renesas and Intel Ivy Bridge USB3 host controllers. pylon may work with other controllers, but some functionalities may not work as expected. * USB3: For optimum performance, make sure to install the latest driver and firmware for your USB 3.0 host controller. * USB3: NEC USB 3.0 host controllers are not supported. * USB3: The USB Configurator may crash when pressing the refresh button immediately after attaching or detaching USB devices. * Limited Firewire (IEEE1394) support under Windows 8 and higher: The pylon drivers for IEEE1394 have been tested successfully with the 64-bit versions of Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. However, as newer Windows versions (8 and higher) no longer explicitly support Firewire, Basler may decide to discontinue Firewire support under Windows 8 and higher completely in upcoming pylon releases. Basler strongly recommends NOT to use Firewire as a camera interface for applications running under Windows 8 or higher. There is no support for Firewire cameras on the 32-bit versions of Windows 8 and higher. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640x480, 1280x720, 1280x960, and 1280x1024 may not work. In that case, slightly adjust the image height or width. - It is recommended to use the Windows media player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC media player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC media player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC media player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. * Currently the GigE Filter Driver does not work on Windows 10. pylon 5 supplies a socket-based alternative until the issue is resolved. ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ pylon 4 Camera Software Suite RELEASE NOTES ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2015-07-10 VERSION: 4.2.2 (Windows 7, 8.0, 8.1) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ========================= Applications built with pylon 4.2.1 or 4.2.0 are compatible with pylon 4.2.2. Applications built with pylon 4.2.2 are compatible with pylon 4.2.1 if no API features introduced with pylon 4.2.2 are used. Applications built with pylon 4.2.2 are compatible with pylon 4.2.0 if no API features introduced with pylon 4.2.2 or 4.2.1 are used. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ========================= * USB3: Added driver and USB Configurator support for pulse camera devices. * pylon Viewer: Improved the Automatic Image Adjustment feature for dart and pulse camera devices. CORRECTIONS ==================== * pylon .NET Developer Preview: Fixed a stack corruption problem that caused 32-bit applications to unexpectedly abort with error code 0xC0000409. * SDK: Fixed missing entry for Mono10p pixel type in Pylon::CPixelTypeMapper class. Mono10p can now be displayed by the pylon Viewer. * USB Configurator: Fixed update driver feature for dart camera devices. * pylon Viewer: Fixed a problem that caused the pylon Viewer to generate additional CPU load in idle state. RESTRICTIONS ================== * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes cannot acquire images from more than 21 cameras. * pylon .NET APIs: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, you must enable the Managed Compatibility mode for the Visual Studio debugger. * USB3: Currently, pylon has been tested with Renesas and Intel Ivy Bridge USB3 host controllers. pylon may work with other controllers, but some functionalities may not work as expected. * USB3: For optimum performance, make sure to install the latest driver and firmware for your USB 3.0 host controller. * USB3: NEC USB 3.0 host controllers are not supported. * USB3: The USB Configurator may crash when pressing the refresh button immediately after attaching or detaching USB devices. * Limited Firewire (IEEE1394) support under Windows 8 and higher: The pylon drivers for IEEE1394 have been tested successfully with the 64-bit versions of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. However, as newer Windows versions (8 and higher) no longer explicitly support Firewire, Basler may decide to discontinue Firewire support Windows 8 and higher completely in upcoming pylon releases for Basler strictly recommends NOT to use Firewire as a camera interface for applications running on Windows 8 or higher. There is no support for Firewire cameras on the 32-bit versions of Windows 8. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640x480, 1280x720, 1280x960, and 1280x1024 may not work. In that case, slightly adjust the image height or width. - It is recommended to use the Windows media player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC media player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC media player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC media player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2015-01-05 VERSION: 4.2.1 (Windows 7, 8.0, 8.1) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ========================= Applications built with pylon 4.2.0 are compatible with pylon 4.2.1. Applications built with pylon 4.2.1 are compatible with pylon 4.2.0 if no API features introduced with pylon 4.2.1 are used. