Macro Lens Calculator

This macro lens calculator is specific to the CABR400 Basler Runner ruL2098-10gc camera with ON Semi KLI-2113 sensor having 14.00 x 14.00 micron pixels and 2,048 x 3 resolution.

Please let us know if you experience any problems using this calculator.

Complete the fields below to calculate the magnification of the ideal lens.

Complete the fields below to calculate the aproximate field of view.

These lens calculators are for macro machine vision lenses, used to image small objects. These calculators have already applied the pixel size and resolution of the CABR400 Basler Runner ruL2098-10gc camera with ON Semi KLI-2113 sensor having 14.00 x 14.00 micron pixels and 2,048 x 3 resolution. Note you may specify an area-of-interest smaller than the camera's full resolution.

All dimensional values are in millimeters.
First enter your application parameters in Calculator #1. This will help you determine the ideal lens magnification.
You're not likely to find a lens having the exact magnification suggested by Calculator #1. Typically, you'll want to select the first available lens having a lower magnification. This will result in a slightly larger field of view.
You can use Calculator #2 to determine the field of view provided by a lens having a particular magnification.
Calculators assume field of view width is in direction of the camera sensor's width. If your field of view's height is greater than it's width, consider rotating the camera 90 degress.
If the calculator is suggesting a lens having a magnification less than .33, then you probably don't need a macro lens. Try an entocentric lens instead.
Having trouble finding a lens with a small enough magnification? Try our Entocentric Lens Calculator.
There are many other factors to consider beyond lens magnification. We'd be glad to help you select a lens appropriate for your project.