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ========================= * pylon .NET Developer Preview: An alpha release of the new pylon Easy SDK which includes - WPF user controls to easily design and build GUI based applications to work with Basler cameras - an easy-to-use new .NET API. Some features, like an AVI writer, are not implemented yet and will be added in the next versions. The preview also contains a viewer example based on the new WPF controls including source code and a Visual Studio solution. Please note that the project must be built before the WPF designer can display the MainWindow's XAML. * pylon Viewer: Added the "Automatic Image Adjustment" feature to automatically make all settings necessary to get a good image under current conditions. This feature is available for ace and dart cameras. * SDK: Added support for the latest Basler USB 3.0 cameras. CORRECTIONS ==================== * Installer: Fixed an issue where the installer locked up. * SDK: The SoftwareTrigger Configuration class did not work correctly with linescan cameras. * GigE: The device enumeration mechanism may have missed cameras if a certain number of connected cameras was exceeded. * USB3: Fixed a memory leak that occurred when IDeviceFactory::IsDeviceAccessible for USB 3.0 cameras was called. RESTRICTIONS ================== * SDK: The InstantCameraArray classes cannot acquire images from more than 21 cameras. * pylon .NET APIs: If native debugging is enabled for your .NET project and if your project is referencing pylon assemblies, the application may crash when running it under the Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 debugger. To avoid this issue, you must enable the Managed Compatibility mode for the Visual Studio debugger. * USB3: Currently, pylon has been tested with Renesas and Intel Ivy Bridge USB3 host controllers. pylon may work with other controllers, but some functionalities may not work as expected. * USB3: For optimum performance, make sure to install the latest driver and firmware for your USB 3.0 host controller. * USB3: NEC USB 3.0 host controllers are not supported. * USB3: The USB Configurator may crash when pressing the refresh button immediately after attaching or detaching USB devices. * Limited Firewire (IEEE1394) support under Windows 8 and higher: The pylon drivers for IEEE1394 have been tested successfully with the 64-bit versions of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. However, as newer Windows versions (8 and higher) no longer explicitly support Firewire, Basler may decide to discontinue Firewire support Windows 8 and higher completely in upcoming pylon releases for Basler strictly recommends NOT to use Firewire as a camera interface for applications running on Windows 8 or higher. There is no support for Firewire cameras on the 32-bit versions of Windows 8. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640x480, 1280x720, 1280x960, and 1280x1024 may not work. In that case, slightly adjust the image height or width. - It is recommended to use the Windows media player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC media player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC media player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC media player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2014-09-26 VERSION: 4.2.0 (Windows 7, 8.0, 8.1) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ========================= Applications built with pylon 4.1.x are incompatible with pylon 4.2.0. Applications built with pylon 4.2.0 are incompatible with pylon 4.1.x. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ========================= * Support for the dart camera family. * pylon Viewer: Favorites: For faster access to frequently used features, features can be placed in the "Favorites" category either by using the context menu or by using drag & drop. * pylon Viewer: Improved the fps display. * SDK: Added support for the latest Basler GigE and USB cameras. * SDK: Added support and samples for the sequencer feature of USB cameras. CORRECTIONS ==================== * SDK: ITransportLayer::ReleaseTl() did not always free the resources allocated by a transport layer. This fix may affect applications accidentally calling ReleaseTl() too often. Ensure that for every call of CTlFactory::CreateTl() there is only one ReleaseTl() call. * SDK: Fixed thread-safety issues with the CTlFactory class. * pylon Viewer: No camera features were shown if a device could only be opened at second attempt. * pylon Viewer: Fixed problems occurring when enabling the Line Pitch camera feature. * pylon Viewer: The "Copy Camera Features" menu entry only became available after the first image had been grabbed. * USB3: Exception may have been thrown when closing the camera. * USB3: Fixed problems occurring when enabling the Line Pitch camera feature. * USB3: Statistics: Incomplete frames were counted as 'missed frames'. * GigE: Fixed resource leak that occurred when using action commands. * AviWriter: Fixed problem that occurred when frame insertion rate was less then one per second. * Direct Show: When selecting the YCbCr422 pixel format, no images were displayed. RESTRICTIONS ================== * USB3: Currently, pylon has been tested with Renesas and Intel Ivy Bridge USB3 host controllers. pylon may work with other controllers, but some functionalities may not work as expected. * USB3: For optimum performance, make sure to install the latest driver and firmware for your USB 3 host controller. * USB3: NEC USB 3.0 host controllers are not supported. * USB3: The USB Configurator may crash when pressing the refresh button immediately after attaching or detaching USB devices. * Limited Firewire (IEEE1394) support under Windows 8 and higher: The pylon drivers for IEEE1394 have been tested successfully with the 64-bit versions of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. However, as newer Windows versions (8 and higher) no longer explicitly support Firewire, Basler may decide to discontinue Firewire support Windows 8 and higher completely in upcoming pylon releases for Basler strictly recommends NOT to use Firewire as a camera interface for applications running on Windows 8 or higher. There is no support for Firewire cameras on the 32-bit versions of Windows 8. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, some codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640x480, 1280x720, 1280x960, and 1280x1024 may not work. In that case, slightly adjust the image height or width. - It is recommended to use the Windows media player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC media player may not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files, the VLC media player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC media player may not render a video if the recording speed is less than 5 frames per second. As a workaround, navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2014-04-14 VERSION: 4.1.0 (Windows 7, 8.0, 8.1) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ========================= Applications built with pylon 4.0.x are incompatible with pylon 4.1.0. Applications built with pylon 4.1.0 are incompatible with pylon 4.0.x. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ========================= * Windows XP is no longer supported. * Windows 8.1 is supported. * pylon Viewer: Throughput and bandwidth values are now consistently depicted in MB/s (1,000,0000 Byte/s) instead of MiB/s (1,048,576 Byte/s). * pylon Viewer: Added context menus to the entries in the "Devices" pane. * pylon Viewer: Cameras can be explicitly opened and closed. Please note that a camera is no longer opened automatically by a single click. To open a camera, double-click the desired entry in the "Devices" group, or select the desired entry and open the camera via the context menu or toolbar button. * pylon Viewer: Added a message log window informing the user about notes, warnings, and errors. * pylon Viewer: Added a bandwidth manager for USB cameras. The Bandwidth Manager serves as an easy- to-use tool for adjusting and measuring the throughput of (multiple) USB cameras. * pylon Viewer: By default, the viewer now displays incompletely grabbed or corrupted frames. The number of successfully grabbed and corrupted frames is shown in the status bar of the image windows. * USB Configurator: A warning is shown if there are multiple direct transfer cameras connected to a single root hub. Connecting multiple direct transfer cameras may result in incomplete frames. * USB Configurator: A warning is shown if the bandwidth consumption of connected cameras might exceed the bandwidth provided by USB host controllers. * USB3: Added error message texts to the statistics parameters provided by the pylon USB Transport Layer and Stream Grabber objects. * GigE Vision: The Basler GigE performance driver supports the Intel Springville i210 series GigE network adapters. * GigE Vision: The Stream Grabber's statistic data remains readable after the grabbing has stopped. * SDK: Added the equivalents to the GenApi::ISelector interface methods to the pylon C & .Net APIs. * SDK: "Legacy" samples have been added illustrating how to add USB 3.0 support to applications still using the pylon low-level API. * SDK: Added a feature called "migration mode" to simplify the transition of existing applications to USB 3.0. * SDK: Added documentation and sample that illustrate the Buffer Factory. The Buffer Factory enables the Instant Camera classes to use memory provided by the application. * SDK: The pylon SDK for Visual Basic 6 is no longer included. * SDK: Visual Studio 6.0 is no longer supported by the pylon C API. * SDK: The API for the action command feature has been reworked. C and C# samples demonstrating the usage of action commands have been added. CORRECTIONS ==================== * USB3: Fixed a bug in the device enumeration which may have caused an incomplete USB 3.0 device list. * USB3: Implemented a solution for a bug in Intel's USB host controller driver which may cause an application to block while it is stopping to grab images. * USB3: Fixed a bug in the pylon Twain driver affecting USB cameras. * pylon Viewer: Fixed an issue which might cause the pylon Viewer to block in case of transmission errors caused by the usage of inappropriate USB cables. * GigE Vision: Fixed a bug which prevents devices to be enumerated when the PC is not connected to a network. * SDK: Fixed a memory leak that occurred when device-specific event handlers were registered. * SDK: Fixed a potential crash in the pylon Image Window. * SDK: Improved Instant Camera chunk data support. Instant Camera objects now can deal with an image stream consisting of both, frames with and frames without chunk data. RESTRICTIONS ================== * USB3: Currently pylon is tested with Renesas and Intel Ivy Bridge USB3 host controllers. pylon may work with other controllers, but some functionalities may not work as expected. * USB3: For optimum performance make sure to install the latest driver and firmware for your USB 3 host controller. * USB3: pylon only supports USB 3 host controllers. Cameras connected to a USB 2 port will not be detected/supported. You can use the USB Configurator to diagnose connection problems. * USB3: NEC USB 3.0 host controllers are not supported. * Limited Firewire (IEEE1394) support for Windows 8 and higher: The pylon drivers for IEEE1394 have been successfully tested with Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. However, as newer Windows versions (8 and higher) no longer explicitly support Firewire, Basler may decide to discontinue Firewire support completely in upcoming pylon releases for Windows 8 and higher. We strictly recommend NOT to use Firewire as camera interface for applications running with Windows 8 or higher. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, different codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, the use of image resolutions like 640x480, 1280x720, 1280x960, and 1280x1024 might not work. In that case, slightly adjust the image height or width. - It is recommended to use the Windows media player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC media player might not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files the VLC media player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC media player might not render a video if the recording speed is less than about 5 frames per second. As a workaround navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2013-12-20 VERSION: 4.0.2 (Windows XP, 7, 8.0) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ========================= Applications built with pylon 4.0.1 or 4.0.0 are compatible with pylon 4.0.2. Applications built with pylon 4.0.2 are compatible with pylon 4.0.1 if no API features introduced with pylon 4.0.2 are used. Applications built with pylon 4.0.2 are compatible with pylon 4.0.0 if no API features introduced with pylon 4.0.2 or 4.0.1 are used. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ========================= * pylon Viewer: Added recording feature. The feature allows the recording of video files (.avi) and image sequences. * GigE Vision: Added support for action commands and scheduled action commands allowing to trigger multiple cameras simultaneously. * SDK: Added support for recent versions of Basler USB 3.0 and GigE cameras. * SDK: Visual Studio 2013 is supported now. CORRECTIONS ==================== * pylon Viewer: Fixed an issue which may have caused the viewer to hang or crash when removing a USB camera. * USB3: Fixed an issue that could cause a deadlock when removing a USB camera. * USB Configurator: Fixed an issue causing the USB Configurator not to list USB devices. * USB Configurator: Fixed a problem with unicode characters in the support information dialog. * IP Configurator: The IP Configurator now refuses IP addresses from the reserved address range * Direct Show: Fixed an issue with the pylon Direct Show source filter on Windows 8 systems. * SDK: Increased too short timeouts in VB & .NET samples. RESTRICTIONS ================== * USB3: Currently pylon is tested with Renesas and Intel Ivy Bridge USB3 host controllers. pylon may work with other controllers, but some functionalities may not work as expected. * USB3: For optimum performance make sure to install the latest driver and firmware for your USB 3 host controller. * USB3: pylon only supports USB 3 host controllers. Cameras connected to a USB 2 port will not be detected/supported. You can use the USB Configurator to diagnose connection problems. * USB3: NEC USB 3.0 host controllers are not supported. * FireWire: FireWire is not supported on Windows 8 or higher operating system versions. The setup will not install FireWire components on Windows 8 or higher versions. You can still install FireWire components on Windows 7 and XP-based systems. * VB6: The pylon VB6 interface will be discontinued. It will still be included as is for backward compatibility. There are not going to be any new features, and the support will be discontinued. * AVI video recording: - When compression is enabled for AVI recording, different codecs may have certain restrictions with respect to the camera pixel format and image size. Example: When selecting the Xvid codec, using image resolutions like 640x480, 1280x720, 1280x960, and 1280x1024 might not work. In that case, slightly adjust the image height or width. - It is recommended to use the Windows media player for viewing the AVI files. - Depending on the camera's pixel format, image size, and the codec used for compression, the VLC media player might not play the recorded videos correctly. - For rendering uncompressed video files the VLC media player requires the image width to be a multiple of 4. - The VLC media player might not render a video if the recording speed is less than about 5 frames per second. As a workaround navigate to the "Input Codecs" section in the VLC's "Advanced Preferences" dialog and increase the value for the "File caching (ms)" setting. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2013-08-30 VERSION: 4.0.1 (Windows XP, 7, 8.0) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ========================= Applications built with pylon 4.0.0 are compatible with pylon 4.0.1. Applications built with pylon 4.0.1 are compatible with pylon 4.0.0 if no API features introduced with pylon 4.0.1 are used. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ========================= * USB3: Added support for recent versions of Basler USB 3.0 cameras. * USB3: Added/improved samples demonstrating event handling. * pylon Viewer: Added online help. * IP Configurator: Added facilities for providing user feedback and contacting Basler support by email. * Documentation: Updated migration guide. * PylonC/pylonC.NET: Extended the list of supported device info keys. CORRECTIONS ==================== * General: Administrative privileges were required for accessing the caching directory where downloaded camera XML files are cached. * pylon Viewer: Viewer now shows error message when contacting Basler support fails because no email client is installed. * pylon Viewer: Fixed an issue where the parameters of the pixel format converter could be modified without having an effect. * pylon Viewer: The viewer now suggests appropriate directories for saving feature settings and images. * pylon Viewer: Fixed a bug causing the viewer to terminate prematurely. * pylon Viewer: Fixed a bug that might have led to an endless sequence of error message boxes. * USB Configurator: Fixed an issue causing the USB Configurator to display certain root hubs as USB 2 instead of USB 3 devices. * USB Configurator: Fixed detection of USB 3 devices for several non-Intel and non-Renesas USB controller chipsets. * CL Configurator: Fixed a bug causing the Camera Link Configurator to prompt for multiple user confirmations at program exit. * USB3: Fixed off-by-one error in stream grabber statistics. * Direct Show: Fixed a bug causing Direct Show applications not to find a USB 3 camera. * SDK: Fixed spelling in pixel type mapper strings. * SDK: Added missing chunk image sample for USB 3. * Setup: Fixed an issue causing overlapping text rendering on the first installer wizard page. RESTRICTIONS ================== * USB3: Currently pylon is tested with Renesas and Intel Ivy Bridge USB 3 host controllers. pylon may work with other controllers, but some functionalities may not work as expected. * USB3: For optimum performance make sure to install the latest driver and firmware for your USB 3 host controller. * USB3: pylon only supports USB 3 host controllers. Cameras connected to a USB 2 port will not be detected/supported. You can use the USB Configurator to diagnose connection problems. * USB3: NEC USB 3.0 host controllers are not supported. * FireWire: FireWire is not supported on Windows 8 or higher operating system versions. The setup will not install FireWire components on Windows 8 or higher versions. You can still install FireWire components on Windows 7 and XP-based systems. * VB6: The pylon VB6 interface will be discontinued. It will still be included as is for backward compatibility. There are not going to be any new features, and the support will be discontinued. * DirectShow: The DirectShow source filter for Basler cameras might not work correctly under Windows 8. ################################################################################ RELEASE DATE: 2013-07-22 VERSION: 4.0.0 (Windows XP, 7, 8.0) ################################################################################ BINARY COMPATIBILITY ========================= Applications built with pylon 3.x.x are incompatible with pylon 4.0.0. Applications built with pylon 4.0.0 are incompatible with pylon 3.x.x. NEW FEATURES / CHANGES ========================= * General: The software has been renamed to "pylon 4 Camera Software Suite". * General: Starting with this version pylon officially supports Windows 8. Note: FireWire is not supported under Windows 8 (see restrictions below). * pylon Viewer: Added a new "Submit feedback" command to the Help menu. * pylon Viewer: Added a new "Contact support" command to the Help menu. * pylon Viewer: Added a slider and spin buttons for float values in the feature tree. * USB3: Starting with this version pylon supports Basler's new USB 3 Vision cameras. * USB3: Added a new application, the USB Configurator. The USB Configurator is an easy to use tool to improve USB performance and diagnose possible problems using USB cameras and controllers. * GigE Vision: Since pylon 3.2.3 an updated pylon Performance GigE driver is included. In addition to the currently supported chipsets the newer Intel chipsets I340 and I350 are now supported. * SDK: Visual Studio 2012 is now officially supported. * SDK: Added a new GetSfncVersion() function to determine the SNFC version of a device. This aids when determining which camera features are available. * SDK: CPixelTypeMapper::GetnameByPixelType can be passed a SNFC Version to perform the mapping. If none is specified, the behavior of pylon 3.x is used. * SDK: The GrabResultData has an additional function, the GetBufferContext(), to access the buffer context, which can be specified when using custom buffer factories. * pylonC/pylonC.NET: Added a new function, the GenApiNodeGetAlias(), to retrieve the alias node of a float node. * pylonC: Fixed const correctness of pBuffer parameter in PylonImagePersistenceSave(), PylonAviWriterAdd(), PylonImageWindowSetImage() and PylonImageWindowDisplayImage(). CORRECTIONS ==================== * pylon Viewer: Corrected an issue which may have led to read-only features in the feature tree, not being selectable anymore. * pylon Viewer: The viewer now correctly displays images with varying dimensions during a continuous grab, i.E when using the sequencer feature on the camera. * pylon Viewer: Corrected an issue where the window layout of the pylon Viewer could be changed without user action when there was an error during camera access. * Setup: A shortcut to the "pylon Viewer (Multicast Monitor)" will only be created, if the user installs GigE support. * Setup: Prevented the black command windows from being briefly displayed during installation. * GigE Vision: Corrected an issue in the IP Configurator which prevented the successful configuration of some older cameras. * pylonC.NET: Corrected a possible NullReferenceException when using the AviWriter with the compression options dialog. * pylonC.NET: Corrected an issue where an ArgumentException: "Key already exits" could be thrown when registering a removal callback for two or more cameras simultaneously. RESTRICTIONS ================== * USB3: Currently pylon is tested with Renesas and Intel Ivy Bridge USB 3 host controllers. pylon may work with other controllers, but some functionality may not work as expected. * USB3: For optimal performance you should make sure to install the latest driver and firmware for your USB 3 host controller. * USB3: pylon only supports USB 3 host controllers. Cameras connected to a USB 2 port will not be detected/supported. You can use the USB Configurator to diagnose connection problems. * USB3: If you do not use an Renesas or Intel Ivy Bridge host controller, the USB Configurator may report incorrectly that a USB 2 controller has been detected. * FireWire: FireWire is not supported on Windows 8 or higher operating system versions. The setup will not install FireWire components on Windows 8 or higher versions. You can still install FireWire components on Windows 7 and XP-based systems. * VB6: The pylon VB6 interface will be discontinued. It will still be included as is for backward compatibility. There are not going to be any new features, and the support will be discontinued. * DirectShow: The DirectShow source filter for Basler cameras might not work correctly under Windows 8.